Shih Tzu hair care - TIPS and recommendations

Shih Tzu hair care - TIPS and recommendations
Shih Tzu hair care - TIPS and recommendations
Shih Tzu Coat Care
Shih Tzu Coat Care

The shih tzu is a breed native to China and Tibet, characterized by its solid but small body, and abundant fur which gives it a rather cute appearance, making it a very popular breed.

The shih tzu's coat is one of its best attributes, along with its sociable and playful personality and the love it develops for its human companions. If you want to preserve the beautiful appearance of this breed, we invite you to read this article on our site about shih tzu hair care

The bath of the shih tzu

Care for the shih tzu's coat has a lot to do with bathing, which not only keeps the coat clean but also free from knots. The frequency of the bath will depend on the type of activity that the shih tzu performs, that is, if he leaves the house or not, if he plays in the yard or in the park, among others. Before bathing, it is best to brush the hair to detect and undo possible knots

In general, it is best to bathe him once or twice a month, using lukewarm water and aspecial shampoo and conditioner for dogs , never use products intended for humans on the dog's coat. While the dog is still a puppy, use products that are hypoallergenic or do not produce tears.

Shih tzu puppy's first bath

The ideal is to get him used to the bathroom from an early age, in his socialization stage, and always using positive reinforcement, that is, try to associate this experience positivelyWe can use toys, kind words, games in the water or endless caresses.

Of course, remember that you should not bathe a puppy 10 days before or after the application of any vaccine. If this is your case and you urgently need to bathe your shih tzu, consult your veterinarian so that they take it into account when following the vaccination schedule.

How to bathe a shih tzu - Step by step

Here we explain how your shih tzu dog's bath should be, step by step:

  1. Start by running the water in your bathtub or sink until you find the perfect temperature, not too high and not too low. The room temperature should be warm to avoid colds or a significant drop in defenses.
  2. While you bathe him, you can place two cotton balls in his ears to prevent water from falling into the ear canal, although you can also use a cohesive elastic bandage to prevent this.
  3. Start wetting it progressively, always from the bottom up. Try not to overwhelm him and if you notice that he gets very nervous, use your voice to reassure him.
  4. You must not get your eyes or ears wet.
  5. After wetting the whole body, apply the shampoo and spread it carefully without rubbing, otherwise you will tangle the strands.
  6. Leave on for a few minutes and then remove with water.
  7. Apply a conditioner using the same technique. There are different types: rinseable, without rinsing, liquid or spray, it does not matter which one you choose but you must use one, as it not only adds shine to the Shih Tzu's coat, but also allows it to be combed more easily and prevents dry skin.
  8. Take your shih tzu out of the bathing area and wrap him in a towel without rubbing.

Drying the shih tzu hair

After each bath it is necessary to dry thoroughly the shih tzu's coat. Without scrunching the hair, press a towel over the body until much of the moisture has been absorbed.

Afterwards, use a dryer especially for dogs and a comb to dry the rest of the hair. Apply the action of the dryer on the lowest temperature and keep it 20 centimeters away, helping yourself with the comb so as not to leave any wet spots. If you don't have a comb, use your fingers to avoid the tangles that the dryer can produce.

Many dogs are scared of the dryer, so be patient until they get used to it. It's best to first allow him to look and sniff as much as he wants while it's off, and then wait for the shih tzu to get comfortable with the device before using it on him. After completely drying the coat, it's time to brush your dog.

Shih tzu hair care - The shih tzu bath
Shih tzu hair care - The shih tzu bath

Brushing a shih tzu's coat

Brushing the shih tzu's coat is necessary not only after bathing, but also several times a week Some people recommend brushing and combing daily, but since we know that this takes time, we recommend doing it every other day, which would mean an average of 3 or 4 brushings per week.

Doing this will not only keep your hair soft, well-groomed and knot-free, but it will also get rid of all dead hair, common complaint in people who have pets with abundant fur at home. You will also improve their hygiene and help you detect parasites quickly.

For proper brushing we recommend you get a rake-type comb for long-haired dogs, which will help you remove tangles. You will also need a knot-cutter if your dog is prone to tangles, but be careful, if the knot is very close to the skin it is best to use scissors to avoid damaging it. Finally, you can opt for a carding brush or a double-sided brush for combing.

Before starting, it is best to lay the dog on its side to brush more easily, so you should get him used to feeling comfortable in that position while you comb and brush him from a young age, just like in the bathing process.

It is recommended to moisten the coat with a little water to speed up the work. Use the brush for the legs (external and internal part), the stomach, the back and the chest; while the comb will work for the head, feet, snout, and ears. Brush and comb in order, from the legs to the head, so that not a single space is left unattended.

The hairstyle itself will depend on the type of cut the shih tzu has. Many people choose to put a hair tie on their head, remember not to pull it too tight or pull it too hard when you remove it.

Cut the shih tzu hair

Maintaining the shih tzu's coat also includes giving it a proper cut If you want the care you apply to the coat to last and the dog comfortable, you need to be realistic when choosing a cut. For example, if your dog spends a lot of time playing outside or if you live in a very hot place, short hair will be the most convenient. If, on the other hand, it is an apartment dog and you have enough time to take care of the coat, then you can try long hair.

It is best to take it to the dog groomer so that a professional can take care of shaping the coat. At home you can take care of trimming the hair under the legs so that it does not drag, apart from monitoring the area around the anus to eliminate any remaining feces, especially in puppies. There are several types of haircuts for the shih tzu, choose the one that best suits the needs of the dog.

Remember that you can also cut the dog's hair at home, however we do not recommend doing it directly, it is best to observe the work of a professional before starting to cut at home.

Shih tzu hair care - Cutting the shih tzu hair
Shih tzu hair care - Cutting the shih tzu hair

Nails, ears and eyes

When you maintain the shih tzu's coat, don't forget to also take care of the cutting of the nails if necessary and thecleaning of the ears and eyes , in this way you will have the whole body of the dog cleaned in the same day.

It is essential to cut the dog's nails to prevent them from bending, getting stuck in the furniture or the dog hurting itself with them. Although in principle the dog would wear them by itself during walks, it may happen that due to age or genetic factors they grow excessively. You need a nail clipper or blunt-tipped dog scissors. Inside the nails is the matrix, an area that can be seen as if it were a dark spot and that is actually the nerve.

When cutting the nails you can't touch the womb because otherwise it will bleed and cause a lot of pain to the dog, so if you don't feel sure about being able to do it right, it's best to go to a dog groomer or To veterinary.

Regarding the ears the same thing would happen, in principle it is not necessary to clean the dog's ears, however, precisely because the shape of his ears, the shih tzu is prone to ear mites, so we recommend monitoring and cleaning them occasionally.

Always monitor the behavior of your shih tzu, and if you see that he shakes his head a lot, tries to scratch his ears insistently or even remains leaning to one side, he may be suffering from mites. Consult your veterinarian about the best way to clean your shih tzu's ears of earwax formations.

The eyes also need to be cleaned of gummy and any residue that accumulates in them. Lightly moisten a cotton swab in water and gently push the dirt accumulated in the tear duct, until it is completely removed. Then you must dry it well, otherwise undesirable brown stains can form in the tear duct.

Shih tzu teeth cleaning

Shih Tzus, like many other small dogs, are susceptible to tartar buildup and dental plaque, for Therefore, dental hygiene is a good tool for preventive medicine.

There are various degrees of periodontal disease, ranging from gingivitis to severe periodontal disease, which can cause tooth loss, something very common after cleaning the mouth at the vet.

Unlike other hygienic routines, oral cleaning is undoubtedly the most important, so we recommend you discover the different ways to clean a dog's teeth, paying attention to the tools that allow us a good mechanical effect when rubbing, which will help to remove tartar well. Although oral cleaning should be daily, just like in people, you can clean your teeth every other day.
