Pipette poisoning in cats - Symptoms and first aid

Pipette poisoning in cats - Symptoms and first aid
Pipette poisoning in cats - Symptoms and first aid
Pipette poisoning in cats
Pipette poisoning in cats

Felines are very sensitive to chemicals, certain medications and even certain foods. The pipette poisoning in cats can appear after the absorption of a product through the skin, but also if the cat licks itself or another feline that in its mantle contains some chemical substance. It could also be caused by accidental ingestion.

The pipettes containing active ingredients to eliminate eggs and some parasites such as fleas. They are very effective, however, you must be very careful, as they could be lethal to your feline and, if they are allergic and you are confused at the time of administration, you could cause death.

In this article we will delve into pipette poisoning in cats, explaining what are the symptoms that we can notice in our feline and the first aid to apply.

Symptoms of pipette poisoning in cats

There are some side effects of the pipette for cats that can occur and it is essential that we know how to identify them in order to act quickly. If you have recently dewormed your cat by applying a pipette and you suspect that he may be poisoned, you should go to the vet urgently.

The Symptoms of pipette poisoning in cats are:

  • Hypersensitivity to noise
  • Hypersensitivity to light
  • Weak hind legs
  • Constant trembling of the ears
  • Twitches
  • Jaw crepitus
  • Muscular lack of coordination
  • Seizures in severe cases
  • Salivation
  • Pupil dilation
  • Tics
  • Temperature rise
  • Lack of appetite
  • Apathy and discouragement
  • Nervous spasms
Pipette poisoning in cats - Symptoms of pipette poisoning in cats
Pipette poisoning in cats - Symptoms of pipette poisoning in cats

How does pipette poisoning occur in cats?

We must know that the content of the pipettes is absorbed through the skinPoisoning can occur when the components are too strong for the individual's body. It generally occurs when these products are purchased without veterinary advice. Poisoning can also occur when we use spray in the environment, by putting a dog pipette on the cat, when the cat licks the pipette, etc.

It is essential to emphasize that pipettes must always be prescribed by the veterinarian, since the weight of the animal must be taken into account, your he alth and other factors. We should never buy a pipette without a prescription, much less those that do not have studies to support their effectiveness.

Treatment of pipette poisoning in cats

The absorption of these products, even in very small amounts, can cause poisoning in the cat. We must also know that intoxications can be very mild or severe, in which case the death of the individual could occur. The most common are the fipronil pipette for cats and permethrin.

When a cat is poisoned, it is best to immediately go to the vet to be hospitalized and kept under observation, unless it presents a very mild condition.

It will also depend on the substance you have ingested, depending on the case you will be treated with the appropriate antidotes and they will be applied through intravenous fluids to completely cleanse your body.

The veterinarian will wash the cat to be able to remove the remains of the liquid from the pipette that have not been absorbed, to prevent them from causing seizures. Once you have done all this, you will apply the treatment that you consider necessary for the subsequent symptoms that have manifested and that have affected the digestive, hepatic, renal or neurological system.

Pipette poisoning in cats - Treatment of pipette poisoning in cats
Pipette poisoning in cats - Treatment of pipette poisoning in cats

Can I put dog pipettes on my cat?

It is essential to highlight that we should never apply a dog pipette to a cat, since these products are specifically formulated for dogs, containing various chemical compounds that are toxic to felines, although they are not to dogs.

Some of the chemicals used for dog pipettes are harmful to cats. If you did not know this information, you already know that you should not apply it to your cat because it could cause strong intoxication.
