Yoga for dogs - Exercises and tips

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Yoga for dogs - Exercises and tips
Yoga for dogs - Exercises and tips
Yoga for Dogs - Exercises and Tips
Yoga for Dogs - Exercises and Tips

In the United States, Asia and Europe more and more people decide to join he althy initiatives such as Yoga, for example, a relaxing and positive activity. So much so that the benefits of this activity are transferred by the owners to their pets.

Known as Doga, yoga for dogs is becoming a phenomenon, in this article on our site we will help you by explaining what it consists of, we will offer you advice and some basic poses.

Yoga for dogs arises when Suzi Teitleman, Yoga teacher, observes her pets imitating her during their daily exercises. She found that they benefited from it as much as she did and therefore decided to create the "Yogga Doggie Style". If you want to know more keep reading this article on Yoga for dogs, with exercises and tips

What is Yoga for dogs?

Yoga for dogs or Doga consists of practicing a Yoga session adapted to the company of the pet interacting with it. When practicing Yoga for dogs we should not limit our breathing, balance, nor should we vary the rhythm of the exercise.

When we talk about Doga, we refer to a different experience for each practitioner since not all dogs will engage at the same level or be able to adapt in the same way.

Practicing yoga sessions for dogs is beneficial for you and your pet as it promotes relaxation, well-being and physical contact. It is a highly recommended practice since reduces certain symptoms:

  • hypersensitivity
  • depression
  • anxiety
  • stress
  • phobias
  • hyperactivity
Yoga for dogs - Exercises and tips - What is Yoga for dogs?
Yoga for dogs - Exercises and tips - What is Yoga for dogs?

What is needed to start practicing Yoga with a dog?

You don't need much to start practicing Yoga for dogs or Doga, the essential thing is that you are with your pet Find a relaxed place, set it with soft music and help yourself with a video or mat if you consider it. It's time to start!

Yoga for dogs - Exercises and tips - What do you need to start practicing Yoga with a dog?
Yoga for dogs - Exercises and tips - What do you need to start practicing Yoga with a dog?

How to start a Doga session

We must ensure that the dog's first impression is positive so that it wants to repeat a second time. We will prepare the space and We will invite our dog to come and relax with us.

Get him comfortable and start creating physical contact with him: you can touch his back, legs or paws with your hands. Find a comfortable position that you can combine with your best friend and try to create a moment of silence and tranquility Try to follow a certain harmony throughout the session so that the dog Relax to the fullest and feel the benefits of Yoga in your body.

Does your dog not relax? Try some relaxation exercises for dogs so that your best friend associates this type of activity with tranquility.

Dog Yoga - Exercises & Tips - How to Start a Doga Session
Dog Yoga - Exercises & Tips - How to Start a Doga Session

Create your own Doga routine

Although you can find very varied ideas to practice yoga for dogs, the truth is that you must find the one that best suits you Start with simple postures that shyly include your dog so that he accepts them and then you can continue your routine with other more complex ones that will benefit him enormously.

Dog Yoga - Exercises & Tips - Create Your Own Doga Routine
Dog Yoga - Exercises & Tips - Create Your Own Doga Routine


It is not always possible but sometimes we find dogs that love to imitate our postures. It will depend on the dog and his interest in Yoga

The truth is that it is a very good sign to notice that our dog follows our exercises, it means that he brings benefits or at least that he enjoys this activity. Either way, it's a wonderful way to spend time with your pet.

Post your photo or experiences below if you also practice yoga with your dog!
