Can cats eat watermelon? - Benefits, dosage and contraindications

Can cats eat watermelon? - Benefits, dosage and contraindications
Can cats eat watermelon? - Benefits, dosage and contraindications
Can cats eat watermelon?
Can cats eat watermelon?

The watermelon is, along with the melon, the most characteristic summer fruit, being an important source of water to maintain good hydration in high temperatures, as well as vitamins. Now, we know perfectly well the benefits and properties that this fruit has on people, but what about cats? Can they eat watermelon? Is Watermelon good for cats or not? If you want to know the answer to these questions, continue reading this article on our site where we talk about the properties of this fruit and how give it to our felines.

Is watermelon good for cats?

Watermelon, or Citrullus lanatus, is a delicious and refreshing fruit that belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family, which originated in Africa and is now cultivated throughout the world. The fruit of the plant is edible, it is composed of 90% water and the pulp is red due to lycopene, an antioxidant. It has numerous seeds inside that are rich in vitamin E and are also eaten toasted. However, watermelon is a very sweet fruit, with almost 8 g of carbohydrates per 100 g of watermelon, sonot the best for cats , carnivorous animals adapted to a diet low in carbohydrates and rich in protein.

Cats obtain all their essential nutrients through the animal tissue of the prey that they would hunt in the wild, it is something that they retain from their ancestors, since they are still strict carnivores. It is in the meat that they get the essential amino acids and other nutrients to obtain energy and maintain their he alth from the proteins in the meat and from the fat. If you think about it, meat hardly has carbohydrates and cats, and other felines, subsist perfectly well without good amounts of these macronutrients. Moreover, if we increase the amount of daily carbohydrates, they can be prone to developing diseases such as obesity or diabetes. In this other article we talk in depth about What cats eat, don't miss it!

When in doubt about whether watermelon is good for cats, the answer is that it is unnecessary Cats don't need to eat watermelon for nutrition, but can be given as a snack under certain conditions and never frequently. In addition, cats do not taste the sweet, they lack the taste buds that detect this flavor, so they will only notice that it is something fresh and moist.

Benefits of watermelon for cats

The main advantage that watermelon would bring to a cat is hydration We have already mentioned that watermelon contains 90% water, so a few small pieces can offer a significant amount of water for cats, a species that tends to drink little, again, by nature. For this reason, the main benefit that watermelon has for cats is the contribution of water in their diet, which helps protect cats from common diseases such as FLUTD (feline lower urinary tract disease) or kidney disease.

Another important benefit of watermelon is its amount of lycopene, an antioxidant that helps prevent heart disease and protects bones. It is also a good source of fiber and has a certain laxative effect, which can help in cases of constipation or constipation.

Other beneficial nutrients for cats that we can find in watermelon are the following vitamins and minerals:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin B1
  • Vitamin B2
  • Vitamin B3
  • Vitamin B5
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin C
  • Copper
  • Match
  • Potassium
  • Biotin
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium

How to give a cat watermelon?

Cats can eat watermelon, yes, but you have to know how and when to give it to them. It is not a fruit to be offered every day, but once a week, for example.

Now how do you give it to him exactly? Can cats eat watermelon rind? And the seeds? The ideal is to give them small pieces cut into squares and without seeds or shellOnce cut, preferably put them in their usual feeder or use them as a prize. In any case, don't be far away when he begins to eat watermelon, because although it is not a difficult fruit to chew due to its degree of humidity, you do not know exactly how your cat may react or if it may choke. In addition, there are some cats that can be allergic to watermelon, although it is not something common at all, and others can develop diarrhea because it does not sit well with them.

Can cats eat watermelon? - How to give watermelon to a cat?
Can cats eat watermelon? - How to give watermelon to a cat?

Contraindications of watermelon in cats

Watermelon can be dangerous for cats, in addition to being able to cause allergies or intestinal damage, due to the risk of ingestion of the peel or seeds. If they eat shell they may have problems digesting it, making their digestive system work a lot, which can be damaged and produce symptoms such as abdominal pain, flatulence, diarrhea or vomiting.

On the other hand, the seeds contain a certain amount of cyanide Although you need to eat several for signs of poisoning to occur, you should know that cyanide binds to the ferric ion of the enzyme that intervenes in the respiration of cells, so that the cells cannot use oxygen, causing an absence of oxygen in the tissues and producing signs such as dilated pupils, red and shiny mucous membranes, respiratory distress, tremors, instability, falls, hypersalivation, shock and death. We repeat, for this to happen, your cat would have to ingest a large amount of nuggets, however, it is always preferable to eliminate them completely to avoid any problems, such as choking.

Finally, it is not recommended to give watermelon to cats with overweight, diabetes or diarrhea, as it would worsen these conditions due to its content in sugar and fiber, successively.

In this video we show you the most suitable fruits for cats, although in all cases it is advisable to offer them as a snack, precisely because of the sugar they contain:
