Tips for styling a bobtail

Tips for styling a bobtail
Tips for styling a bobtail
Tricks for grooming a bobtail
Tricks for grooming a bobtail

The bobtail Receives this name from its characteristic short tail, although it is also known as the Old English Sheepdog because it was trained for centuries to take care of the flocks and graze the sheep, protecting them from possible predators.

As happens with the coat of all dogs, the bobtail's must receive the necessary care to keep it clean, untangled and with a comfortable cut for the animal. You may be carried away by the somewhat matted appearance that it has at first glance, but the coat of this breed also requires grooming. If you want to know all the tricks to style a bobtail, keep reading this article on our site.

What is the bobtail's coat like?

Before discovering how to comb an Old English Sheepdog, it is necessary to understand the characteristics of its coat. The typical color of the bobtail varies between gray and bluish gray with white, and there are even some with chestnut areas, although the latter is not usual. The disheveled appearance of the coat makes combing it difficult, as it tangles easily, although with discipline it will be easy to keep it tidy.

Hair texture is rather coarse, with a wavy shape. It is made up of two layers of fur, the outer one which is long and a shorter one attached to the skin. For this reason, it is not recommended to shave completely, since we would be depriving the animal of its natural protection.

Tricks to groom a bobtail - What is the bobtail's coat like?
Tricks to groom a bobtail - What is the bobtail's coat like?

What tools do you need to style it?

Before starting your styling routine, you need to get the ideal tools for it:

  • Metallic comb with rubber tips, no balls. It will only serve to smooth the hairs on the legs, around the mouth and snout.
  • Metallic closed-toothed comb. Especially for the area around the anus and genitals.
  • Metal Toothbrush. To comb the entire coat and help undo knots.
  • Soft bristle brush. To give a final finish when combing, arranging the coat in the right direction.

When combing the Old English Sheepdog, we recommend avoiding the use of the carder, since it will only pull out the hair. Likewise, remember to buy only combs and brushes especially for dogs.

How to comb the old English sheepdog?

It is best to place the bobtail on a table to comb and brush it, this way it will be easier to reach all corners of the body and not leave any knots in the mantle. You must start with the body to continue with the legs and finally the head.

Before combing, spray the coat with water or dog conditioner to speed up the process and follow these steps:

  1. Use the metal tooth comb to comb against the direction of hair growth to remove all dead strands and spot knots. When you find one, try to separate it first with your fingers to finish undoing it with the comb. Be very careful not to hurt the dog when you do this.
  2. When you have finished combing the entire body and legs, use the small rubber-tipped comb to remove knots and smooth on the face, ears and muzzle. Then the fine-toothed comb for the genital region.
  3. To finish, take the soft-bristled brush to reposition the fur in the direction it grows and tidy it up, guiding the fur on the legs, back and ears outwards, while the one on the chest should be fluffy from top to bottom.

After the final brushing, it is recommended to trim the hair that accumulates between the fingers, to facilitate mobility and prevent it from accumulating dirt. If you notice a lot of hair around the eyes, then choose to trim it a bit or even collect it in a ponytail.

Tricks to comb a bobtail - How to comb the old English sheepdog?
Tricks to comb a bobtail - How to comb the old English sheepdog?

Tips for styling the bobtail

In this breed the ideal is to avoid the formation of knots, and eliminate them when they appear. To do this, we recommend combing it daily, while you can brush it once a week.

From puppies the hair can be disastrous, so from 6 months it is advisable to start with the combing and brushing routine, both to help the coat change and to make it easier to groom the hair when the bobtail is an adult. In this sense, both combing and brushing require a lot of patience, otherwise the hair will break if you pull too hard, as well as hurting your dog.

On the other hand, it is recommended a monthly bath or every month and a half. However, if you find yourself with a lot of knots that you can't undo, you should take him to the dog groomer to have him bathed and his coat trimmed.

Although the most difficult thing about bobtail hair is the knots, they will never form if you follow the routine that we have indicated and comb and brush it as often as recommended. Likewise, you can consult our article on the best foods for dog hair and give it extra shine and softness. Also, don't forget to offer your furry companion the basic care of food and exercise to enjoy a full life.
