Why does my cat urinate everywhere? - CAUSES and solutions

Table of contents:

Why does my cat urinate everywhere? - CAUSES and solutions
Why does my cat urinate everywhere? - CAUSES and solutions
Why does my cat pee everywhere?
Why does my cat pee everywhere?

Cats have a reputation for being very clean animals. Not only because of the hours they dedicate daily to self-grooming, but because, from an early age, they learn to use the litter box both to urinate and to defecate and they don't do it anywhere else. So far the theory because, sometimes, we find that our cat urinates in other places. And it is not to annoy us, do not punish him! Behind this behavior there are several possible causes, as we will examine in the following article.

Do you wonder why your cat urinates everywhere? Keep reading, because on our site, in collaboration with FELIWAY, we will detail the main causes for which they carry out this behavior.


If we have said that cats are clean by nature, we can also say that they love routines This means that any change in their environment or way of life, however insignificant it may seem to us, for them it can mean a high level of stress. Cats can become stressed by the arrival of a new member of the family, whether human or animal, due to works at home, a move, a visit, going to the vet or even the simple change of place of a piece of furniture. A stressed cat is likely to manifest it with changes in its behavior and one of them is, precisely, urinating everywhere.

In this case, the cat marks certain areas not because it delimits its territory, but because it needs to re-adapt to its environment, to feel safe again and with urine, mark the area that worries you, as if leaving a warning. Thus, at first glance it can be like a territorial marking because it will do so by urinating in the form of a sprinkler on the wall or on a vertical surface, but it is also possible that we find urine in normal amounts and on horizontal surfaces. We can also notice that the cat hides, stops eating,barely grooms himself or does it excessively , shows aggressiveness or marks with his nails.

What to do if your cat urinates everywhere due to stress?

To avoid this situation, all the changes we introduce in our cat's life should be made gradually, as far as possible. In addition, we can use pheromones such as FELIWAY Optimum Difusor. It is a diffuser that contains a new complex of feline pheromones, more effective, which help calm cats betterPheromones are substances that they naturally emit to communicate. For example, when they feel comfortable and at ease in an environment, they rub their face with the key points for them and there they leave facial pheromones that we do not perceive. Feliway Optimum's new pheromone complex transmits messages of calm, which is why they help cats better manage stress and make them feel more secure. The FELIWAY Optimum Diffuser is very easy to use, as you just have to plug it in the room where the cat spends most of its time and replace the refill every 30 days. It covers an area of about 70 m².

On the other hand, make sure you meet all of your cat's needs, and we're not just referring to food or vet. Cats need company, exercise and an environment in which they can carry out all the activities that are natural to them, such as jumping, scratching, climbing, hiding, etc. They need to have separate spaces to eat, urinate, rest or play.

However, if your cat begins to urinate everywhere, even if you suspect a behavior problem, take him to the vet for a check-up first. Only when this professional rules out a physical problem can we assume that it is a behavioral disorder. If we cannot solve it, we will have to put ourselves in the hands of an ethologist or veterinarian specialized in feline behavioral medicine. Keep in mind that in order to know what to do if my cat urinates everywhere, it is essential to first discover why he is doing it.

Why does my cat pee everywhere? - Stress
Why does my cat pee everywhere? - Stress

Inappropriate sandbox

Although stress is usually one of the main causes of a cat urinating everywhere, a litter box that it does not like will also cause it to do so. It is true that cats are clean animals, but that neatness also leads them to demand certain conditions to use their litter box. In other words, the cat has to agree with the chosen container, with its location, with the type of litter and with cleaning Thus, cats need a litter box in which they can turn around and scratch at ease to cover their stools. Also, if we have a kitten, an older cat or a specimen with mobility or pain problems, the edges will have to be low enough for the animal to enter and exit without problems.

The sandbox must be placed in a quiet place, away from household traffic, loud noises, drafts, etc. Otherwise, the cat will not be comfortable in it and may decide to stop using it. Some cats prefer closed litter boxes, others will only use open trays, some prefer to use one tray to pee and will go to another to poop… And they are also very demanding with the type of litter. Some hate scented ones, others prefer thin ones, reject silica ones, etc. It is a matter of trying. And, above all, it is very important to be extremely clean. Not only do you have to remove the stools daily, you also have to wash the container regularly.

On the other hand, in households with more than one cat we must ensure that everyone can access the litter box and there is no feline that block the way of others. In these cases, you will need more than one litter tray We need one tray for each cat, and one more.

In short, your cat may pee all over the place simply because he doesn't like his litter box. Check the aspects that we have mentioned to solve them.

Why does my cat pee everywhere? - Inadequate sandbox
Why does my cat pee everywhere? - Inadequate sandbox


All cat keepers should know that, by 5-8 months of age, depending on various factors, such as the incidence of sunlight, cats and cats will go into heat. When we think of heat, it is common for the image of cats to come to mind, which will meow ostensibly during this period, in addition to rubbing against us or against different objects, adopting a mounting posture.

But, in addition to these signs, you should know that the urine marking also appears in this period and that it is not a behavior exclusive to male cats. So, if you are wondering why my cat urinates everywhere, if she is not neutered, heat may be the reason. In these cases, it is common for the cat to use her litter box as usual, but also to urinate small amounts outside of it, both on vertical and horizontal surfaces. It's a urine that gives off a very strong smell. If you have a male, the females in the area where you live may be in heat and he wants to mark too its territory so that other males do not enter it.

As this marking is associated with heat, a neutered cat will not have this problem, although, if we take time to go through the operating room, our cat may have already acquired the habit of urinating everywhere and it will be easier for us Hard to change your mind. Furthermore, not all marking has a sexual origin. Consult your veterinarian if you are thinking of neutering your cat or cat.

Delimitation of the territory

We have mentioned stress and sexual behavior as part of marking in these animals, but of course your cat can also urinate everywhere for the simple fact of delimiting his territory. Cats are very territorial animals, so they feel the need to mark their areas to let other animals know that this is their home. For this reason, whether it is a male or a female, it is totally normal that, when arriving at a new place, it marks the different spaces of the house, especially those of greater value for the animal.

In these cases, it is normal for the cat to urinate in its litter box and also in other areas. So, if you just adopted him and your cat urinates all over the house, this is most likely the cause. Do not miss our post on Marking cats to learn all the details and how to act on it.


It may be that our cat is already neutered and has always used the litter box, but suddenly he begins to urinate everywhere, although he also continues to do so in his litter box. In these cases, it is likely that we are dealing with some disease and there are many that can affect urination.

In the first place, we can think of those that concern the urinary system, very common in cats, especially in males, since anatomically they present conditions that predispose them to different problems, such asurine infections or the formation of plugs in the urethra Normally, cats with any of these pathologies will present more symptoms than urinating outside the litter box. It is common for them to urinate in small amounts many times a day, meow in pain, or discover blood in the urine. It is reason for urgent consultation with the veterinarian.

But not only diseases that affect the urinary system can cause the cat to urinate everywhere. Some systemic pathologies include among their clinical signs an increase in urine production, which can cause the cat to end up urinating outside its litter tray. In this case there will be no vertical marking, but he will urinate horizontally and perhaps in greater quantity. The same may happen if you feel any pain that interferes with your normal activity. Observe your cat and see if it presents more symptoms. You should go to the vet for a complete examination. Only a professional can diagnose the cause and prescribe the most appropriate treatment.
