CLUMBER SPANIEL - Characteristics, character and care (with PHOTOS)

CLUMBER SPANIEL - Characteristics, character and care (with PHOTOS)
CLUMBER SPANIEL - Characteristics, character and care (with PHOTOS)
Clumber spaniel
Clumber spaniel

The Clumber Spaniel is a French dog that was created by crossing Alpine Spaniels and French Bassets for hunting purposes. It was not until the end of the 18th century during the French Revolution that these dogs came to stay in the United Kingdom, a place where they later became more popular and were no longer used for hunting to be considered pets. They are corpulent and heavy dogs with great bones and a medium size, being longer than tall. They have an exceptional character and their training and education are easy due to their intelligence and good attitude.

If you want to know all the characteristics of the clumber spaniel, its origin and possible he alth problems, continue reading this article on our site.

Origin of the clumber spaniel

The clumber spaniel is a dog of French origin that was born from the cross between a basset hound and an Alpine spaniel (now extinct) in order to be used as a hunting dog. The breed is suspected to be over 200 years old, although its exact origin is still uncertain, so there are two theories about it. The first of them narrates that the Duke of Noailles traveled to the United Kingdom at the end of the 18th century to protect his dogs during the French Revolution. There, he gave his spaniels to the Duke of Newcastle in Clumber Park, Nottinghamshire, so it was here that the breed was finally developed. The second theory indicates that these dogs actually have a British origin by crossing various hunting spaniels with other dog breeds.

It is known that Prince Albert, married to Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom, owned seven Clumber Spaniels and that this breed increased in popularity when King Edward VII began breeding them in Norfolk. Over time, these dogs stopped being used for hunting due to their calm and affectionate nature.

Clumber Spaniel Characteristics

The clumber spaniel is a medium to longdog, with large bones, short legs, but straight and strong, and also big and round feet. It is a short dog, with a height of 47-50 cm and a weight of 30-35 kg, making it solid, corpulent and heavy. The chest is wide and deep and close to the ground.

The clumber spaniel's head is square with a pronounced nasofrontal depression, a heavy muzzle, and developed lips. The ears are large, wide, set low and droop somewhat forward. The eyebrows are very bushy and the eyes are dark amber, giving them a sweet and gentle look The neck is just as wide and powerful as its chest. For its part, the tail is set low and fringed. Unfortunately, originally it was amputated, however, this is a cruel, unnecessary and penalized practice, so it should be left natural.

Clumber Spaniel Colors

Although the most outstanding characteristic of the clumber spaniel is its robust body and short legs, the coat is also remarkable. The hair of this breed is straight, shaggy, long, soft and abundant, especially on the chest and tail. Clumber Spaniels are generally white dogs with orange or yellowish spots around their ears and muzzle, and some also have freckles on their paws and nose.

Clumber Spaniel Character

The clumber spaniel is a dog that has an exceptional character, it is a quiet, calm, affectionate and silent dog It is also a breed very sociable that gets along very well with children and adults, as well as with other animals that it tolerates very well. However, at first some specimens can become somewhat reserved, hence the importance of good socialization. They have a very balanced temperament, a great sweetness and they love to play and be close to their caregivers.

On the other hand, his character so attached to his peers can mean that he does not tolerate loneliness very well, so it is necessary to be aware that he cannot spend many hours alone at home. In this sense, enjoying the company of another animal can be an excellent idea.

Clumber Spaniel Education

The Clumber Spaniel is a very intelligent and obedient dog, so education and training are easy. By nature it is sociable as long as there has been good socialization during its first weeks of life, so this is a process that is important to pay attention to. Don't miss our article on How to properly socialize a puppy.

While working on the socialization of the clumber spaniel puppy, it is important to carry out positive education and training, that is, rewarding good behaviors and offering positive alternatives when the dog performs some inappropriate behavior, such as biting our hands. On the other hand, taking into account that he is a dog that cannot stand loneliness, it is essential to teach him how to manage this situation from a young age, so we will get him to learn to be alone without this being a problem. We recommend the following items:

  • How to train a puppy
  • How to get a puppy used to staying home alone

Clumber Spaniel Care

The coat of the clumber spaniel should be brushed frequently as it is long and thick. Unlike cats, dogs are not at risk of hairball-related problems by not grooming themselves, so brushing in these animals serves to stimulate microcirculation and improve their shine and physical appearance, as well as to prevent knots and tangles that, in addition to being a source of infection, predispose to the accumulation of dust and dirt, which in turn promotes the appearance of skin and hair problems.

The dental, ear and eye hygiene is very important to prevent infections, diseases and inflammation secondary to the accumulation of dust and dirt, such as periodontal disease, tartar, cavities, otitis and conjunctivitis, among others. Especially in breeds with floppy ears, such as the clumber spaniel, it is even more important to maintain them to avoid the aforementioned infections.

The clumber spaniel is not a dog that requires much physical activity, but it is not good for it to remain inactive for long periods of time, because, in addition to developing behavioral problems, it increases the risk of being overweight and obese, worsening your he alth. For this reason, it is important that this dog has a minimum of daily physical activity through walks or games and some periods of more intense exercise or longer walks during the week. Likewise, since he is a dog that loves to play and is so intelligent, it is more than recommended to spend time playing games at home, such as games that stimulate his sense of smell or intelligence games.

With regard to food, the Clumber Spaniel must be fed a complete, balanced and quality dog food, which contains all the nutrients in their correct proportions and administered in a specific quantity according to their conditions individual (age, he alth, physiological state, climate…). In case of following a homemade diet, it is important to establish it with the advice of a veterinarian specialized in canine nutrition to guarantee that there are no nutritional deficiencies.

Clumber Spaniel He alth

The Clumber Spaniel is a breed that can live up to 15 years perfectly, provided it is well cared for and cared for. It is a strong and he althy dog, but it can be predisposed to some diseases such as:

  • Obesity: as we have mentioned, little physical activity and a more energetic diet than is justly necessary according to the individual, predisposes these dogs develop obesity and this, in turn, can predispose them to the development of endocrine or organic diseases.
  • Hip dysplasia and Elbow dysplasia: due to Due to their size and their robust and heavy bones, these dogs can suffer from orthopedic problems such as inconsistency between the bones that make up the elbow or hip joint, causing signs such as osteoarthritis, pain, lameness and muscle atrophy.
  • Eyelid problems: such as entropion (inward-turning eyelid) or ectropion (outward-folding eyelid), which cause damage, irritation and infections in the eyeball.
  • Otitis or ear infections: these dogs seem predisposed to developing infections or inflammations of the ear canal, which can become very annoying and painful and are secondary to the accumulation of dirt and debris or the accumulation of moisture or fungus.

To prevent or treat these diseases and diagnose others early, it is essential to take your Clumber Spaniel dog to the veterinary center for regular check-ups, so that his he alth will be preserved in the best conditions. In addition, they should be routinely vaccinated and dewormed to prevent common infectious and parasitic diseases in dogs.

Where to adopt a clumber spaniel?

The clumber spaniel is a dog more common in Europe than in other continents due to its origin, so if we live abroad it can be difficult to find a copy and less with the option of adoption. However, all dogs deserve a responsible adoption, since they all have the same needs and offer us the same affection and affection as this breed, so if you are a committed person and you know what it means to adopt a dog and you are willing to assume all the care and attention, you can go to your nearest shelter to adopt a copy, whether it is a clumber spaniel, a mestizo of this breed or another dog that needs it. You will change his life and yours will also change for the better.

Clumber spaniel pictures
