The 10 largest sharks in the world

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The 10 largest sharks in the world
The 10 largest sharks in the world
Top 10 largest sharks in the world
Top 10 largest sharks in the world

Sharks often cause us great fear, as some have been used as the protagonists of many movies where people are terrified, showing them as atrocious devourers. Although it is true that several species occupy the main place as marine predators, their hunting is not specifically oriented towards human prey. So the accidents that occur between these animals and humans are the product of casual and very sporadic events.

These fascinating animals are currently under significant pressure, giving rise to various species in danger of extinction. In this article on our site, we want to present an article about the 10 largest sharks in the world, so you can learn more about these impressive sharks.

Whale shark

The whale shark (Rhincodon typus) is the world's largest shark species, therefore the largest fish. Inhabits all tropical seas with various depth ranges. The largest recorded size is 20 meters and the average length generally exceeds 10 meters.

Paradoxically, despite its size difference between sharks, it feeds by filtering on phytoplankton, small prey such as krill, small crustaceans, larvae, and smaller fish such as sardines, mackerel, and tuna. It is classified by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in the endangered category.

The 10 largest sharks in the world - Whale shark
The 10 largest sharks in the world - Whale shark

Baking Shark

The basking shark (Cetorhinus maximus) lives in temperate and warm waters, having migratory movements depending on the season. They can be present between 200 and 2000 meters deep. It is the second largest shark recognized with average sizes between 7 and 8 meters, but in some cases can exceed 10 m in length.

This is also a filter feeder of plankton, copepods, larvae and eggs. It is a calm animal, which does not represent any danger to humans. However, it is endangered according to the IUCN.

The 10 largest sharks in the world - Basking Shark
The 10 largest sharks in the world - Basking Shark

Greenland Shark

The Greenland shark (Somniosus microcephalus) inhabits mainly temperate and polar waters, with a distribution on continental and insular shelves. Depending on the water temperature, it can be up to 500 m in the warmer seasons and reach 1200 m in waters between 1-12 o C.

It is considered in the group of the largest sharks in the world, but also one of the slowest with a length of up to about 7.3 meters It feeds on marine mammals, a wide variety of other fish and even carrion. It is considered in the vulnerable category

The 10 largest sharks in the world - Greenland Shark
The 10 largest sharks in the world - Greenland Shark

Tiger shark

The tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier) is distributed mainly in tropical and subtropical waters. Although with very few recorded accidents, can cause harm to people The species, unlike previously thought, has a high degree of migration, even in aquatic ecosystems contrasting. Individuals of up to about 7.3 m in length have been recorded, but the average is between 3.25 and 4.25 m, with weights of up to about635kg

They are active predators of the seas, consuming an important variety of mammals and aquatic birds. They also often attack wounded whales or feed on dead ones. They are considered near threatened.

The 10 largest sharks in the world - Tiger shark
The 10 largest sharks in the world - Tiger shark

Hot Shark

The loggerhead shark (Hexanchus griseus) is the largest shark of its group, considered a cosmopolitan species with a global extension, mainly in deep waters. Its dimensions range from 3.5 to 4.8 m, with some exceptions that have reached 6 m in length.

It is an exclusively carnivorous predator that consumes other fish, including smaller sharks and rays. With a decreasing population trend, it is listed as almost threatened.

The 10 largest sharks in the world - Cabañota shark
The 10 largest sharks in the world - Cabañota shark

Great Hammerhead Shark

The great hammerhead shark (Sphyrna mokarran), as well as other species of the sphyrnidae group, is found in all tropical marine waters of the world. With its peculiar T-shaped head, it measures between 4 and 6 meters in length and weighs up to 500 kg.

Feeds on other sharks, bony fish, and rays, often crushing them with its head before devouring them. It is considered by the IUCN in the category of critically endangered.

The 10 largest sharks in the world - Great Hammerhead Shark
The 10 largest sharks in the world - Great Hammerhead Shark

White shark

The great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias), one of the best-known shark species, has a wide distribution in both tropical and cold waters, with a particular presence in various coastal waters. On average, the maximum size it reaches is 6 meters, with weights of up to 3 tons.

This is a very active predatory species, with various hunting techniques. Their prey varies between some types of whales, seals, sea lions and elephant seals, birds and turtles. Its current status is vulnerable.

The 10 largest sharks in the world - White Shark
The 10 largest sharks in the world - White Shark

Widemouth Shark

The widemouth shark (Megachasma pelagios) is a species of relatively recent discovery and of few studies due to the limited observations that exist. It is distributed mainly in various warm waters, although eventually it also does so in temperate waters. The average size of this animal is 5 meters in length and about 750 kg

This is another species that feeds by filtering crustaceans and shrimp. There are no details on its population status and it is considered to be of least concern.

The 10 largest sharks in the world - Bigmouth shark
The 10 largest sharks in the world - Bigmouth shark

Pacific sleeper shark

The Pacific sleeper shark (Somniosus pacificus) is a species of the group called sleeper sharks, for which there are no data sufficient, especially in relation to the population level. It inhabits deep waters of the Pacific Ocean. The average size is 4 meters and the approximate maximum weight is 360 kg

Has a varied diet that includes other fish, seals, rays, octopus, squid, crabs, and carrion. Its classification within the IUCN is Data Deficient.

The 10 largest sharks in the world - Pacific sleeper shark
The 10 largest sharks in the world - Pacific sleeper shark

Mako Shark

The mako shark (Isurus oxyrinchus) is distributed in the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans. So it is considered cosmopolitan, temperate and tropical waters. The average size ranges from 3 to 3.8 meters and weighs up to about 150 kg.

They are predators with the highest trophic location in the ecosystems they inhabit. Blue fish is their main source of food, but they alternate with other types of fish, cephalopods and mammals. According to IUCN it is in endangered.
