Having an aquarium at home is ideal for those who do not have a lot of space and want the company of a calm and colorful pet. Aquariums, no matter what their size, are relaxing to watch, as the coming and going of fish can be very entertaining.
As happens with any other species, each fish has its own character and personality, which means that sometimes some do not get along with all members of the fish tank. This is one of the reasons that explain why the fish chase each other; To learn more, we invite you to read the following article.
Incompatible characters
Maybe you don't know, but not all species of fish get along with all other species. Some breeds tend to be more peaceful and relate better with similar temperaments, while others tend to be dominant and territorial, harassing less lively specimens.
Before setting up your aquarium, it is necessary to take this into account, to avoid inconveniences such as fights, stress problems in the weakest members and even the most aggressive hurting and even devouring those who are defenseless.
When this problem of incompatibility of characters is evident, it is necessary to detect what triggers aggressiveness in the most dominant fish, since obviously they don't just behave that way for the sake of it.
An example could be the goldfish, aggressive with some fish.

Mating Ritual
Among the different activities that are a usual part of the fish mating ritual, there is the chase between them. If you have females and males of the same species in your aquarium, it is possible that the "running around" you observe is due to the time to reproduce However, so that you are sure that this is the case and not some behavioral disorder caused by a situation of discomfort in the environment, we recommend that you inform yourself about the characteristics of matingon the species that is in your aquarium.
In addition, mating season can also bring rivalry between males, especially when the proportion of females in the tank is insufficient for the number of male specimens, so they will fight each other to compete for mating. The ideal in these cases is to have two or three females for each male, always bearing in mind that the size of the aquarium is adequate for the number of fish that live in it.

Competition for lack of food
This is a common problem when you are a beginner when it comes to keeping fish at home, especially when several species live together in the same aquarium. Each species requires a specific diet that must be offered as completely as possible. Obviously, different species of fish can agree on the type of food that suits them best, but it will always be essential that you also take into account those other additional ingredients that will make up the complete dietof each copy.
If some members of your aquarium feel a nutritional deficiency, or feel that there is not enough food for everyone, problems will begin, which can range from violent fights to keep the weakest away from food, to cannibalism in the most extreme cases.
Protecting your territory
There are different reasons why one or more fish can develop behavior problems that lead them to become violent in order to protect their territory. Among these causes, the most common are a very small aquarium or with too many obstacles (you may have exaggerated when placing branches, trunks, toys and other objects inside the fish tank); Similarly, it is also possible that the number of plants is few, and the fish cannot choose a space where they feel protected. Another option is that they are breeding and do not want other fish to come near the nest site, for fear they will devour the eggs.
In the first two cases, the solution is evaluate the size of the aquarium, the number of fish that inhabit it and the needs of each one (they are quiet, require larger spaces for swimming, etc.); this way you can act on the problem and provide your fish with the solution quickly.
With regard to the nest, it is always recommended to use a tank or aquarium exclusively for reproduction and rearing. In this way you protect the little ones that are yet to be born and avoid unpleasant situations with adults, in addition to saving them stress problems.