Keeshond dog: characteristics, photos and videos

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Keeshond dog: characteristics, photos and videos
Keeshond dog: characteristics, photos and videos

The keeshond or wolf-type spitz is included within the breed of German spitz dogs, along with four other breeds, which the International Cinological Federation (FCI) groups under a single standard, but with differences for each one. The breeds included in this group are: the wolf or keeshond spitz, the large spitz, the medium spitz, the small spitz, and the dwarf or pomeranian spitz.

In this breed file on our site we are going to focus specifically on the keeshond dogsAll of these breeds are very similar, except for the size and color of the hair, in some. Although the FCI groups all these breeds as one and considers them to be of German origin, the Keeshond and the Pomeranian are considered by other organizations as breeds with their own standards. According to other canine societies, the Keeshond has Dutch origin.

Origin of the Keeshond

This breed, which has been used as a companion dog since its inception, is considered to be of Dutch origin (Netherlands) and in the 18th century it was known as "the people's dog". It comes from its relatives the Chow Chow, the Elkhound, the Samoyed and the Pomeranian. They are called Keeshond because at the beginning of the French Revolution, a patriot named Gyselaer who had a dog of this breed, called it Kees and made it a symbol of the Dutch Homeland, and thus gave this breed its name.

The Keeshond was first introduced by Mrs. Wingfield-Digby to the United Kingdom, but did not become popular again as a breed until 1920, the year they arrived in the United States. Thus in 1930, the breed was recognized by the American Kennel Club.

Physical Characteristics of the Keeshond

All German Spitz (Keeshond, Large, Medium, Small and Pomeranian) have the same physical form and therefore the same appearance. The only difference between these breeds is the size and, in some, the color, but all are beautiful dogs that stand out for their coat.

The keeshond's head is medium and wedge-shaped when viewed from above, very like a fox's head The stop can be marked, but not abrupt. The nose is round, small and black, except in brown dogs, where it is dark brown. The eyes are medium, elongated, oblique and dark. The ears are triangular, pointed, upright and set high.

The body is as long as its height at the withers, so it has a square profile. The back, loin and croup are short and strong. The chest is deep, while the abdomen is moderately tucked up. The tail is set high, medium and the dog carries it rolled up on the back. It is covered with abundant bushy hair.

The Keeshond's coat is made up of two layers of hair. The undercoat is short, dense, and woolly. The outer coat is made up of long, straight, parted hair Head, ears, front legs and feet have short, dense, velvety hair. The neck and shoulders have abundant mane. The accepted color for the keeshond or wolf-type spitz is greyish, and the size of the withers is 49 ± 6 cm according to the FCI.

keeshond character

Although there are differences in size, all German Spitz, from the Keeshond to the Pomeranian, share basic temperament characteristics. This breed of dog is cheerful, alert, dynamic and is very attached to its human family, but they are also reserved with strangers and barkers, so they can be good watchdogs, although they are not good as protection dogs.

If they are well socialized as puppies, Keeshonds can tolerate unknown dogs and strange people without problems, but conflicts with other dogs of the same sex can arise. They usually get along very well with the other pets in the house, as well as with their humans.

Although they have been well socialized, these dogs are not usually good dogs for very young children, since their behavior is reactive, so they can nip if they are mistreated in any way, even if it is unintentionally. Instead, they are good companions to big kids who know how to care for and respect a dog.

Care of the Keeshond

The coat of any of the German Spitz breeds should be brushed at least three times a day to keep it in good condition and free from of tangles. During moulting times it is necessary to brush the coat daily, more frequently.

These keeshond are dynamic but can release their energies with some exercise, daily walks and some play They can all adjust well to living in small apartments or houses, but it is better if they have a small garden for larger breeds, as in this case. All of these breeds, including Keeshonds, tolerate cold to temperate climates very well, but do not tolerate intense heat very well. Due to their protective fur they can live outside but it is better if they live indoors, as they need the company of their human families.

Keeshond Education

The main behavior problem with any German Spitz, and in this case the Keeshond, is barking as they tend to be a very barking breed of dog.

They are dogs easy to train through positive training styles, and due to its dynamism, clicker training is presented as a good alternative to educate them.

Keeshond He alth

Like the Keeshond, all German Spitz breeds are generally he althy and do not have high incidences of canine disease. However, the most common diseases in this group of breeds, with the exception of the Pomeranian, are: hip dysplasia, skin problems and epilepsy.

Keeshond Photos
