+20 PROTECTED animal SPECIES in Mexico

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+20 PROTECTED animal SPECIES in Mexico
+20 PROTECTED animal SPECIES in Mexico
Protected animal species in Mexico
Protected animal species in Mexico

The list of threatened animals in Mexico is quite extensive, since the populations of various species, such as the jaguar or the vaquita porpoise, have decreased in number due to different factors, such as the destruction of their habitat. That is why they are considered endangered species in Mexico However, not all of them are under government protection.

Protected species, unlike those listed as endangered, are in need of carrying out their conservation and recovery in the environmentthrough different measures, since their survival is threatened by different factors. In this way, to avoid their disappearance and the consequent imbalance in the food chain, certain actions, such as hunting or the possession of these animals, are regulated. In this article on our site, you can learn about some protected animal species in Mexico

Orca (Orcinus orca)

This large and intelligent cetacean, also commonly known as “ killer whale ”, belongs to the same family as dolphins. It is characterized by its impressive size and its black and white coloration. They live in all the oceans where they feed mainly on other large mammals such as seals and/or dolphins, among others, consuming daily more than 200 kg of foodThey live in groups or herds of various sizes, communicating with each other by characteristic vocalizations

It is a species that is threatened and protected due to its drastic decrease in population in the oceans. The factors that have influenced this progressive decrease are diverse, being able to highlight those where man has been the main cause due to his hunting activities in order to market orca meat or skin. Pollution of the environment and the fishing of other aquatic animals have also had an influence, which has led to the disappearance of orca prey. Added to this are other factors, such as the infections or diseases suffered by these animals, such as the appearance of tumors or dermatological problems.

Among the measures to protect this species, we can highlight the existence of different organizations and proposals from the Government in order to abolish the illegal trafficking of killer whales, as well as preventing their hunting. Care of the means of these animals is also proposed, avoiding certain actions, such as water contamination. To all this we can add the need to carry out environmental education projects to publicize the importance of the species and denounce cases of illegal trade in these animals in Danger of extinction.

Protected animal species in Mexico - Orca (Orcinus orca)
Protected animal species in Mexico - Orca (Orcinus orca)

American black bear (Ursus americanus)

The American black bear is characterized by its robustness, its elongated snout, its long limbs, its dark fur (brown-black) and its large body, being considered the largest carnivore in Mexico Its habitat is very extensive, predominating in different mountain and wooded areas where it feeds, in addition to meat, vegetable matter and even some insects. Depending on the temperature and conditions of the area where they are, their hibernation period will be longer or shorter.

The black bear is an endangered species, as it suffers many threats from both humans and nature itself. In addition to the hunting and illegal trade of this species, one of the factors that has had a negative influence is the deforestation and destruction of their natural habitatThe urban constructions and the modification of the place inhabited by the bears have meant that they have been moving until they come to live close to the human population, which has caused panic and problems in the assets of the man who has chosen to carry out the bear kill. This displacement has also led to the animal having to resort to garbage dumps to feed, which causes feeding diseases to the species.

Among the proposals carried out in Mexico to protect this species we can highlight the implementation of the Action Program for the Conservation of the Species, whose purpose is to study and carry out black bear conservation projects. The objective is to analyze certain factors such as their reproductive success or their mortality rates in order to act accordingly. On the other hand, certain actions have been carried out to distance the species from humans by capturing it and moving it to less threatened areas. This ensures that the bear can live with as little stress as possible and can reproduce successfully.

Protected animal species in Mexico - American black bear (Ursus americanus)
Protected animal species in Mexico - American black bear (Ursus americanus)

Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaeangliae)

The humpback whale is a large cetacean that inhabits most of the world's oceans, feeding mainly on fish and krill. It has characteristics similar to those of the killer whale since it has a very robust body, sometimes lives in groups of individuals and communicates through peculiar vocalizations. However, the humpback whale is characterized by its long pectoral fins that facilitate swimming and its body colors, among other things. In fact, you can differentiate each individual by observing their different color patterns on the fins

This species has been threatened throughout the ages by massive hunting and commercialization by man. In addition, other reasons why individual humpback whales have been disappearing have been their accidental entanglement in fishermen's nets, which has led to their death, the contamination of the water by chemical discharges, the consequent appearances of diseases and the scarcity of their usual prey. Despite being one of the species that has few predators, such as some sharks, these can also influence the decline of the whale population.

To protect the species, a series of measures are carried out, such as the ban on indiscriminate hunting, which which has caused the population of humpback whales to recover considerably in recent years. Added to this is the need to protect the oceans from pollution by man and greater surveillance of fishing activities, since the nets are a great threat to humpback whales if they accidentally get entangled in them.

