Why doesn't my cat drink water? - Causes and what to do

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Why doesn't my cat drink water? - Causes and what to do
Why doesn't my cat drink water? - Causes and what to do
Why doesn't my cat drink water?
Why doesn't my cat drink water?

In the wild, cats feed on prey with a high water content, so they hardly need to drink. Therefore, at home we will notice that their water intake is not very high.

The problem is that if his food is based on dry feed, with very little moisture, we run the risk that he will not consume all the liquid you need, which is related to the appearance of different he alth problems that mainly affect the urinary tract and the kidneys. Therefore, it is very important to keep cats well hydrated. If you want to know more, keep reading this article on our site, where we will explain why my cat won't drink water

Causes why your cat does not drink water

Of course, just like for people, water is essential for our cat's he alth and must be consumed daily in sufficient quantity, but this does not always happen. Cats are naturally not heavy drinkers because they are used to getting the liquid they need directly from their prey, which are usually rodents, birds and even lizards, with a water content of about 70% But cats that live indoors don't have the opportunity to hunt and depend on the food we provide their caregivers. It is very common for it to be feed, with a water content that will be around 8%,as a result of its manufacturing process.

By comparing the natural preys with this menu, we will understand the need for the cat to drink liquids in much more quantity than it is used to. Hence, he alth problems may arise and it is important that we encourage our cat to drink. For this reason, it is normal for us to worry if we observe that our cat does not drink water. In this sense, one of the most common causes is that the cat hunts and feeds if it has access to the outside. If not, the reasons may be:

  • You don't like your drinking fountain. In this case, it is possible that the cat does drink water but through other sources, such as taps.
  • Your drinker is too close to the litter box. Cats are animals that prefer to have well-separated spaces, so they may refuse to drink water if their drinker is too close to the area where they go to relieve themselves.
  • Your diet is moist and already meets your water needs.
  • The water is dirty and you prefer not to drink it. These animals are also characterized by being very neat, so they will refuse to drink water that they consider to be in poor condition.
  • There is more than one cat and one or several prevent the rest from drinking water. If your cat has stopped drinking water and you have recently adopted another cat, it is possible that the new cat is using its resources.
  • You have an illness that makes you drink less water.

Because he may be suffering from a he alth problem, it is important to go to the vet for an examination. Once this cause has been ruled out, how to teach a cat to drink water? And how much water should a cat drink a day? In the following sections, we explain what steps we can take to get you to drink more, how much water to drink, and what to do if you don't drink enough water.

Benefits of water for cats

Good hydration favors the proper functioning of the kidney and urinary system. In addition , it prevents the formation of crystals, since it increases the dilution of the urine and, by going to the litter box more times, it stays less time in the bladder, which is another factor that favors precipitation.

If water consumption is important in he althy cats of any age, it will be much more so in those with a urinary or kidney problem. In these cases, in addition to following the advice explained in the following sections, you must put yourself in the hands of the veterinarian

Why doesn't my cat drink water? - Benefits of water for cats
Why doesn't my cat drink water? - Benefits of water for cats

How to offer a cat water?

Cats can be a little special when it comes to drinking. The first step in getting your cat to drink water is, of course, to make sure it has fresh clean water available 24 hours and should be changed several times a day. It is recommended to leave several drinkers distributed in different parts of the house so that you always have quick access to them. In addition, if there is more than one feline in the home, it is good that we have a sufficient number of drinking fountains so that everyone can drink calmly, without any of them preventing access to this resource for the others.

On the other hand, cats like to distribute their home in different spaces. This means that water should be in a separate area from the sandbox, play area, bed or other sleeping surfaces. It is also not good that it is attached to the feeder. In addition, you have to choose a suitable drinking bowl Sometimes, we may notice that our cat does not drink water from the bowl because it is too closed, so that its whiskers rub against the edges when sticking his head in, making it uncomfortable. That is why you have to choose wide troughs where this contact does not occur. The material is also important. Plastic can change over time, so it's a good idea to opt for stainless steel or ceramic, which are also easy to clean.

Cat Water Fountains

Cat fountains deserve a separate section. Many of them instinctively reject stagnant water and we will see, on occasion, how they put their foot in the drinker to move it before starting to drink. Others jump into the tap water as soon as they realize we turn it on or even turn it on themselves.

In these cases, cat fountains are a good option, which keep the water moving continuously, which encourages them to to drink. In Catit they have very different models, so you can choose according to your tastes or your budget.

As a recommendation, leave his drinker on at first while he adjusts to using the new fountain.

Why doesn't my cat drink water? - How to offer water to a cat?
Why doesn't my cat drink water? - How to offer water to a cat?

A diet with more water

If we feed our cat with dry food, it is likely that, even if he drinks, he does not drink enough to meet his needs. That is why it is recommended that we at least offer him what is known as mixed diet, which is nothing more than giving him feed and wet food, which are cans for cats. Thus, if you are wondering how to hydrate a cat that does not want to drink water, in this type of diet you have the answer.

Thus, we must calculate the amount of feed and wet food that our cat needs daily and offer him, for example, half of each of the diets to make up his menu. It is important to take some time to do the calculation, otherwise, if we go too far, we run the risk of causing a weight gain

You must give both foods separately and it is a good idea to offer small amounts several times a day. It is a way of feeding that is closer to its behavior in nature and, in addition, it has been proven that eating more often encourages the cat to drink more often

On the other hand, don't forget to choose a quality food Spend some time comparing compositions and ingredients between the different brands. There are good options for all pockets. It is essential that the food you choose is adapted to the life stage of your cat and, if he has any illness, provide him with the specialized diet prescribed by the veterinarian in both dry and wet food. Otherwise, the desired beneficial effects would not be achieved.

Finally, you can feed your cat with homemade food as long as the menu is prepared by an expert in feline nutrition. Otherwise, the consequence could be nutritional deficiencies and he alth problems.

What to do if your cat doesn't drink water?

If you offer your cat a diet with a good supply of water, you will probably detect that he drinks little, but his needs, in general, will be met. On the other hand, if he only eats feed and, although you have followed the above advice, you do not see him drinking, he may be sick and dehydrated Check this by carefully pulling his skin on the cross area. If it takes time to return to its position, there is dehydration and we should contact the veterinarian. Also if we detect other symptoms or if you continue without drinking.

Also, rather than wondering why your kitten isn't drinking water, Make an appointment at the vet Kittens and older cats are especially vulnerable to dehydration and their condition can worsen in a matter of hours. Therefore, in any case, if your cat has stopped drinking water, you should call the vet, whether it happens overnight or if you notice that he is drinking less. In addition, on the contrary, drinking a lot of water is also a symptom of illness.
