The 15 most endangered fish in the world - CAUSES

The 15 most endangered fish in the world - CAUSES
The 15 most endangered fish in the world - CAUSES
Endangered Fish
Endangered Fish

Endangered fish inhabit waters of all kinds: cold and warm, in various seas, rivers and oceans. Despite the efforts of various organizations around the world, new individuals are regularly added to the IUCN red list, do you want to know which ones? In this article on our site we will show you the 15 most endangered fish, with updated data.

Some of these species are massively captured for consumption or placement in ornamental aquariums. Others are affected by illegal fishing or inadequate techniques that do not respect the seabed or vulnerable species. Below we will talk in depth about the threatened fish species

1. Napoleon fish

The first specimen on our list of endangered fish is the Wrasse wrasse (Cheilinus undulatus), which inhabits the Pacific oceans and Indian. Despite this, the Red List of the International Union of Endangered Species (IUCN), indicates that it is estimated that there are between 10 and 20 specimens per hectare in the places it frequents, that is, its population density is very low.

This species lives on reefs and feeds on crustaceans. Napoleon wrasse specimens are hermaphrodite animals and all are born female, but for reasons still unknown some become male over the years. It is in danger of extinction (EN) mainly due to illegal fishing.

Endangered fish - 1. Napoleon wrasse
Endangered fish - 1. Napoleon wrasse

two. Angel fish

The angelfish (Squatina oculata) is a curious-looking species found in the Mediterranean and Black Seas, as well as in The Atlantic ocean. It is characterized by having extensive dorsal fins and a brown coloration with white spots. It feeds on crustaceans and cephalopods. It is critically endangered (CR) due to fishing and the effect of recreational activities that take place in its natural habitat.

Endangered fish - 2. Angelfish
Endangered fish - 2. Angelfish

3. Ribbed grouper

Among the endangered fish in Mexico is the Striated grouper(Epinephelus striatus), a very popular species that can also be found in the waters around the Bahamas, Florida and the Caribbean Sea. It is a solitary fish that lives on reefs, where it feeds on crabs, smaller fish and crustaceans. It is critically endangered (CR) due to overfishing and pollution.

Endangered fish - 3. Nassau grouper
Endangered fish - 3. Nassau grouper

4. Adriatic Sturgeon

It is estimated that there are currently only 250 adult individuals of Adriatic sturgeon (Acipenser naccarii) in the waters around Milan, Italy. Formerly it inhabited the waters of the Adriatic and the rivers of Croatia, Serbia, Albania, Montenegro and Bosnia.

This species is characterized by reaching 2 meters and weighing about 50 kilos. It is a slow-growing fish, since it does not reach sexual maturity before it is 15 years old, a condition that affects its status. It is critically endangered (CR) due to illegal fishing, habitat fragmentation and the effects of agriculture on the waters.

Endangered fish - 4. Adriatic sturgeon
Endangered fish - 4. Adriatic sturgeon

5. Common Sturgeon

Among the fish in danger of extinction in Spain is the common sturgeon(Acipenser sturio), which is not only found in the rivers of the Iberian Peninsula, but also in Scandinavia and France. The species reaches up to 5 meters and weighs 400 kilos. It lives in riverbeds, where it feeds on worms and molluscs. It is estimated that there are around 750 adult individuals

It is in critical danger of extinction (CR) due to fishing, the use of natural resources for mining and the production of electricity, among other problems.

Also discover what lungfish are on our site.

Endangered fish - 5. Common sturgeon
Endangered fish - 5. Common sturgeon

6. Comb sawfish

The comb sawfish (Pristis pectinata) inhabits the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. It measures between 500 and 650 centimeters in length and one of its most notable features is its long and thin trunk It lives in fresh and s alt water, but today it is considered disappeared from most of the areas it populated.

It is in critical danger of extinction (CR) due to indiscriminate fishing and the modifications introduced in its habitat by the action of man. Their population is estimated to have declined by 95% over the past three generations.

