WHERE should a CAT SLEEP? - Baby and adult

WHERE should a CAT SLEEP? - Baby and adult
WHERE should a CAT SLEEP? - Baby and adult
Where should a cat sleep?
Where should a cat sleep?

Cats are very sleepy animals Except when they are young kittens, who maintain more time of activity thanks to play, the truth is that Adult cats spend a good part of the 24 hours a day sleeping. The rest of the time they self-groom, cover their basic needs and play at certain peaks of activity. A normal, he althy adult cat can spend about 16 hours dedicated to sleep. We can find him sleeping anywhere in the house, preferably in the sun or, in its absence, in a warm or hidden place, depending on his personality. That is why, at first glance, it seems important that you have a comfortable place to sleep. But do we have to buy a specific bed for cats? Can our cat sleep anywhere, like the sofa or our own bed?

The feeder, the carrier, food, toys, a brush, the litter box…, are objects that are part of the basic trousseau that the caregiver has in mind before bringing a kitten home. But, just as for a dog we take it for granted that he will need a bed, in the cat this aspect is not so clear. Actually, they are more of sleeping where they want. For this reason, in this article on our site we are going to talk about where a cat should sleep whether it is a baby or an adult cat.

Where should a baby cat sleep?

When we adopt a baby kitten it is normal for its helpless appearance to make us want to sleep with it. And the truth is that there is no problem in doing so. A cat that is cared for and well dewormed is not going to pose a risk to our he alth. But we must know that it is common for it to be very active at night, which can interrupt and hinder our rest. In addition, if we prefer that it not enter our room, it is better that we get used to it since childhood. No problem sleeping outside our room. Of course, always give him access to the litter box, to water and, if you feed him on demand, to food. It's a good idea to tire him out with an intense gaming session before going to bed to reduce his urge to explore late at night. In conclusion, sleeping with or without your cat is up to you and your kitty's preferences, as some may want to sleep on their own. For this, it is good that they have a good bed.

Of course, a newly adopted kitten that is scared and insecure, may cry at night if he finds the door of our room closed. For this reason, even if we have decided that he should sleep outside of it, it is convenient to leave the door ajar so that he feels that we are there. As he gains confidence, we can proceed to teach him to sleep in his bed in case he doesn't and close our door if that's what we want.

Cats sleep at night if they have managed to adapt to their humans' schedules. If your kitten still exhibits nocturnal habits, don't hesitate to consult this article: "Why doesn't my cat sleep at night?".

Where should a cat sleep? - Where should a baby cat sleep?
Where should a cat sleep? - Where should a baby cat sleep?

Where should an adult cat sleep?

The truth is that, as in the case of kittens, there is no better option than another when it comes to determine the cat's ideal resting place. It is a decision that only you and he can make. That is, you can let him sleep in your bed if he wants and it doesn't bother you, but make the decision and don't change it. Be consistent. If you let him sleep with you and, one fine day, you don't, the most normal thing is that, at the very least, you have to endure days of meowing in front of your closed door.

Of course, if he sleeps with you, he'll probably wake you up at some point to play and, if you have more than one cat, it's common for them to start a pitched battle in the middle of bed, preventing you from falling asleep. They have a weakness for attacking any foot that moves. Keep in mind that they are usually nocturnal, just like kittens. If you won't let him sleep in your bed, offer him a good alternative bed.

Something that is not recommended in any of the cases is locking the cat to sleep This will only producestress, anxiety and discomfort , which will result in a loss of confidence and a hostile attitude. If the cat does not sleep where you would like it to, try to find an alternative that is good for both of you and that does not involve disturbing its well-being.

Tips for choosing a cat bed

Whether you have a kitten or an adult cat, there are plenty of options on the market when choosing a bed for your cat. You can try several until you find the one you like best. These are the basic recommendations to get it right when choosing your cat's bed:

  • The size must match your cat's. A very expensive igloo is useless if your cat does not fit inside.
  • Visualize that you will have to put it in height and not on the ground.
  • You must also take into account the temperature of the house. In the middle of summer you may not want to use a sheepskin bed and lie directly on the ground to sunbathe.
  • It is essential that it be washable easily, that you can put it in the washing machine and forget about it.
  • Another very important point is that you assume that it is very likely that, given the opportunity, he will choose a sofa or a bookcase over his exclusive design bed. Therefore, a simple cardboard box with a fluffy blanket can serve as a good resting place.

If you liked the idea of the cardboard box because it is cheaper, don't miss this video in which you will learn how to make a bed for your cat.

Where to put the cat's bed?

Finally, more important than the bed for your cat, since it is capable of finding places to sleep on its own, is the layout of the spacesThat is, more than the bed itself, look at its location. A cat's home, for its well-being, has to be distributed in different areas that are well separated from each other. They are basically the following:

  • Disposal Area: This is where you have to put the litter box. It is essential that it be a quiet place and away from the usual traffic of the house.
  • Feeding area: corresponds to the space destined to put the food, whether we give it several times a day or we leave freely available. Water is also essential. It can be in this area, as long as there is space to leave it sufficiently separated from the food. Therefore, rule out double feeders.
  • Rest area: separated from the litter box and the feeder, we can place a cat bed of your choice, such as those shaped cave or those that can be hung from the radiators. Generally, prefer them to be highand not directly on the ground, but it is best to observe your cat to identify his preferences. In any case, you already know that you can find him sleeping anywhere, even directly on the ground if it is the best location to take advantage of the sun. And it is that you will perfectly notice his tendency to sleep in the warmest place in the house.
  • The rest of the house should be devoted to entertaining the cat, using what is known as environmental enrichment, since it is the best way to achieve the welfare of the cat. It is about providing him with elements such as horizontal and vertical scratching posts, furniture arranged at different heights, hiding places, toys, etc., with the aim of giving him the opportunity to carry out all the activities that are natural to him, such as climbing, hiding, playing, etc..

So where should a cat sleep? The truth is that we cannot give you a single answer, since you will have to observe your cat to find out his preferences and place his resting place where he feels comfortable and does not bother you.
