Do animals communicate with each other? - Find out

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Do animals communicate with each other? - Find out
Do animals communicate with each other? - Find out
Do animals communicate with each other?
Do animals communicate with each other?

Do you think that communication is a purely human capacity? If you share your home with a pet and you stop to think for a moment, you will surely change your mind, since our pets are capable of transmitting their emotions and their needs to us, which is why on many occasions it gives us the feeling that it only makes them need to talk.

Animals communicate in a way that is not verbal, but we must not ignore that they communicate, not only among themselves, but also with us human beings, overcoming any barrier that has to do with with the species. Do animals really communicate with each other? How do you perceive what they want to communicate? In this article on our site we talk extensively about interspecies communication.

The language of animals

Interspecies communication cannot be confused with the study of animal behavior whose purpose is to decipher its meaning, this is what happens, for example, with canine ethology, however, interspecies communication is something very different.

Interspecies communication refers to the ability that each organism has to communicate mentally, not with words or specific messages, but through of a transference of emotions, sounds, physical sensations, forms and images.

This current defends that any animal can communicate with any other, not through certain words (which are the message of the conscious mind) but through deep symbols, which belong to the region unconscious mind.

To put it very clearly, and although it is very surprising, interspecies communication refers to the ability of animals to communicate telepathically.

Do animals communicate with each other? - The language of animals
Do animals communicate with each other? - The language of animals

Animal Communication - Examples

There are theories and scientific determinations that could support interspecies communication, this is the case of the Schumann Resonance (which would act as an electromagnetic wave guide), or the hypothesis of collective memory defended by British biologist and biochemist Rupert Sheldrake.

However some statements are completely inconceivable by the scientific community, and this is the main reason why it is stated that communication interspecies is simply impossible.

Despite this, human beings have a lot to reflect on since it is undeniable that we live in an anthropocentric culture, which means that homo sapiens sapiens is taken as the center of existence on earth and as a clearly superior species.

A good example of this is that animal abuse is still considered culture in some cases and that we are hardly aware when we consume products of animal origin, simply because we believe that we have that right, when of course it is important to change this relationship, since the industry "objectifies" the animals and this has nothing to do with more traditional and less crowded feeding models, where it was important to preserve the dignity of the animal's life during its existence.

Everything that resembles animals to human beings is quickly rejected, therefore, centuries ago it would have been a true scientific atrocity to say openly that animals are aware of their own existence. However, at present, and demonstrated under scientific parameters, it is known that the following animals develop self-awareness:

  • Chimps
  • Bottlenose Dolphins
  • Bonobos
  • Elephants
  • Killer whales
  • Gorillas
  • Magpies
  • Orangutan
  • Dogs

You probably miss cats, because if you have a cat you surely suspect very clearly that it is capable of being aware of itself, but this is one more example of how resounding and sometimes wrong it is to affirm that what has not been scientifically proven does not exist.

How does communication between animals occur?

In the oldest cultures the human being has always understood existence as a whole and in this sense has never conceived that his life could be developed outside the understanding of natural phenomena.

Unfortunately, with the arrival of patriarchal societies and especially after the industrial revolution, there is a practically irreversible fracture between the environment and human beings, and nature becomes a force to be subdued for industrial and economic purposes.

However, since ancient times interspecies communication has occurred in the oldest societies, good proof of this can be found in the history of medicine, which also underwent major changes throughout history.

In indigenous societies psychological trance was a means of healing and that allowed very rapid access to the unconscious, during the trance no clear words were perceived, but symbolic messages were, and in this practice interspecies communication took place.

Even today it is possible to find shamanic cultures where interspecies communication continues to be a reality for these communities, in any case, if we can conclude that the time is coming for leave behind anthropocentrism and the false idea that the earth is designed solely for the service and comfort of human beings.
