Cat TOYGER - Characteristics, care and photos

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Cat TOYGER - Characteristics, care and photos
Cat TOYGER - Characteristics, care and photos
Toyger cat
Toyger cat

Do you know that there is a breed of cat that is like a miniature tiger? Yes, it's called a toyger cat, which literally translates to "toy tiger." Its appearance is like that of one of these wild cats, this being the main reason for its growing popularity in recent years.

In this article on our site we tell you all the characteristics of the toyger cat, its main care, what its character is like and what possible he alth problems can present the breed.

Origin of the toyger cat

The toyger breed was created thanks to some California breeders who decided to cross Bengal cats with cats whose coat pattern was tabby or mackerel more marked and defined, that is, with the typical stripes of tigers. In this way, in 1980 the first litter of toyger cats appeared, cubs that looked like small tigers at first glance but, of course, were cats with fur that imitated that of wild cats.

The breed was recognized by Tica in 2007 and the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF) did the same in 2015.

Features of the toyger cat

Muscular and strong, with solid limbs and long fingers, that's what toyger cats are like. These traits allow these cats to look more "wild", making the similarities with tigers greater. These are medium-sized cats, which usually weigh around 6 kg and whose life expectancy is around 15 years.

The head of a toyger must be rounded, framing some expressive and round eyes of very bright and deep colors, which they also resemble those of a tiger. This head is topped by rounded and small ears. The snout is more prominent than in other breeds, being in some specimens really similar to that of the tiger: wider and more marked.

Continuing with the characteristics of the toyger cat, the legs are slightly shorter in proportion to the length of the body, but stronger and more robust. A curiosity of this breed lies in the length of its fingers, since it is longer than in other cat breeds.

Now, if there is something that really characterizes the toyger cat and makes it stand out from the rest of the domestic cats, that is its fur, which is why it is known as the "tiger cat". The coat of this breed shows a color pattern similar to that of the tiger, fully stripedThe accepted color in this breed is the basic orange with darker stripes, which can be brown or black. In terms of length, it is short, soft and shiny hair.

Toyger cat character

Although his tiger-like appearance might make us think that his behavior will be elusive or surly, nothing could be further from the truth, because toyger cats are extremely cuddlyand love to be given as much attention as possible. For this reason, they are ideal cats for family life, sharing their home with children, the elderly or other animals. They also have a balanced temperament, they are playful and curious , but not nervous.

They adapt perfectly to life in apartments and flats, regardless of their size. Given their curiosity, they are relatively easy cats to train, since their propensity for activity and their intelligence promote rapid and effective learning. Likewise, although they are not cats that need to do a lot of physical exercise, they do need to practice a certain daily activity due to their playful and sociable nature. In this sense, it should be noted that they are not cats that tolerate loneliness or live in homes where they do not receive the attention they need. For these reasons, toyger cats are not suitable for people who spend many hours away from home or do not have enough time to play with their little one.

Toyger cat care

To keep our toyger kitten in the best conditions, it will be necessary to feed him a good quality feed or a properly prepared homemade diet, that we give him enough time of play and exercise, which we can do by playing with him or preparing different toys with which he can entertain himself when he is alone. Remember that this alone time should not be too long or the animal could develop separation anxiety.

As in any feline breed or mestizo cat, adequate environmental enrichment is part of the care of the toyger cat. So, whether he is a puppy or an adult, you need to buy scratchers, toys, place shelves at home and offer him a comfortable bed to sleep in, as well as a litter box that he likes and makes him feel comfortable.

As regards the coat, being short and easy to comb, weekly brushingis enough to keep it conditioned and prevent the formation of hairballs, which are potentially dangerous for the digestive system of this animal.

Toyger Cat He alth

At the moment, no pathologies typical of the toyger breed have been recorded, although to prevent our kitten from falling ill we must take the appropriate measures, which include keeping it correctly vaccinated and dewormed, going frequently to the veterinarian, feed them properly and check and keep their eyes, ears and mouth clean.

If we take these precautions, we will be able to enjoy our feline for a long time and in the best conditions.

Where to adopt a toyger cat?

The truth is that finding toyger cats for adoption is not an easy task, but this does not mean that it is impossible. It is best to go to the animal protectors and shelters closest to your home to ask if they have any specimens and hoping to receive a second chance. If not, they will take note of your contact information to call you as soon as one arrives. And if it finally doesn't come, don't hesitate to adopt another kitten that needs a home, whether or not it's a toyger, it will thank you forever.

Of course, before making the decision to adopt a cat of this breed, it is essential to take into account the characteristics of the toyger cat to guarantee that you can cover all its needs. Remember that it is a feline that needs to receive a lot of attention from its humans.

Toyger Cat Pictures