Protected animal species in Mexico - Humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae)
Protected animal species in Mexico - Humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae)

Seahorses (Hippocampus)

Seahorses are small fish with some morphological peculiarities that make them different from the majority. Seahorses are characterized by having a body perpendicular to the axis of their elongated head and ending in a coiled tail with which they can attach to marine plants. They are usually found in shallow, vegetated waters where they feed on plankton. They tend to move very slowly, so they are not animals that travel long distances.

The seahorse is a protected species in Mexico and in many other places in the world, since the population has been declining due to different causes. Among them, the massive predation of these fish stands out, since, as we mentioned before, they have a slow movement that makes them more vulnerable to hunting by their predators. On the other hand, seahorse fishing has been carried out in numerous places, since man has seen in them various economic, symbolic or medicinal interests in some countries.

To prevent the decline of individuals, it is necessary to train and educate the population, both fishermen and bathers, about the importance to keep this species in its habitat without being hunted for commercial uses. Other protection measures for seahorses include research into aquatic environments in order to make them more suitable for survival and the creation of captive breeding programs to obtain more information about the seahorse and prevent its extinction in the future.

Protected animal species in Mexico - Seahorses (Hippocampus)
Protected animal species in Mexico - Seahorses (Hippocampus)

Tiny Snake (Loxocemus bicolor)

It is a reptile belonging to the order Squamata. It has a medium-sized body with smooth scales, large and with a grayish and shiny color. In the cephalic region, which is triangular in shape and has an almost negligible border with the body, there are small eyes and labial scales with yellowish-white tones. This species not endemic to Mexico inhabits temperate and humid zones, mainly where it feeds on small mammals. If you want to know what the endemic animals of Mexico are, you can read this other article on Endemic Animals of Mexico - Complete List.

The chatilla snake is a specially protected species, since the destruction of its natural habitat by man is progressively destroying it. An example is seen in the agricultural activities that cause soil modification where they are found. This snake can also be displaced by logging or the burning of the environment due to forest fires

Therefore, all actions carried out in the natural habitats of the chatilla snake are controlled to allow the conservation of this species subject to special protection. In this way, the felling of trees or agricultural activities are regulated in certain regions of Mexico. At the same time, attempts are being made to carry out land conservation and reforestation measures in order to offer refuge to these reptiles.

Protected animal species in Mexico - Chatilla snake (Loxocemus bicolor)
Protected animal species in Mexico - Chatilla snake (Loxocemus bicolor)

California fur seal (Zalophus californianus)

The California sea lion is a pinniped mammal that lives in coastal areas feeding on other animals, such as fish and molluscs. It is characterized by its large eyes, its characteristic sensory whiskers, and a thick layer of fat under its skin. Their body is adapted to swimming, since most of the time they are submerged in the water in search of food. However, they can also go ashore when resting or reproducing.

In Mexico it is also a specially protected species, since the sea lion population is not usually very stable and its survival may be affected. As in many marine species, the wolf is exposed to fishing and poaching by humans, drastically reducing the number of individuals in some regions. No less important is the habitat pollution and the scarcity of its prey.

In order to control and preserve the California sea lion, inspection and surveillance measures are carried out on the species, guaranteeing, in the meantime, compliance with the regulations on the welfare of these animals. For this reason, the Care Protocol for Stranding of Marine Mammals was published in 2014, the objective of which is to agree on procedures for the conservation of the species and prevent the destruction of the ecosystems.

Protected animal species in Mexico - California sea lion (Zalophus californianus)
Protected animal species in Mexico - California sea lion (Zalophus californianus)

Striped Owl (Asio clamator)

It is a medium-sized bird belonging to the Strigiformes order. It is mainly characterized by its long and outstanding plumes of feathers on its head. In its plumage, a mixture of white, brown and black predominates, giving it the ability to camouflage itself well in wooded areas. Like most owls, this species feeds on other smaller birds, some insects and small mammals such as mice or rats.

The barred owl is a protected species in Mexico since its population has decreased in recent years due to different threats. Notable among them is the logging and forest fires of the wooded areas where it lives, which also causes the owls' prey to disappear and the owls to die of hunger or move from the area. Another reason why the population has decreased is poisoning of the owls by feeding on other mammals that have been subjected to toxic products, such as “mata- rats”. To a lesser extent, but no less important, in some regions hunting of these birds has also been carried out.

