Also known as mini husky or miniature husky, pomsky dogs are real stuffed animals of flesh and blood, really adorable furry balls that will not leave anyone indifferent. Precisely because of its appearance, the pomsky dog has gained a lot of popularity in recent years. For this reason, we continue to detail the main characteristics of this new and wonderful canine breed that has arrived stomping and promises to win many hearts with that tenderness that it squanders wherever it goes. Keep reading and discover in detail the pomsky dog, its characteristics, character and care on our site.
Origin of the pomsky dog
This breed of dog is one of the most recent in existence. The pomsky breed is nothing more than the result of hybrid or mestizo dogs, specifically it is the mixture between two very popular Nordic breeds: the Siberian husky and the pomeranian For this reason, its name is made up of the combination of the names of these two precursor breeds, taking the first three letters from "Pomeranian" and the last three from "husky", a curious way of honoring its genetic origins.
Normally the mother of pomsky dogs is a husky and her father is a Pomeranian so that a “big” mother gives birth to puppies smaller than her and thus avoid complications in childbirth. However, it is not an exact science, since not only the genetics of the parents come into play, but also that of previous relatives such as grandparents.
The pomsky dog is such a recent hybrid that is not listed by the International Cinological Federation, as it is a developing breed It will take some time to consolidate. For this reason, pomsky dogs lack a pedigree. Pomsky dogs originated in the United States and, although it has not yet been officially recognized as a breed by the pertinent organisms, it is a breed with a high demand both in the US and in the rest of the world. In fact, there are already various breed clubs such as the Pomsky Club of America.
Pomsky dog characteristics
Some of the characteristics of the pomsky dog are:
- This breed of canine usually weighs between 7 and 14 kilograms, being classified as a medium-sized breed.
- The appearance of the pomsky dog reminds us of a miniature husky, having inherited from it the wide repertoire of colors in its fur and its beautiful blue eyes.
- There are some characteristics that differentiate it from the Siberian husky, such as its less slender body and its shorter legs, which give it that childish look.
- The pomsky breed has a rounded head and body.
- The Pomsky dog has a short snout and close-set eyes like the Pomeranian. This gives it a cuddly appearance, more boyish than that of the husky.
- There is no standard for height, but they usually measure 30 cm approximately.
Pomsky Types
Within these characteristics, there are two categories or types of pomsky that we can group into first and second generation. Next, we are going to see some details about them.
- First generation: These are the specimens with a balanced genetic percentage between the Husky and the Pomeranian, that is, half and half. Therefore these will weigh between 9 and 14 kilograms.
- Second generation: the presence of the Pomeranian is accentuated, so its size will be smaller, being between 7 and 9 kilograms. The latter are the most popular due to their smaller size and appearance of eternal puppies.
In this sense, it should be noted that the so-called "teacup pomsky" do not meet the aforementioned characteristics, so they have been subjected to very selective breeding that may include related parents and, therefore, these Puppies tend to have more he alth problems. For more information, visit our Teacup Dog Breeds article and don't encourage this "practice".
Pomsky Colors
As we mentioned, the colors of the pomsky dog coincide with those of the Siberian husky, so it is common to see them in combinations of white with black, gray, cream, chocolate or reddish. Likewise, they tend to present the characteristic facial mask of their parent. However, it is also possible for puppies to be born one color or with a mottled pattern.
Pomsky dog character
Due to the wide difference between the different Pomsky specimens, it is difficult to establish a behavioral pattern that encompasses them all. His behavior will depend on the genetic percentage that he has inherited from each parent. Thus:
- If it is more Pomeranian: these will be dogs that are more territorial and attached to their guardian, some may even present problems when it comes to interact with children and other pets, but this will normally be solved with proper training and early socialization of the puppies.
- If it's more husky: pomsky puppies will have no difficulty adjusting to family life, although it may also be necessary or recommended training suited to your needs.
In general, these are active and playful dogs that will require many hours of play and activity. If they are given proper training, good socialization and are treated with love and attention, as is the case with most breeds, the Pomsky or Miniature Husky will undoubtedly be an unparalleled companion. How to socialize a puppy correctly? Discover the answer in this other article on our site that we recommend.
Pomsky dog feeding
Regardless of whether it is a mini pomsky or not, it is important that its diet is rich in meat, since it is a vital factor for your he alth. In this way, this should be the main food in their diet, either in the form of feed or as wet food. When they are small we can offer them feed with small croquettes and, when we are already talking about an adult Pomsky, we can use feed croquettes, for example. It should be noted that we have to look, above all, at the amount recommended by the manufacturer. This is even more important if we use food as a stimulus when training our dog. Like all dogs, remember to have fresh water at your disposal
Pomsky dog care
The pomsky dog breed is usually a he althy breed of dog. Still, their parents are prone to eye disease and coat problems. Therefore, frequent veterinary check-ups must be carried out to avoid or detect possible conditions. Being a breed with semi-long and abundant hair, it is necessary to carry out a conscientious daily brushing to remove excess hair and avoid tangles, as well as of course giving it a shiny appearance and that is soft and pleasant to the touch.
Apart from the above, the pomsky dog will require the care of any other breed, that is, paying attention to its hygiene, proper and balanced diet and daily walksto keep our furry companion he althy and balanced. Also, descending from a breed as intelligent as the husky, play sessions to keep your mind and body properly stimulated will be vital. We can include intelligence and tracking games to further enhance their capabilities.
Regarding walks, it should be noted that neither the Husky nor the Pomeranian are dog breeds that tolerate heat well. For this reason, it is better to avoid taking walks in the hottest hours in summer and replace them with morning or evening walks when the temperature has dropped and it is cooler.
Pomsky Dog Education
This is an intelligent and obedient breed, which will make their training and education in general easier and more effective. The posmky needs a lot of exercise to prevent it from becoming a stressed dog and thus prevent it from causing inconvenience such as damage to the home. If he does not release all the energy he has, he may have serious behavior problems derived from anxiety. The more you exercise, the more balanced your character will be and the more calm and friendly you will be.
Training will be necessary, above all, in those puppies with a predominance of Pomeranians to facilitate their socialization and achieve a good coexistence in case of being in a family with children. It will also help prevent them from being overly territorial. In this sense, to educate the pomsky, it will be essential to use positive dog training, always reinforcing good behavior and motivating the animal so that it wants to continue learning.
We suggest you take a look at these other posts on Positive Reinforcement in Dogs and a Basic Level Training Guide for more information.
Pomsky Dog He alth
Overall, the Pomsky is a he althy, strong dog Due to the newness of the Pomsky breed, they are not known with security the pathologies to which they are most prone. However, regular veterinary check-ups should be carried out, as it is considered a breed prone to heart, eye and joint problems The latter is due to its strong complexion compared to its small size, a fact that causes an overload of its joints. As we can see, all these conditions are typical of the Pomeranian, so our veterinarian may recommend using chondroprotectors. If you wonder what are chondroprotectors for dogs? or what Eye Diseases in dogs exist, we explain it to you in these other articles.
In addition, the Pomsky dog also inherits from the Pomeranian the tendency to form dental plaque, so it would be advisable to use products that help avoid it and, if necessary, perform oral cleaning at our reference veterinarian as often as the doctor deems most advisable for each individual. You can also suffer from respiratory problems such as tracheal collapse.
Where to adopt a pomsky dog?
You can adopt an adult or puppy Pomsky at animal shelters or shelters, although it is more common to find adult specimens. Before making the decision to share your life with a pomsky, it is essential that you assess all their needs to ensure that you can meet them. A dog is not a toy, so we must be responsible and aware of what is involved in caring for it