Why does my cat follow me everywhere?

Why does my cat follow me everywhere?
Why does my cat follow me everywhere?
Why does my cat follow me everywhere?
Why does my cat follow me everywhere?

If you are a proud feline owner, you have probably wondered why your cat follows you everywhere It is common for those who have a good bond with your cat start watching your best friend behind you all over the house, no matter if they go to your room, the kitchen and even the bathroom!

At first this behavior usually seems strange, due to the widespread belief that cats are more independent beings who do not enjoy being with humans, but in this article on our site you will discover that this is completely false. Keep reading!

You are their secure base

When they are puppies, the kittens follow their mother everywhere, in this way they learn everything from her and at the same time they feel much safer. Many owners, even if the cat is an adult, maintain a father-child relationship with it, taking care of as a mother would: feeding him, cleaning his box, taking care of him, encouraging him to play and offering him love.

Precisely for this reason it is not uncommon for your cat to follow you everywhere. Being away from his mother and siblings, the cat needs a secure base to lean on and that is you. He knows that with you he will be protected and all his needs will be met. This, of course, will repay you with his unconditional love and companionship.

Why does my cat follow me everywhere? - You are their safe base
Why does my cat follow me everywhere? - You are their safe base

It entertains him to see you

It is very common for "indoor cats" to become easily bored as they are unable to carry out typical exploration and hunting activities with which most felines are entertained. Therefore, when the cat feels very bored, he can find the task of following you a great stimulation.

Also, if you spend many hours a day away from home it is very likely that when you return what your cat wants most is to be with you, even if it means following you everywhere. If you think that he shows several symptoms of a bored cat, do not hesitate and start spending more time with him.

She is patrolling his territory

In nature, part of the daily activities of cats is to go around the spaces they consider their territory several times, both to spread their scent and to ward off possible intruders. If you notice constantly rubbing against furniture and even against you, your cat is definitely patrolling and marking the area.

Being in a closed house or an apartment, the feline cannot perform the same behavior as it would in the wild, but your coming and going around the house may suggest that you also monitor the territory, so it decides accompany you on your mission. As if that weren't enough, cats are routine, so if he's already used to going after you, he'll probably keep doing it.

Why does my cat follow me everywhere? -He is patrolling his territory
Why does my cat follow me everywhere? -He is patrolling his territory

he needs your help

Commonly cats prefer to hide when they feel discomfort or pain, adopting a silent and hostile attitude if you try to approach them. However, some felines do the opposite, coming to you with insistent meows if something ails them, because they feel you can help them.

Similarly, sometimes stray cats will chase strangers, especially if they already have cats at home. Perhaps something in the smell tells them that they will be fine with you and that they can be part of your "colony". Or maybe they just want a little food, water, or a simple cuddle. Homeless cats suffer a lot on the streets, with no one to look after them and exposed to cold, hunger and unscrupulous people who try to harm them.

He's playing tag

Playtime is very important for cats, especially if it involves chasing and catching prey. A cat in freedom is capable of hunting several preys a day, not necessarily to feed on them but for fun and because the hunting instinct dictates it.

Of course, this situation changes when you have a cat that does not have access to the outdoors, but the feline perforce still requires stimulation that it includes the chase, because this instinct is not annulled even if all its needs are met.

Therefore, it is common for a cat that does not have the stimuli to release that energy to tend to try to hunt the birds that come to the window or to chase you around the house, and even stalk you from a corner, waiting for you to pass to "attack" your legs, for example. This way he not only obeys his instinct, but also has fun with you.

If you're one of those people who prefers that their cat doesn't surprise them unexpectedly, we recommend buying different toys that they can chase to spend long hours with them, making them enjoy themselves. And remember, don't hesitate to visit our youtube channel to see homemade toys for cats that you can make yourself.

He loves being with you

Contrary to popular belief, the cat really enjoys spending time with hishuman family, because they fill him with love, affection and pampering, who can be indifferent to all this? Over the years cats are more and more sociable, so they love to be with you everywhere, even if this means following you around the house to look what you do.

Also, if he follows you, he'll know when you sit or lie down to do something, and it'll be his chance to lie down next to you and take a nap with his favorite person in the world.
