Natural Remedies for Horse Flies
Natural Remedies for Horse Flies

Flies are more than just annoying insects. Not only do they bother horses, but they can bite them, causing skin problems, as well as transmitting diseases or laying their eggs on them. Without a doubt, we must act to protect our horse. Many keepers prefer to resort to natural remedies for flies in horses There are some and they can provide relief, but it is also advisable to use insecticides that, in addition to their repellent effect, achieve reduce the population of flies. We explain it in this article on our site.

The importance of controlling flies

Especially during the hottest times of the year, when they proliferate, flies can become a huge nuisance for horses Some flies do not bite, but when feeding on body secretions they are equally annoying. In addition, they can impair wound healing and irritate delicate areas such as the genitals, breasts or nostrils. In the eyes they can cause conjunctivitis.

On the other hand, those that do itch are an additional problem, since they cause itching, chafing and even wounds that the horses themselves produce when they try to relieve themselves by rubbing and scratching. In addition, they can transmit diseases and myiasis if they lay their eggs inside the body, for example in a wound or cavity. Also, don't forget that some horses have allergic reactions to stings.

Due to all these discomforts, the horse will feel very restless and uncomfortable. In other words, flies are a considerable source of stress For all these reasons, and to avoid more serious problems, it is best to prevent flies from attacking our horse, although if it shows any lesions derived from its bites, we also have to contact the veterinarian to treat the lesions it already has.

Normally we focus our attention on killing the adult flies, which are the ones that directly bother the horse, but it would also be interesting, especially when the population is very large, to eliminate the immature stages, that is, eggs, larvae and pupae. Some people, before using insecticides, prefer to opt for more natural options, considering them better for the animal and, of course, safer for the environment. We review them in the following sections.

Natural Remedies for Horse Flies - The Importance of Controlling Flies
Natural Remedies for Horse Flies - The Importance of Controlling Flies

Anti-fly for horses

The first idea to combat the flies that bother our horse is to establish a physical barrier, that is, to put something on the horse that prevents flies from touching your skin. If you are a bit crafty, at home you can make some to measure to cover the parts of your body that need more protection. Otherwise, you can always go to a specialized establishment and acquire what you are looking for. There are several options:

  • Masks: they cover the horse's head, including its ears, with a mosquito net, so that it can still see, but the flies they can't access your face.
  • Light blankets: they are placed on the animal's body and cover the back, rump, neck and chest. The tail is free, which helps the horse to shoo away the flies himself.
  • Earmuffs: as the name suggests, they cover only that part of the anatomy that is as sensitive as the ears.
  • Headband: is designed to protect your eyes. It fits on the head and consists of thin straps that fall on them.
Natural remedies for flies in horses - Anti-moscas for horses
Natural remedies for flies in horses - Anti-moscas for horses

Fly repellents for horses

You must bear in mind that repellents only prevent adult flies from landing on the horse, but they will do nothing against the egg, larva or pupa stages, so if the presence of flies is very intense, it is likely that we will not achieve the expected success.

On the other hand, it is essential that, if we opt for this option, we use only those products that are suitable for the horseIf you have any doubts, always check with your vet before applying anything. If you want to make your own repellent, the solution that mixes water and apple cider vinegar in equal parts is widely used. You have to spray it well all over the body and on the face you can apply it by wetting a cloth or towel and passing it gently to avoid any spray that could enter the eyes. In any case, it is advisable to use it the first time in a small area and observe for a few hours in case any adverse reaction occurs. Citronella or eucalyptus essential oils diluted in water are another natural repellent option, as is garlicorally.

The main problem with natural repellents is that you have to apply them very often, practically every day, to get protection, since they do not have a residual effect, that is, they do not remain on the horse to protect it from reinfestation. In any case, the fact that we use natural remedies does not mean that they cannot be toxic, so it is always a good idea to consult the veterinarian first to make sure that we are using them correctly. As a sample you can read this article on Toxic plants for horses.

Natural remedies for flies in horses - Fly repellents for horses
Natural remedies for flies in horses - Fly repellents for horses

Biological control of flies

This alternative is perhaps little known, but it couldn't be more natural and ecological. It involves resorting to parasitoids, which are organisms that feed on a host to the point of causing its death. In this case we would have to look for a parasitoid capable of feeding on fly larvae. In other words, they resort to their natural predators. For this purpose, wasp larvae are used, which are the ones that would feed on houseflies, stable flies and other common flies. You can acquire fly pupae already parasitized with these wasps and simply wait for them to continue their life cycle.

Avoid flies in the stable

In addition to acting directly on the horse, the stable is another important point of attention if we want to keep our horse safe from flies, especially when we find them in a very high number. In fact, when faced with a serious fly problem, housing the animal during the day is one of the options to protect it. mosquito nets can be placed in the stable, but it is also possible to resort to measures that reduce the presence of flies both in the stables and in the surroundings. To do this, follow these recommendations:

  • Keep it hygienic, cleaning and picking up scraps and utensils.
  • Eliminates wet spots and standing water, including monitoring the drinker.
  • Do not accumulate manure. Remove it frequently to avoid attracting flies.
  • Use automatic drinkers, more hygienic.
  • Begins to implement preventive measures at the beginning of the season. Don't wait for the fly population to get out of control.

If ticks are your problem more than flies, we recommend you read the article Home remedies for ticks in horses.