To protect the barred owl and many other endangered species, a series of measures are carried out, such as the creation of reserves or natural parks, which are protected from certain human actions (capture, hunting, etc.). Other activities are also carried out based on the breeding of these species in captivity to achieve their study, reproduction and subsequent reintroduction in those areas of Mexico where the population has decreased or there is a risk of extinction of the species.

Protected animal species in Mexico - Barred Owl (Asio clamator)
Protected animal species in Mexico - Barred Owl (Asio clamator)

Water snake (Thamnophis nigronucaulis)

It is a medium-sized reptile similar to most snakes. However, it is characterized by the color of the scales that cover its body. These present brown, grayish and/or reddish tones with several rows. It lives mainly in the basins of the rivers and streams of some regions of Mexico where it feeds on other animals, such as fish or small mammals near the area.

The water snake is also subject to special protection in Mexico, since the destruction of its habitat has caused a decrease in the populations of these animals. Thus, the number of snakes has decreased due to the modification of the soil where they live, either by agricultural activities or forest fires Other factors have also had an influence, such as soil erosion and the felling of trees.

Although this species does not have protected natural areas, it does have the protection of the Government as it is a species in danger of extinction in Mexico. For this reason, the places where these reptiles live (basins, streams, etc.) are controlled by studying the land and carrying out a series of measures to avoid the destruction of the environment. In this way, some activities are regulated, such as agriculture or logging in these areas.

However, it is important not to confuse a snake with a snake. In this other article on our site, we explain the difference between a snake and a snake.

Carolina Tortoise (Terrapene carolina)

It is also known as the “ box turtle” since the ventral part of its shell (plastron) is articulated allowing the animal to can get inside you completely. It has a large, robust carapace and a protruding upper jaw. As a terrestrial tortoise, it lives in wooded areas and/or meadows where it feeds on both vegetable matter and some small animals (insects, worms, etc.).

In Mexico it is considered a specially protected species, since it is subject to several threats such as the turtle trade or destruction from the forests or meadows where they live, either due to deforestation or urban construction. Another cause of their decline is the numerous accidents they suffer while crossing nearby roads and the parasitic diseasesthat they can suffer from, as we explain in this article on the most common diseases in tortoises and tortoises.

Numerous projects aim to track and locate turtle specimens to study different parameters (feeding, mortality rate, movements, etc.).) and act accordingly, carrying out numerous actions that allow the successful reproduction and survival of the species. Thus, among the turtle protection measures, we can find the creation of reserves or remote parks from the danger of the roads and the exhaustive control of the trade in these animals, among others.

Protected animal species in Mexico - Carolina Tortoise (Terrapene carolina)
Protected animal species in Mexico - Carolina Tortoise (Terrapene carolina)

Green Toad (Bufo viridis)

This amphibian is characterized by its robust and warty body with a whitish-grayish coloration on the belly and gray tones on the back with some peculiar green spotsThis offers them an advantage to camouflage themselves in the environment, which is usually wooded and close to ponds where they reproduce. Their diet is mainly based on annelids and insects. In this species, males are usually smaller than females.

One of the main threats to the green toad population is global warming, as this contributes to the progressive drying out of aquatic environmentswhere they carry out the breeding. Therefore, the number of individuals decreases drastically. Other factors that influence the survival of this species can be certain accidents, such as being run over at nearby road junctions or the appearance of diseases. That is why the green toad is also a species subject to special protection in Mexico.

As the main conservation measure for the species, it is worth highlighting the implementation of projects whose objective is the recovery of dried-up ponds u other environments where the green toad lives, since amphibians need these humid conditions to reproduce and, therefore, if these environments are lost or destroyed, the population density can drastically decrease.

The green toad is one of the most striking of its kind, but not the only one. Here we show you other types of toads - Names and characteristics.

Protected animal species in Mexico - Green Toad (Bufo viridis)
Protected animal species in Mexico - Green Toad (Bufo viridis)

Other animal species specially protected in Mexico

In addition to the already described protected species in Mexico, these are some more of great interest:

  • Veracruz centipede snake (Tantilla morgani).
  • Engraved turtle (Trachemys scripta).
  • Mexican long-eared shrew (Cryptotis mexicana obscura).
  • Dwarf sperm whale (Kogia simus).
  • Ink snail (Purpura patuta pansa).
  • Black coral (Antipathes bichitoea).
  • Variable coral snake (Micrurus diastema affinis).
  • Shiede's Anole (Anolis schiedei).
  • Snail-hawk (Rostrhramus sociabilis).
  • Mountain Toad (Bufo cavifrons).