Wheat bran for dogs - Benefits and properties

Wheat bran for dogs - Benefits and properties
Wheat bran for dogs - Benefits and properties
Wheat Bran for Dogs
Wheat Bran for Dogs

It is essential that our dog follow a proper diet, this means that it is provided in the appropriate proportions but that it also provides all the necessary nutrients, which we will achieve in a simple way with a preferably high-end feed to ensure the quality of its components.

However, there are many ways to supplement this diet so that it goes from being simply good to being optimal. In this sense, one of the best resources to use for this purpose is fiber, which without being a nutrient, is absolutely necessary. And this is where wheat bran comes in, a product that is also suitable for our furry companions. So keep reading and discover in this article on our site the benefits and properties of wheat bran for dogs

The properties of wheat bran

Before delving into the multiple benefits that this product provides to dogs, it is essential to define what wheat bran is Well then, it is the remaining product that remains once the wheat has been refined, therefore we speak of a matter full of vitamins, minerals and fiber. However, the properties we talk about in this article are those that come from the presence of fiber.

Wheat bran is rich in non-soluble fiber, a type of fiber that does not dissolve in water but does have the property to absorb it. However, since it is not a nutrient, it cannot be absorbed by the body. So what result does this mechanism of action give? Mainly insoluble fiber acts as a purifying substance of all intestinal transit, which has many advantages for the digestive system, both ours and dogs.

To summarize, wheat bran is an ideal fiber food for our pets, as well as one of the most recommended human foods suitable for dogs.

Wheat bran for dogs - The properties of wheat bran
Wheat bran for dogs - The properties of wheat bran

Benefits of wheat bran for dogs

Wheat bran is an excellent protector for the dog's digestive system and the results that our pet obtains when this ingredient is incorporated daily to your diet are as follows:

  • Improves intestinal transit, avoiding situations such as dog constipation or diarrhoea.
  • Improves the beneficial bacterial flora present in the intestine, since fiber serves as food for these bacteria.
  • Reduces the risk of developing diabetes, since the fiber in wheat bran allows carbohydrates to be metabolized more slowly.
  • Helps prevent gastrointestinal illnesses, since fiber facilitates the expulsion of toxins accumulated in the digestive system.

As you can see, a common food in our pantry can also bring great benefits to the body of our furry companions. But what is the correct way to offer dogs wheat bran? We'll tell you then!

How to give dogs wheat bran?

Now that you know that dogs can eat wheat bran and all the benefits that this product brings to their body, the time has come to talk about its administration. Wheat bran can be easily purchased at any he alth food or herbal store, generally in powder form, therefore, it will suffice to include half a teaspoon of this preparation in each mealthat we give to our pet. Of course, it is preferable to moisten the wheat bran a little, since this will improve its digestion and your dog will be less reluctant to eat this new component of his diet.

Finally, don't forget that fruits and vegetables for dogs are also an excellent idea to add fiber to their diet, so don't miss the list of the most recommended ones to start providing them.
