The guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) are docile and affectionate animals, for this reason, it is normal that we worry if we observe in them behaviors strange or inactive, as they are unequivocal signs that something is wrong. Especially if you have just adopted a guinea pig or notice that it is not eating and is sad, you should pay special attention to the possible causes that we will mention in this article on our site.
Discover below how to help a sad guinea pig, reviewing different fundamental aspects for its care and management, likewise, don't forget that it may be necessary to go to a veterinarian specialized in exotic animals to ensure their he alth status.
How do I know if my guinea pig is sad?
It is common that when certain symptoms appear we think that our guinea pig may be sad or depressed, however, it is important to highlight that many of them can be confused with symptoms disease easily, so it is always advisable to visit a specialized veterinarian and ensure that the behavior of the guinea pig is not due to pathologies of the species.
If we are experienced guardians of guinea pigs, we will be able to easily recognize the signs that indicate that they are happy, such as jumps of excitement, predisposition for water, affectionate noises or the need to interact with other members of its species. Let us remember that these are gregarious animals, which need to be able to interact to enjoy a state of well-being.
On the other hand, the muffled noises, related to fear and stress, the whining and the screeches of discontent or imminent danger are indicating that our guinea pig does not feel comfortable. But, how to recognize that, indeed, our guinea pig is sad?
Symptoms of a sad or sick guinea pig
Below we show you the most characteristic symptoms of a sad or sick guinea pig:
- Inactivity
- Squeals and cries
- Abnormal noises
- Lack of appetite
- Lack of interaction
- Stress
- Fear
- Aggressiveness
- Hides
- Decay
- Weakness
- Boredom
- Lack of cleanliness
- Drinks excessively
- Stereotypes
- Hunched posture
Why is my guinea pig sad?
If you have recognized one or more of the symptoms that we have shown you above, it will be essential to pay attention to the common causes that can cause our guinea pig to be sad:
- Stress and anxiety: these types of problems are manifested through stereotypies (repetitive and constant behavior) that can be highly variable. Some examples may be the compulsive intake of water, movements in circles or a constant "play" with one of its basic utensils, such as the drinker or the feeder. It can be caused by a dirty environment, small, lack of attention…
- Fear and aggressiveness: although they are not especially frequent, this type of behavior, directed towards us or towards other animals, can raise suspicion that the animal suffers from some pathology, which may be causing pain. We will observe that the animal "freezes", remains inactive and hidden or that it makes strange noises (such as screeches and cries). This type of behavior is also common in recently adopted animals, who feel threatened in their new environment, although it can also occur when mishandled by the caretaker, especially if it includes punishment and yelling.
- Loss of a friendly guinea pig: Many people wonder if guinea pigs die of grief, since the death of a familiar guinea pig or friend often generates apathy, lack of interaction and sadness.
- Lack of stimulation: Guinea pigs are intelligent and active animals, for this reason, lack of socialization, poor environment or the little variety of elements can cause apathy, boredom and sadness. We will observe decay and that the animal remains inactive most of the time.
- Diseases and others: there are multiple pathologies and disorders that can cause abnormal symptoms in our guinea pig and that can be easily confused with episodes of sadness and depression.
Below we will explain what steps you must follow to ensure the good he alth and well-being of your guinea pig, follow our advice and recommendations.

How to help a sad guinea pig?
1. Take your guinea pig to the vet
Especially if you notice that your guinea pig is strange and also is not eating, drinking or moving, see your vet immediately. Guinea pigs need to eat quality hay to keep their digestive system active, for this reason, the lack of food intake is a alarm signal that indicates that we should visit to a specialist as soon as possible, because the life of the guinea pig may be at risk.
If you are concerned and think that the symptoms you see may be due to a pathology, we encourage you to visit our article and discover how to know if a guinea pig is sick. It may also be interesting that, in case of inactivity, you visit the article about lack of activity and tremors in guinea pigs.
The most common diseases of guinea pigs are:
- Diarrhea
- Scurvy
- Abscesses
- Parasites
- Heatstroke
- Strange bodies
- Hip dysplasia
- W altz Sickness
- Deafness
- Etc.
It is important to note that some pathologies, such as heat stroke or diarrhoea, can be fatal if they are not detected and treated in time. In addition, guinea pigs do not always clearly show their ailments, so we can find ourselves facing a serious pathology in its last stages.
In any case, it is always advisable to rule out a he alth problem by visiting a veterinarian, before treating depression or sadness as behavioral problems.
two. Guinea pig adaptation time
If you have just adopted your guinea pig, it may be depressed and sad Due to separation from its previous caretakers and/or guinea pigs friends. This behavior is very common in guinea pigs and the most important thing is to be patient and try to interact with it little by little and calmly. These animals hate shouting, excessive excitement and rough treatment, as they only cause stress and fear in the animal.
It is essential that you properly prepare a guinea pig's cage following our advice, in accordance with the animal welfare standards, and ensure that at all times he has access to his basic utensils: space, food, water, hiding places, friendly guinea pigs, toys…
The first days of a guinea pig at home we must give it space and try to calm it down. If we are affectionate, calm and constant, the adaptation time of the guinea pig can be between a few weeks and several months.
3. Feeding a guinea pig
Offering a diet adapted to each stage is essential to ensure optimal development and he alth. You must always have fresh and clean water, which we will renew regularly about twice a day, quality fresh hay and, together with the indicated pellet rations Depending on the stage, we will also add portions of herbs, fruits and vegetables recommended for guinea pigs, essential for the supply of vitamin C.
Regularly supervise its space to ensure that it is clean and that the food available is fresh, in addition, we must be sure that the amount of daily food for the guinea pig is adequate, becauseOverweight influences also in their behavior, causing malaise and apathy.
4. Enrichment, Games and Wellness
As well as covering their basic needs, you should make an effort to offer your guinea pig a suitable environment, starting with a hygienic and spacious environment, which allows you to exercise naturally. Remember that in addition to being gregarious animals that enjoy community life with their own kind, guinea pigs need objects to chew and play with, since they are especially curious and active rodents.
If it is not possible for you to adopt a second guinea pig to improve the well-being of yours, make sure you spend enough time with it, dedicating several hours a day to it that includes getting out of its environment and interacting directly with you. It is very important that you encourage her to exercise regularly.
Furthermore, guinea pigs need safe hiding places to hide in when they are afraid or want to rest. In the market you will find booths, pipes, nests and all kinds of elements that will help you feel more comfortable in the environment. You can stuff them with dry hay, for example. This point is especially important if you live with other animals, such as cats and dogs.
Finally, don't forget that these animals require constant affection and a calm environment Relate to her in a positive way,don't force her to do what she doesn't want and go step by step to earn her trust. If even after some time your guinea pig continues to be sad or depressed then we encourage you to seek advice from a veterinarian specialized in these animals.