Endangered fish - 6. Comb sawfish
Endangered fish - 6. Comb sawfish

7. Kaluga Sturgeon

Another of the endangered fish in the world is the Kaluga sturgeon(Huso dauricus), an endemic species of the Amur River, located between China and Russia, from where it is distributed to the Sea of Japan and other areas. The species has a life expectancy of between 50 and 80 years. It feeds on invertebrates and salmon.

It is in critical danger of extinction (CR) for various reasons and it is estimated that its population has declined by 80% in less than 100 years. Among its threats are hunting for commercial use, since it produces black caviar, the contamination of its habitat with industrial waste, changes in the conditions of its habitat and the introduction of other species into the environment.

8. Salinete

El salinete o Andalusian fartet (Aphanius baeticus) is another of the fish in danger of extinction in Spain. This species is endemic to the streams of the Iberian Peninsula, where it remains in schools near the shore. It feeds on crustaceans, larvae and brine shrimp.

It is in danger of extinction (EN) due to contamination caused by military activity and agriculture, as well as the introduction of other species in their habitat and climatic changes.

9. Coral Toadfish

Another animal in danger of extinction is the coral frogfish (Sanopus splendidus), a species endemic to the island of Cozumel (coast of Mexico). It is characterized by its striking color, as it has a dark body crossed by lighter lines, while the fins are bright yellow.

The natural habitat of the species is coral reefs, so their destruction has contributed to the decline in the frogfish population. It is in danger of extinction (EN) due to problems related to coral, which is its habitat, and the effects of pollution.

Endangered fish - 9. Coral Toadfish
Endangered fish - 9. Coral Toadfish

10. Cape Herrera

The Cape blacksmith (Lithognathus lithognathus) is a species native to the coasts of South Africa. It measures around 2 meters and is characterized by a stylized silver body with darker stripes that appear from its dorsal fin to the middle of its body. It is in danger of extinction (EN) due to overfishing, in addition to being threatened by the changes and degradation of its habitat due to pollution.

Don't miss our article on how fish reproduce.

Endangered fish - 10. Herrera del Cabo
Endangered fish - 10. Herrera del Cabo

eleven. Banggai Cardinal

The Banggai Cardinal (Pterapogon kauderni) is a species endemic to the Banggai Islands (Indonesia)It is popular for its curious appearance, as its body is rhomboid and flat with very thin extended fins. It has a grayish color crossed by black stripes. It is in danger of extinction (EN) and although its population density is unknown, the species is threatened by the effect of agricultural activity on the waters and pollution.

Endangered Fish - 11. Banggai Cardinal
Endangered Fish - 11. Banggai Cardinal

12. Gold Tile

The golden tile (Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps) inhabits the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. It measures about a meter and a half and is characterized by having a brown body with short, pointed fins. It feeds on other fish, crustaceans and various invertebrates. It is in danger of extinction (EN) due to overfishing and the result of contamination from agricultural activities.

Endangered Fish - 12. Golden Tile
Endangered Fish - 12. Golden Tile

13. Red tuna

Another fish in danger of extinction in the world is the bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus), a species that inhabits the entire ocean Atlantic. It reaches up to 3 meters and weighs 700 kilos. It is in danger of extinction (EN) because it is the most commercialized species of tuna in the world, due to this, it is affected by overfishing, which is why has it on the brink of extinction.

Endangered fish - 13. Bluefin tuna
Endangered fish - 13. Bluefin tuna

14. Bighead Bream

The bighead bream (Chrysoblephus gibbiceps) is a species that inhabits the coasts of South Africa. It stands out for its peculiar appearance, since it has a prominent head and a slightly flattened body. The body is warm or white with some ocher spots. It is in danger of extinction (EN) due to recreational fishing. In addition, it is affected by ecosystem disturbances and is disadvantaged by its slow growth.

Endangered fish - 14. Sargo cabezón
Endangered fish - 14. Sargo cabezón

fifteen. Spanish farfet

Another fish in danger of extinction in Spain is the Spanish farfet (Aphanius iberus), endemic to the Iberian Peninsula It measures only 5 centimeters and has an oblong body. The males are silver with blue and yellow stripes, while the females are brown with some darker spots.

It is in danger of extinction (EN) due to the destruction of its habitat, climatic changes and the introduction of alien species in your ecosystem.

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