Lovebird Breeding

Lovebird Breeding
Lovebird Breeding
Breeding lovebirds
Breeding lovebirds

Lovebirds, also known as lovebirds, are endearing birds that we enjoy just seeing their dazzling and colorful plumage. Hearing them sing, playing with each other, passing food or pampering each other, are some of the classic sights that characterize this very sociable bird.

If you have a couple of lovebirds and you are thinking of breeding them to enjoy more members in your home, you have come to the right place. In this article on our site we will explain the process of lovebird breeding giving you some tips about the right breeding time and others.

Do not forget that raising birds is a responsibility, so you should first consider whether you will be able to take care of the new tenants both economically and for space and care. It is important!

The pair of lovebirds

Unlike what happens with other species of birds, choosing a mate correctly is complicated, not if we don't know how to sex correctly the copies. In the gray or pullrius lovebird species we find a real obstacle when it comes to differentiating between male and female.

Agapornis cana can be distinguished because the females are green unlike the male, which has a white head and a white feather on the wing where the rest of the plumage is green. The pullarius lovebirds are distinguished by the color of the inside of the wing, which is black in males and green in females.

For the rest of the lovebird species we will have to observe the behavior and not the physical aspect. It turns out that even if two of them form a couple, it does not mean that they are of the opposite sex. So, this is not the behavior to take into account, but if we give them material to make a nest and one of them transports it between his wings without it falling off, normally we will be dealing with a female while the male will be in charge of regurgitating the food and will not carry out practically any work on the construction of the nest.

The best option is undoubtedly to go to a professional or an amateur with the appropriate knowledge who knows how to correctly distinguish and sex lovebirds.

What species of lovebirds can be crossed?

There are nine species of lovebirds and all of them can cross each other to obtain offspring, however, certain crosses will result in sterile pups. What are these crosses?

In the different breeds of lovebirds we find a peculiarity in the area of the eyes: some have a very marked ring of white skin (periophthalmic ring) while others have a much less marked ring that is simply a very fine layer of feathers that protect their eyes. We must cross the species that have this particular trait in common.

Periophthalmic Ringed Lovebird:

  • Personatus
  • Fscheri
  • Lilianae
  • Nigrigeris

Lovebirds without periophthalmic ring:

  • Pullarios
  • Roseicollis
  • Taranta
  • Canus
  • Swindernianus
Breeding of lovebirds - The pair of lovebirds
Breeding of lovebirds - The pair of lovebirds

The breeding cage and feeding

For breeding to take place, your birds must feel comfortable and prepared, for this reason it will be essential to pay attention to creating an environment conducive to it.

Unlike other birds that are comfortable in a smaller cage, lovebirds will need a large cage to move freely and without stress. Remove the toys that can distract them and leave in the breeding cage plenty of fresh water, quality food, a cuttlefish bone and an extra: breeding paste for lovebirds This extra food will be very useful for the mother, who will suffer significant nutritional wear. You can also get vitamins to improve her he alth status.

If we have other lovebirds besides the couple, it is advisable to separate them before breeding since they could disturb and interrupt the process.

When our lovebirds have been receiving this extra food for a week, we can already place the nest. The ideal for breeding lovebirds is the large square nest, with a hole at the entrance, which we must not touch once it is inside the cage. In addition, we will incorporate material so that they themselves can create a comfortable and comfortable nest (very important to avoid malformations in the chicks). Get coconut or goat hair available at any pet store.

Breeding lovebirds - The breeding cage and feeding
Breeding lovebirds - The breeding cage and feeding

Copulation and laying

Lovebirds reach sexual maturity at one year of age. We must wait until then to carry out our purpose. In addition, we will avoid making them breed in times of intense heat, preferring autumn and spring for our purpose.

Courtship and copulation can last up to 20 days, although usually about 10 will suffice. The male will begin courting the female by feeding her and offering her food with his bill. Then they will carry out the mount that will last a maximum of ten days until the female has her first egg.

From the start of courtship you must provide your lovebirds with privacy. Disturbing them can lead to the interruption of the breeding process. You must not touch the nest in any case, you can only get close to change water and food.

Depending on the particular lovebird species, they will lay between 3 and 6 eggs. The number of offspring can also vary due to other factors such as the age of both parents, their experience or their diet.

Birth of the young lovebirds

Incubation and hatch time is about 25 days When the first egg starts to hatch it can take up to 24 hours when the calf comes out definitely. When the little ones are born, you have to leave them alone during the first fortnight where their parents will feed them without problems and where we won't have to intervene.

Lovebird breeding - Birth of the lovebird pups
Lovebird breeding - Birth of the lovebird pups

Chick growth

After 15 days the lovebird chicks begin to be more developed and are no longer excessively fragile, however, they are still very sensitive animals that need the warmth of their parents at all times.

If we want to get our lovebirds used to being handled, we can start interacting with them (with great care) from 20 or 25 days old. It is the perfect time to create a bond with them and make them lose their fear of human beings. It is also the right period to start training your lovebirds.

Separation of parents and offspring

From 2 months of age, the offspring are ready to be separated from their parents. Don't forget that even if you have a large cage, you will need at least one small aviator to house the whole family.

Take good care of your lovebirds and don't forget to offer enrichment in their environment so that they can enjoy a full life. All this experience will surely help you to point out the benefits of having birds, very sensitive and beautiful animals.
