It is relatively common to observe dogs that run, chase and/or bark at vehicles on the street, including bicycles or skateboards. If this is your case, you should know that there are several causes that can cause this behavior and that each of them will require a different therapy.
In this post on our site we will explain why dogs chase cars, motorcycles or bicycles and what you should do in each of them cases to ensure that their behavior does not go further and could become dangerous.
Aggressiveness due to fear
Fear is an emotion that is caused by the perception of danger, whether real or not. This primary emotion allows the animal to survive in the face of risk or threat. This type of aggressiveness can be caused by poor socialization of the puppy, genetics, or by a traumatic experience, such as being run over. However, in the case of having an adopted dog, it can be very difficult to know why it chases vehicles.
At the beginning of this behavior, if we know how to interpret canine language, the dog will adopt defensive postures, immobility or an attempt to escape, but when that is not possible the dog begins to actively defend itself, by growling, barking, chasing and even attacking.
Treating this type of aggressiveness is not an easy task and it is necessary to work in parallel sessions of behavior modification and management guidelines All with the help of a professional. Some guidelines that we can apply in this case will be:
- Conduct behavior modification sessions in a controlled environment to positively associate the presence of bicycles, cars or motorcycles.
- Use a safe harness and leash in public places to avoid a possible accident. In the most serious cases, the use of a muzzle may be necessary.
- Avoid the presence of stimuli that cause fear, walking the dog in the calmest hours of the day and keeping a safe distance in which the dog does not react.
- Avoid scolding, dragging or punishing your dog if he reacts negatively, since then we will be increasing his stress levels and we will be worsening the association of what causes him fear
- We must facilitate the escape whenever possible, so that the dog does not react negatively and keeps stress levels low.
We must remember that in severe cases of aggressiveness due to fear or in the case of phobias, the treatment can be long, the perseverance, the supervision of the specialist and the correct application of guidelines is the key to helping the dog to solve his fears, although it will not always be possible.

Territorial aggressiveness
Territorial aggressiveness is very common in dogs that live in houses with gardens and that can perceive approach and presence through their senses of stimuli to its territory. They often bark and lunge towards gates, fences or walls. This is a very common and instinctive behavior and will always take place in a familiar place, such as your home, patio, terrace or garden.
We should also point out that in these cases the dog will make alarm barks (quick, continuous and without pause) and that not only It will be carried out in the presence of cars, bicycles or motorcycles, also if dogs or people appear. If our dog also reacts outside the home, we are not talking about territorial aggressiveness, but about another behavioral problem, such as aggressiveness due to fear.
In this case, behavior modification sessions will also be held, in which self-control and vocalization of the dog will be worked on. With the help of a professional we will identify the dog's safety space (the distance at which the dog does not react) and we will begin to work on approaches, reinforcing calm and relaxed attitudes.
A gambling behavior
In this case we refer to the behavior carried out by puppy dogs that are in the middle of the socialization stage (until the 12 weeks). They can carry out the behavior of chasing for different reasons: lack of stimulation and enrichment, due to an unconscious reinforcement of the owner, due to boredom, due to imitation…
It is important not to reinforce the chase since it would put the puppy's life at risk if a car were to overtake him, it would also be necessary to use of a leash in public spaces, as well as taking walks in safe environments, encouraging him to sniff, play with the ball, with us or with other dogs. Unwanted behavior, in this case chasing, should be completely ignored to positively reinforce calm, a quiet walk, and appropriate playtime.
Predatory aggressiveness
As occurs with territorial aggressiveness, predatory aggressiveness is instinctive and innate in dogs, however it is one of the more difficult to work with. The dog shows a response that is not emotional, directed towards cars and bicycles, but also towards joggers, children or small dogs.
It is common in very nervous dogs, hyperactive dogs and even in especially active breeds. The problem with this type of aggressiveness is that it usually manifests itself in an untimely and harmful way. We can know that it is predatory aggressiveness when the dog performs a complete hunting sequence or practically complete: tracking, stalking, chasing, capture and death.
In addition, the dog acts in a ste althy and unexpected way, which leads us to carry out a risk analysis, especially if it is also children or people running are affected.
In these cases, the use of a leash and muzzle will be essential, yes, as long as we have worked the muzzle correctly and it is well associated. This type of aggressiveness is essential to work with a professional, who will help us work the dog's impulsiveness, obedience and self-control

Stress, anxiety and other factors
Dogs that experience high levels of stress and anxiety, receive inconsistent punishments, or do not enjoy a predictable environment are more susceptibleto persecution, so it will always be essential to check if we really comply with the 5 freedoms of animal welfare before starting to work on the problem.
Finally, whether or not you have been able to identify why your dog is chasing cars, motorcycles or bicycles, we encourage you to Go to a professionalexperienced to help you better understand your dog, conduct behavior modification sessions with you and offer you appropriate guidelines so you know how to act according to your specific case.