Why doesn't my cat have milk for her kittens? - And what do I do?

Why doesn't my cat have milk for her kittens? - And what do I do?
Why doesn't my cat have milk for her kittens? - And what do I do?
Why doesn't my cat have milk for her kittens?
Why doesn't my cat have milk for her kittens?

Warning that a cat has no milk for her kittens is a great concern for any caregiver, as it is easy to think that the life of the little ones, so vulnerable at this stage, are in serious danger. Luckily, lack of milk is not a common problem, but if it occurs, we must identify it quickly because it is vital to remedy it promptly.

In this article on our site we will explain all the details to take into account and we will also comment on how to take care of the kittens if the mother does not have milk, in this way we will be able to get them ahead.

How do I know if my cat has milk?

That a cat does not have milk for her kittens it is not at all usual During the cat's pregnancy, the mothers prepare to its future nutritional function, essential for the survival of the newborn litter. The breasts enlarge and, immediately after delivery, begin to produce a fluid called colostrum It is a highly nutritious fluid with an important function immune system that serves to protect the little ones from diseases. After him begins the secretion of milk

We may never see any of these secretions but we know they are occurring if the litter grows and stays quiet. Some kittens that gain weight daily, sleep relaxed, suck without any problem, are warm and do not cry or complain are telling us that they are well fed, that is, the milk flows even if we cannot observe it. The image of the cat and her kittens hooked on their mammary glands is the unequivocal sign that the cat has milk. Therefore, in no case is it necessary for us to manipulate the breasts looking for the secretion.

Why doesn't my cat have milk for her kittens? - How to know if my cat has milk?
Why doesn't my cat have milk for her kittens? - How to know if my cat has milk?

Lack of milk in cats

In some cases a cat may not have milk for her kittens. This can happen because the milk, although it is produced, does not come out of the breasts, or, more rarely, there is no milk or it isIt is insufficient.

If this happens, the clearest warning signal is that we will not see the idyllic picture that we have painted in the previous section. On the contrary, kittens will spend their time whining, looking for food that they can't find, they won't gain weight, they will be dehydrated, cold and restless. If we don't intervene quickly, these kittens will die Therefore, it is urgent that we contact a vet. The first thing will be to confirm that it is a problem of lack of milk and not some pathology of the newborn. Then, this professional will examine the cat to find the source of the problem.

A cat subjected to a high level of stress can produce milk but it is not excreted because, for its release, it needs the frequent sucking of the kittens and the release ofoxytocin , a hormone that is only secreted in calm situations. A quiet environment for the family, as we see, is very important for proper breastfeeding. The milk will not come out either if there is a nipple problem This type of case can be treated with drugs, massages and, above all, encouraging the kittens to suckle frequently.

On the other hand, when milk is not produced, it is possible that we are facing a genetic problem that is not going to be solvable. Therefore, the kittens will only have the chance to survive if they are artificially bred On the other hand, if we are faced with a highly malnourished cat, she will be able to produce milk but in insufficient quantity. We can improve the situation by offering a correct and quality diet and adequate hydration, making clean and fresh water always available.

What can I do to make my cat have more milk?

When our cat does not have milk for her kittens, it is normal that our first option is to look for how to increase the cat's milk. It is important that we know that, contrary to popular belief, there is no magical food that can increase production.

This is based on a well nourished mother in a relaxed environment and in continuous contact with her kittens so that they suckle frequently. In this way the milk will be produced and, thanks to oxytocin and the stimulation of the young, it will flow without problems. Therefore, to get more milk we must provide a comfortable environment for the cat, avoid separating her from her young and offer her quality food, as well as water and milk. lack of stress.

Why doesn't my cat have milk for her kittens? - What to do so that my cat has more milk?
Why doesn't my cat have milk for her kittens? - What to do so that my cat has more milk?

How to feed the kittens?

If definitively, after the veterinary consultation, it is determined that the cat does not have milk for her kittens, we will have no other solution than to feed the newborn kittens ourselves, raising them withartificial milk for sale in veterinary clinics and hospitals. It is very important that we use one formulated exclusively for cats. Any other will not cover their needs, which would put the little ones in danger.

To prepare the bottles we must follow the instructions of each manufacturer. Before offering the preparation, we must check the temperature, since it would be harmful for the kittens to swallow it, whether it is too cold or too hot. At first they will eat very frequently, about every two hours

The bottle is not given to them like human babies, but we will hold them with one hand under their abdomen and chest and, in that position, with their legs resting on our lap, it will be like swallowing the dairy. As they grow, the shots are spaced out. Around three weeks of age we can start offering them solid foods, always specifically formulated for growing kittens.
