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Animals in danger of extinction in Yucatan
Animals in danger of extinction in Yucatan

In the Yucatan peninsula, located in the southwest of Mexico, we find the free and sovereign State of the same name, of which the city of Mérida is its capital. It was an important region of Mayan settlement and currently ranks 20th in relation to its size. The climate that prevails in the state is warm and sub-humid, with relatively high temperatures that range between 24 and 28 ºC. The presence of an important biological diversity, both terrestrial and maritime, led to the establishment of various protected areas, which is why Yucatan has National Parks and Biosphere Reserves, which protect a significant number of diverse species.

However, the biodiversity of this area has not escaped pressure from human impact, so certain species are at risk. On our site, we want to present you this time an article about this problem so that you can get to know the animals in danger of extinction in Yucatan

Mountain Turkey (Meleagris ocellata)

The bush turkey, kuts or ocellated turkey, is a large bird that reaches up to 102 cm in length. It is native to only three countries, Mexico being one of these, where it does not have a wide distribution, but is located to the southeast in Yucatan. It lives mainly in forests, as well as in grasslands, savannahs, thickets and fields, and may be associated with areas that are not subject to flooding or are seasonally flooded.

Reports indicate that the bush turkey has disappeared from northern Yucatán and the rest of the population in the state is declining, which is why it has been declared by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as Near ThreatenedThe causes of the population decline are associated with intense hunting for human consumption, trade in the species and slaughter due to inadequate sports practice. The alteration of the habitat for agricultural purposes also influences the aforementioned situation.

Animals in danger of extinction in Yucatan - Peacock (Meleagris ocellata)
Animals in danger of extinction in Yucatan - Peacock (Meleagris ocellata)

hawksbill sea turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata)

The hawksbill turtle has a wide distribution in various countries, but in Mexico it is only found in two areas of the Gulf of this country and Yucatan is one of these. This turtle is a migratory species, which can travel thousands of kilometers far from its birthplace, which is why it is associated with multiple marine habitats.

It has been Declared critically endangered by the IUCN and with a decreasing population trend. The main cause that places this turtle as one of the animals in danger of extinction in Yucatan is the massive slaughter, which includes millions of these turtles to obtain the hawksbill from their shells and market them to make various products.

Animals in danger of extinction in Yucatan - Hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata)
Animals in danger of extinction in Yucatan - Hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata)

Swamp Crocodile (Crocodylus moreletii)

The swamp crocodile, also known as the Mexican crocodile, is a resident species of Belize, Guatemala and Mexico, where it is distributed throughout the Gulf of the country through the entire Yucatan Peninsula. It mainly inhabits freshwater ecosystems such as marshes, swamps, ponds, rivers and also artificial bodies of water, however, it is capable of being present in brackish water bodies.

Currently, the IUCN considers it to be of least concern, however, it is a species protected by Mexican legislation, since which in the past was subjected to strong pressure due to its massive hunting. The main risks to which it is subjected are the commercialization of its skin and the destruction of its habitat, which are undoubtedly two aspects of great importance.

Endangered animals in Yucatan - Swamp crocodile (Crocodylus moreletii)
Endangered animals in Yucatan - Swamp crocodile (Crocodylus moreletii)

Yucatecan Matraca (Campylorhynchus yucatanicus)

The rattlesnake is an endemic bird of Mexico that mainly inhabits the northern coast of Yucatán and the extreme northeast of Campeche. Its habitat is reduced, limited to a narrow area of arid coastal scrub and mangroves, although it can also eventually move towards the limits of the dense edges of grasslands

It is a species considered as near threatened by the IUCN and is protected by Mexican legislation. The transformation of the habitat due to urban development is the cause that disturbs the species, since, living in a particularly reduced ecosystem (specialist), this impact generates severe consequences in terms of its conservation.

Animals in danger of extinction in Yucatan - Yucatan Matraca (Campylorhynchus yucatanicus)
Animals in danger of extinction in Yucatan - Yucatan Matraca (Campylorhynchus yucatanicus)

Mexican Muscovy Duck (Cairina moschata)

Another animal in danger of extinction in Yucatan is the Mexican royal duck, known as the creole duck or black duck. This species of bird has a wide range of distribution in several countries of the American continent and, in the case of Mexico, it is found among other areas in Yucatan. The Mexican Muscovy Duck lives in humid forests and also in wetlands with the presence of vegetation, mainly large trees.

Its population trend is declining, despite its large distribution. Mexican legislation considers it an endangered species, so there are protection actions, in addition, it has been included in Appendix III of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).

Endangered animals in Yucatan - Mexican Muscovy Duck (Cairina moschata)
Endangered animals in Yucatan - Mexican Muscovy Duck (Cairina moschata)

Boa constrictor (Boa constrictor)

The boa is a species of snake that is distributed from Mexico to several southern countries and has been introduced in others. It has a specific presence in the Yucatan Peninsula, with a wide range of distribution in terms of habitat types, so it can live in forests, savannahs, thickets, grasslands, in wetland vegetation and cultivated areas.

Due to the high traffic of the boa for its skin and to be sold as pets, it is considered threatened, so it has been included in Appendix I of CITES, in addition to being under protection in Mexico.

Endangered animals in Yucatan - Boa constrictora (Boa constrictor)
Endangered animals in Yucatan - Boa constrictora (Boa constrictor)

Pink Flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber)

The pink flamingo is a migratory bird that is distributed throughout various tropical areas of America, and in Mexico it has an exclusive presence in the Yucatan peninsula. The habitat is made up of coastal areas, wetlands, estuaries and brackish lagoons.

Despite having a stable population in some countries, in Mexico it is considered a threatened species and is under protection legislation, since it is marketed with its feathers.

Endangered animals in Yucatan - Pink Flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber)
Endangered animals in Yucatan - Pink Flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber)

Jaguar (Pantera onca)

The jaguar is a feline with a wide distribution that goes from North to South America. However, in recent years their habitat has become considerably fragmented. It is distributed through jungles, forests, thickets, herbaceous plains and even riverside areas. In the case of Yucatán, is located in the Dzilam State Reserve, the Ría Lagartos Biosphere Reserveand the El Palmar State Reserve

In general, is considered a threatened species and in Mexico in danger of extinction. The main cause of its vulnerability is due to indiscriminate hunting to be offered as a trophy for this activity, however, actions have been established to limit this fact to the point that the killing of the jaguar is a federal crime in this country. On the other hand, some conservation actions are being developed, especially in protected areas and it has also been included in Appendix I of CITES, to curb its trade and slaughter.

Discover all the details about why the jaguar is in danger of extinction.

Animals in danger of extinction in Yucatan - Jaguar (Pantera onca)
Animals in danger of extinction in Yucatan - Jaguar (Pantera onca)

Elisa's Hummingbird (Doricha eliza)

It is an endemic species of Mexico with two well-defined populations, one in Veracruz and the other in Yucatán. The population group of Yucatan is limited to a narrow strip of the coast, although it also has a presence in more internal areas of vegetation such as the ecotone between mangroves and deciduous forests, in addition, it manages to inhabit gardens and urban areas.

With a declining population trend, has been classified as Near Threatened by the IUCN, as there is strong pressure from the impact habitat and in the particular case of Yucatan by the pressures generated by conventional tourism. In this way, this type of hummingbird is not only one of the animals in danger of extinction in Yucatan, but it is also part of the list of animals in danger of extinction in Veracruz.

Animals in danger of extinction in Yucatan - Elisa's Hummingbird (Doricha eliza)
Animals in danger of extinction in Yucatan - Elisa's Hummingbird (Doricha eliza)

Common Box Turtle (Terrapene carolina)

This turtle has a wide distribution in America. In the case of Mexico, it is found in three states, Yucatan being one of these. It can be present in various types of habitats, such as forests with large-leaved trees, grasslands with bushes, marshy meadows or valleys with the presence of streams, among others.

It is considered a vulnerable species according to the IUCN with a decreasing population trend and has been placed in Appendix II of CITES. Urban development, agriculture and vegetation fires are among the causes of the destruction of the species' natural habitat.

Endangered animals in Yucatan - Common Box Turtle (Terrapene carolina)
Endangered animals in Yucatan - Common Box Turtle (Terrapene carolina)

Other endangered animals in Yucatan

In addition to the species mentioned, there are others that are also at some level of vulnerability in the region, such as these:

  • Puma (Puma concolor)
  • Temazante (American Mazama)
  • Hocopheasant (Crax rubra)
  • Yucatecan Parrot (Amazona xantholora)
  • Yucatan Squirrel (Sciurus yucatanensis)
  • White-nosed Coati (Nasua narica)
  • Yucatan Robber Frog (Craugastor yucatanensis)
  • Yucatan salamander (Bolitoglossa yucatana)
  • Yucatan Gambusia (Gambusia yucatana)
  • Branded Bolin (Cyprinodon artifrons)
