CLOWNFISH FOOD - Find out what clownfish eat

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CLOWNFISH FOOD - Find out what clownfish eat
CLOWNFISH FOOD - Find out what clownfish eat
Clownfish feeding
Clownfish feeding

The clownfish is a common and very popular specimen in aquariums around the world. It is a tropical water fish and requires a large aquarium of at least 150 litres. However, this type of fish is relatively easy to keep, as long as the minimum requirements for salinity, pH, temperature, lighting and habitat are met.

In this post on our site you will be able to find out about clownfish feedingThe food that you offer your clownfish must be of quality so that your specimen remains beautiful and long-lived for a long time. Keep reading and find out everything!

The anemone and the clownfish

You should know that Anemones are vital for clownfish to enjoy a suitable habitat. Between both species there is a symbiosis that favors their existence. Therefore, you will have one anemone for each specimen of clownfish. These fish are very territorial and will fight each other if they don't have an anemone for each individual.

There are many varieties of clownfish, and it is convenient to have the most suitable type of anemone, specific for each variety of clownfish In the place where you adopt the fish, they should adequately inform you about this circumstance and provide you with the fish and the compatible anemone.

Clownfish feeding - Anemone and clownfish
Clownfish feeding - Anemone and clownfish

Anemone feeding

The anemone, apart from protecting its tenant from other larger fish that coexist in the aquarium, provides it with food. The clownfish feeds on the food residues and parasites of the anemone. For this reason, there is a symbiotic coexistence between both animal species.

Aside from their usefulness as companions to clownfish, anemones add indescribable beauty to aquariums. Anemones require very clean water and specific lighting.

Clownfish care

One of the main cares for clownfish is to provide them with an appropriate habitat, which should have s alt water and plenty of space. It is usual to have a couple of clownfish per aquarium, if it has a capacity of 150 litresEach clownfish added will require 75 liters of extra water.

The reason for requiring so much space is due to the predatory habits of the clownfish, since it is an omnivorous fish. For this reason, the clownfish will be fed by distributing the food over the entire surface of the aquarium and without stopping its water currents. This will make the clownfish chase after its food, preserving its predatory character.

Clownfish feeding - Clownfish care
Clownfish feeding - Clownfish care

What do clown fish eat?

Clownfish require a rich diet consisting of animal foods and a small proportion of plant matter. It is therefore an omnivorous animal. Sometimes live foodmust be provided to the clownfish. In this way the predatory instinct of the clownfish will be fulfilled.

The clownfish feeding must have:

  • Cooked mussels
  • White fish
  • Squid
  • Peeled prawns
  • Cockles
  • Octopus
  • Chicken livers
  • Small crustaceans

They should also provide live feed such as worms and brine shrimp They can also be given top quality dry feed. As vegetable food you can give cooked chard and spinach It is especially important to offer adequate and quality food at the time of clownfish breeding

Clownfish Buddies

Clownfish can be accompanied by some related species and there are a large number of tropical fish that we can keep in an aquarium. The shrimp of the Periclimines species is an extraordinary company for both clownfish and anemones, since it feeds on the waste of both.

This tiny shrimp adds a beautiful splash of color to the aquarium. The Blue Damsel and the Yellowtail Damsel are examples of fish compatible with clown fish.
