Cat BAMBINO - Characteristics, character and care (with PHOTOS)

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Cat BAMBINO - Characteristics, character and care (with PHOTOS)
Cat BAMBINO - Characteristics, character and care (with PHOTOS)
Cat bambino
Cat bambino

The bambino cat is small in size and arose as a result of the cross between sphynx and munchkin cats, therefore its main characteristic is that it is a cat with short legs and hairless It originated in the United States in the early years of the 21st century, so it is a very recent feline breed that has not yet been accepted by the FIFe, but has been accepted by the TICA, and it is very popular for its rarity and special sympathy. It is a very affectionate, active, playful, sociable and intelligent cat that adapts well to different situations and people and is always willing to receive attention. Special care must be taken to protect their fur as they lack hair, but otherwise they require the same care as any other cat.

If you are left wanting more, in this article on our site we detail the characteristics of the bambino cat, as well as its origin, character, care, possible he alth problems and where to adopt it.

Origin of the bambino cat

The bambino cat originated in Canada, United States, in 2005 when two breeders, Stephanie and Pat Osborne, fell in love with small cats, decided to crossbreed cats of the sphynx breed with cats of the munchkin breed, obtaining a hairless feline like the first breed and with very short legs like the second.

Shortly after the appearance of this hybrid, the International Cat Association (TICA) recognized the bambino cat as an experimental breed, as well as the registry of rare and exotic felines. Today it is one of the most popular cats among feline lovers.

Characteristics of the bambino cat

The bambino cat is small in size, weighing 2 to 4 kg and up to 20 cm tall, but with looking very strong and muscular, despite his small body and tiny legs.

The bambino cat's head is longer than it is wide, with a modified wedge shape, a blunt muzzle, prominent cheekbones, and short whiskers. The ears stand out for their large size, being alert and upright. The eyes are large, almond-shaped and widely spaced.

Although the above are very characteristic features of the bambino cat, what stands out most about the body of this breed is its short legs, being the posterior ones are somewhat longer than the anterior ones, although in general it has a very robust appearance. The neck is thick, strong and muscular and the tail is long and thin.

Colours of the bambino cat

Inheriting from the sphynx, bambino cats have no hair, which makes them very soft and pleasant to the touch. Some fur on the tip of the tail and on the belly is allowed.

Generally, these cats have some light colors, being normally white, and some specimens have brown or black spots, although there are also there are copies of black or cream color. In addition, lacking hair, the body shows wrinkles that also characterize it.

Bambino cat character

The bambino cat is a very sociable and active feline, which gets along very well with all kinds of people and animals. They are in a constant search for action and attention from their caregivers, and it is because loves being the center of attention and the “pampered” one at home. He's also a very intelligent cat, who even seems to know what you're thinking and notices your moods and concerns. Being a very affectionate cat, he always seeks to be close to his caretakers and does not hesitate to show his affection by snuggling or staying close to them.

Continuing with the character and temperament of the bambino cat, we can say that it is very playful and never says no to a game session, making it the perfect companion for children and other equally active animals. Being so active and dependent, it is essential that you have enough stimulation and environmental enrichment when you are home alone.

Care for the bambino cat

When caring for the baby cat it is essential to take into account the protection of its skin, since it is totally exposed due to the lack of hair. This is equivalent to a greater risk of suffering the consequences of high and low temperatures, as well as burns for the same reason. In addition, it is more sensitive to developing skin problems and suffering from wounds or scratches. To reduce this risk, the baby cat should be kept in a home with a good environmental temperature. In winter it will be important to protect it with blankets and coats. Throughout the year, you should be protected from the sun's UV rays by using sun creams for cats, but especially in the hottest months of the year, as you can burn and increase the risk of developing some skin tumors such as squamous cell carcinoma.

Continuing with the care of the baby cat, it is also convenient to know that it has higher daily energy needs than other breeds, since, Lacking hair, it has a higher metabolic rate. Therefore, it needs to be fed a complete, balanced cat food in greater quantity than other small breeds to maintain its he alth in optimal conditions.

Since it does not have hair, it does not need to be brushed, but it may be a good idea to bathe it if it tolerates it and does not catch cold, or wipe it with a wet cat wipe or a damp cloth toeliminate the fat that your skin naturally secretes It is important that their large ears are cleaned frequently, as well as their eyes and teeth to prevent inflammation and infection.

Since it is a very active and curious cat, it is important that it has a suitable environmental enrichment, made up of objects and interactive toys, especially for when you are alone. When the caregivers are at home, it is essential to take time to interact and play with this little feline, since it needs it a lot for its comfort, quality of life and happiness.

Finally, it is essential that you have at least one clean sandbox with a sand that you like, preferablynot perfumed or contain irritating substances for your sensitive skin. He also needs at least one scratching post that he likes to develop scratching behavior and prevent him from scratching furniture.

He alth of the bambino cat

The life expectancy of the bambino cat is between 12 and 15 years In general, it is a strong and he althy cat, although sensitive to skin problems due to the absence of hair. For this reason, it is essential that their skin is protected all year round and that they receive appropriate hygienic care frequently to prevent the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms on their skin. Due to the munchkin's short-legged heritage, it can be prone to some spinal problems, although this is rare.

With regard to other diseases, they can suffer from any that affects cats, so routine veterinary check-ups are essential to monitor their he alth and diagnose any type of condition early. In addition, it is important that he carry out good preventive medicine based on vaccinations and deworming, as well as that he be sterilized to prevent reproductive system conditions in the future. Discover the most common diseases in cats in this other article to know their symptoms and stay alert.

Where to adopt a bambino cat?

These cats are not usually given up for adoption as they are very popular and unfortunately sell for a very high price. If you have fallen in love with this breed, you can search for a sphynx or munchkin breed rescue association, since with luck there may be a baby or adult bambino cat that need a responsible adoption. Remember that any cat, regardless of its breed and age, deserves your adoption, as long as you are willing and can offer it all the care and attention it requires, because cats are wonderful beings who do not deserve to suffer for not being of a certain breed. Likewise, we remember how important it is not to encourage the sale of animals, so if you do not find a bambino cat for adoption, think of all the cats that are in shelters and shelters waiting to receive a second chance.
