How to INTRODUCE a THIRD CAT at home? - Guidelines to follow

How to INTRODUCE a THIRD CAT at home? - Guidelines to follow
How to INTRODUCE a THIRD CAT at home? - Guidelines to follow
How to introduce a third cat at home?
How to introduce a third cat at home?

When you intend to introduce a new cat at home when we already have two that are already adapted, either because they have grown up together or because went through a period of adjustment to each other, guardians are concerned, especially if it was traumatic. This adaptation process can be very long, although some cats adapt quickly, the vast majority of cats take days, weeks and even months to reach an acceptable coexistence. It is never a good idea to do it abruptly, but it must be done through a series of guidelines and successive steps that must be done carefully, delicately and respecting feline nature.

In this article on our site we will talk about the process of introducing a third cat into the house when we already have two.

What to consider before bringing a third cat into the house?

Before introducing a new cat into the house with other cats, we have to think about the character of our cats, what is their type of relationship, if they are a family, have they grown up together, if from the first moment they have tolerated each other and managed to get along or if, on the contrary, they respect each other but do not get along, and sometimes they even fight. If the latter is the case, it would not be a very good idea to introduce a third cat that can aggravate the stress they may be under.

It must always be borne in mind that cats are considered non-social animals, because when they reach adulthood they do not live in groups and they are territorial animals For this reason, when there are several cats in a house, it is normal for them to divide the house into areas that they consider their territory. Due to this, the introduction of a new cat at home is something that alters that hierarchical order that, among other things, would stimulate in cats a "marking" behavior consisting of the emission of small amounts of urine in some corners of the house. House. The use of synthetic feline pheromones is a good idea to create a pleasant environment between them, as well as having at least one bed and litter box for each one plus one extra, (that is, four total of each).

Usually at first, the newly introduced kitty will be the intimidated one and the felines already in the home will dominate.

Introducing a baby kitten

If the third cat to introduce in our house is a small cat, is usually everything simpler, being the adaptation normally easy. If you see how your cats hiss at the new kitten as soon as it arrives, it is normal, it is something strange that arrives at your house and possibly they see it as a small threat that will grow and limit their territory and freedom. However, after a few days, adult cats usually accept the little newcomer.

In addition, the cats that we already have at home will feel a bit intimidated and somewhat harassed by the little one, who will ask them to play. Normally, they will react with vocalizations, hitting and grabbing that usually stop when the little kitten meows. These episodes will generally be reduced until a complete adaptation is seen after a few days.

Introduction of an adult cat

These are really complicated cases and sometimes a visit to a veterinarian specialized in ethology is necessary. This adaptation process can take several weeks, so patience and calm are necessary if we want it to work out. Before introducing another cat, it is necessary to test for retrovirus, that is, feline immunodeficiency and leukemia, especially leukemia because it is more easily transmitted between cats.

Introductions must be done slowly and carefully, this way we will minimize stress, confrontations and be able to achieve a real harmonious coexistence between the three cats. This is much better than bringing them together directly and "see what happens" forcing their coexistence, which usually ends in disaster and permanent conflicts and behavior problems. It is always better that the cat is neutered and is of the opposite sex to those we have. If our cats are of the opposite sex, then it is preferable to opt for the opposite one that we think, due to its character, may show greater conflicts with the newcomer

How to introduce a third cat at home? - What to take into account before introducing a third cat at home?
How to introduce a third cat at home? - What to take into account before introducing a third cat at home?

Guidelines for introducing a third cat into the house

Once it has been verified that all the cats are he althy, the atmosphere is relaxed, without the arrival of someone outside or an important moment, the introduction process can begin. This process will consist of three phases: isolation of the new cat in a room exclusively for him, first presentation in a carrier and if all goes well, a final direct contact.

Keep the new cat in a separate room

If the new cat at home is scared, it's totally normal because he has just arrived in an unknown territory that, on top of that, is occupied by two cats. For this reason, and to avoid conflicts with the residents, the first thing to do is to isolate the new cat for the first few days, so that it does not have direct contact with the cats in the household and can gain trust with the house and with the caregivers. This isolation will allow the house cats and the newcomer to smell and hear each other to get used to each other without having direct contact which would be very stressful. The newcomer will adapt to the new house little by little. To begin with, he will have that room exclusively for him, with his litter box, feeder, drinker, bed, blanket and toys.

It is a good idea to begin to smell and familiarize the cats effectively, to bring the new cat a blanket or toys that the cats that we have at home have used and to see how it reacts, as well as to do the same with our cats with accessories that the new cat has used.

Transport presentations

For a few times each day, it's a good idea to put the new cat in the carrier and put it near and somewhat elevated from the cats that were already at home, in this way, in addition to seeing and hearing each other, they can maintain eye contact, preventing the new cat from being intimidated and preventing the resident cats from attacking it.

In this situation, there are two types of cats On the one hand, there are those who do not show much interest in the new cat, who It will possibly be the one that will be kept apart and gradually accepted in the short term and without aggression. The other situation is one in which cats show signs of aggressiveness; we must avoid them and distract the attention of the cats, reinforcing them in a positive way with prizes when the encounters are kept calm.

A good way to make them get closer and positively relate to the presence of the new cat is to put some feline "treats" or the favorite food of the cats in the house near the carrier and gradually reduce the distance progressively, without forcing the meeting at any time. Cats should associate contact with each other as something pleasant and well, not yelling, fighting or punishing.

Once they are tolerated, you can try feeding the three cats at the same time, the two existing cats and the new one in the carrier. At first they can hiss, meow and be suspicious, but little by little the relationship will improve.

Direct Approach

When we see that the encounters with carriers are less stressful and are even beginning to be tolerated, it is time to move on to more direct contact. The first time, and if the cat is calm, we can take the new cat in our arms and sit somewhere close to where the cats of the household are, which will make the cats approach the new one and maintain contact with us being the mediator If there is any problem between them. We can talk to them in a pleasant and affectionate way and pet them to maintain a pleasant atmosphere and, again, reward them if gestures of acceptance appear among the cats.

Once these encounters are over, the cat must return to his room until they are completely pleasant to move on to direct contact between the three cats. dissatisfied, but they will reduce over time e they will each take over their routines and their favorite places in the house, sharing them, with the same advantages of hot and hidden places, food, care, respecting each other and living together in a calm way. The snorts will turn into games and shows of affection if all goes well and we will have successfully introduced a third cat into the house.

Always keep in mind that even if we do all these steps perfectly and do it with the best possible intention, cats have no "need" for a feline companion, so while in Sometimes the three cats will end up getting along, in a few other cases they will never have a good connection and will even live in permanent truce. However, in homes they do not have competition for food or drink or places to rest in peace, so cats tend to accept each other and even enjoy the company of other companions of their species.

What to do if the cats do not accept the new kitten?

How long it takes for a cat to accept another is a question to which we cannot give a definitive answer, since, as we have seen, it can take from days to months. However, as we have just commented, the resident cats will not always end up accepting the third kitten. It is possible that we have done something wrong during the process, that they do not have enough resources, etc. In these cases, it is best to go to a feline ethologist to personally assess the situation and help us introduce the third cat into the house so that both residents come to accept it.

In addition, we advise you to watch this video to expand your information on coexistence between cats.
