Home treatments for conjunctivitis in dogs - Natural and effective

Home treatments for conjunctivitis in dogs - Natural and effective
Home treatments for conjunctivitis in dogs - Natural and effective
Home Treatments for Conjunctivitis in Dogs
Home Treatments for Conjunctivitis in Dogs

Home remedies such as chamomile, calendula or fennel are really effective when it comes to treating canine conjunctivitis whenever they are applied properly. Of course, at the first symptom of conjunctivitis, you should go to the vet, since some of the causes that cause this condition are serious. Once the diagnosis has been made and the treatment stipulated, natural treatments can be used to speed up the healing process. Likewise, if for whatever reason you cannot go to the specialist at this time, you can apply the home treatments for conjunctivitis in dogs that we share on our site to first aid mode until the vet visit, read on!

Causes and symptoms of canine conjunctivitis

Before talking about the best natural treatments for conjunctivitis in dogs, it is essential to verify that the animal actually suffers from this eye problem. Thus, the main symptoms of canine conjunctivitis are as follows:

  • Tearing.
  • Difficulty opening the eye.
  • Eye discharge.
  • Redness.
  • Light rejection.
  • Eye scratch.

Now then, what causes conjunctivitis? This condition is defined as the inflammation of the mucous membrane found inside the eyelids and extends to the front of the eyeball. This inflammation can be caused by several factors, constituting conjunctivitis as a problem in itself, or as part of the symptoms of some disease. In this way, conjunctivitis can develop from foreign bodies in the eye, from dry eyes, from trauma, from a allergic reaction, due to an infection, due to a malformation in some of the parts that make up the eye, etc. In these cases, the typical symptoms of conjunctivitis are usually observed and none more. When the cause is something else, and we are faced with a viral, bacterial or fungal conjunctivitis, in general, the sick animal usually shows other signs related to with the underlying cause. Therefore, it is possible that the affected animal shows conjunctivitis as a result of a viral pathology, such as distemper, due to the presence of opportunistic bacteria that take advantage of the lowered defenses, due to hepatitis, a cold or any other pathology of the pathways upper respiratory.

Home Treatments For Conjunctivitis In Dogs - Causes And Symptoms Of Canine Conjunctivitis
Home Treatments For Conjunctivitis In Dogs - Causes And Symptoms Of Canine Conjunctivitis

My dog has conjunctivitis, what do I do?

Since some of the causes of conjunctivitis in dogs are serious, the first thing to do is Go to the vet If we have access to a veterinarian specialized in ophthalmology, the better, since he will be able to find the cause of the problem more easily. Once there, the specialist will analyze the type of conjunctivitis and determine if it is a symptom or not. If it is the product of a serious pathology, the treatment of the disease in question will be started and the necessary drugs will be applied to combat the ocular inflammation depending on whether it is viral or bacterial. In general, antibiotic and/or anti-inflammatory eye drops or ointments are used.

If the conjunctivitis is allergic, use an anti-allergic eye drops And if it is the product of the intrusion of foreign bodies, a blow, etc.., the veterinarian may recommend the use of saline to clean the area and eye drops or drops for conjunctivitis in dogs with anti-inflammatory components. If the affected eye has a wound, it will be necessary to treat it following the instructions of the specialist. As a complement to veterinary treatment, you can use some of the home treatments that we share below.

Physiological serum

Although it is true that physiological serum is not a home treatment, it is the first measure that the veterinarian will indicate that we must carry out. It is a totally safe product for cleaning the eye area of the dog when it suffers from a problem such as the presence of dry crusts caused by conjunctivitis. We can get it at any pharmacy and apply it several times a day. To clean the eyes of the dog with conjunctivitis, we just have to take a sterile gauze, wet it with the serum and carefully massage the affected eye. If the dog has conjunctivitis in both eyes, it will be essential to use a gauze for each eye, since the condition could worsen if the same is used for both.

Chamomile for conjunctivitis in dogs

One of the most popular home remedies to cure conjunctivitis in dogs is chamomile tea. This medicinal silver has powerful anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and soothing properties, in addition to having the ability to restore eye pressure. For this reason, it is a home treatment so widely used and recommended by many specialists to combat conditions like this. Of course, it is important to apply it carefully and correctly, since used improperly it can complicate the condition of the affected eye instead of solving it.

To use this home remedy, it is best to prepare a totally natural infusion of chamomile, strain, let it warm, moisten a sterile gauze and clean the eye with it. It is important not to let the preparation ferment, because if it does, it will turn into a bacteria culture that is not recommended for the sick eye.

Home treatments for conjunctivitis in dogs - Chamomile for conjunctivitis in dogs
Home treatments for conjunctivitis in dogs - Chamomile for conjunctivitis in dogs

Home treatment for canine conjunctivitis: thyme

Thyme is another of the most widely used medicinal plants for the treatment of eye conditions. Its anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties make it an excellent remedy for treating canine conjunctivitis, both allergic and infectious. To make use of this treatment, you must prepare an infusion of natural thyme, strain to remove the remains and let it cool. As with the infusion of chamomile, it is not recommended to let it ferment to avoid the proliferation of bacteria. Once cool, a sterile gauze is moistened with the infusion and the affected eye is cleaned with a gentle massage.

Being a totally natural home treatment for conjunctivitis in dogs, nothing happens if it penetrates a little inside the eye. Of course, we must pay attention so that the amount penetrated is not too much, only what is necessary to treat the problem.

Calendula to treat conjunctivitis in dogs

Due to the anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, soothing, antiseptic and healing properties of calendula, this medicinal plant is perfect for treating conjunctivitis bacteria in dogs, as well as conjunctivitis caused by dryness, foreign bodies or a blow. On the other hand, being healing will also favor the healing of possible wounds that may exist. So much so, that it represents one of the best remedies to heal all kinds of wounds in dogs.

To apply this home treatment for canine conjunctivitis, simply prepare an infusion of natural calendula, strain, and let cool. Once warm, it is recommended to wet a sterile gauze and clean the affected eye. In case of inflammation in both eyes, remember to use a gauze per eye.

Home treatment for conjunctivitis in dogs: oregano

Some of the most outstanding properties of oregano are its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal properties, so it is a natural treatment for bacterial, allergic and fungal conjunctivitis. Likewise, it also reduces the inflammation and irritation of conjunctivitis caused by foreign bodies, for example.

To use this remedy, prepare an infusion of natural oregano, strain, allow to cool slightly, moisten a sterile gauze pad and massage the affected eye with it.

Home treatment for canine conjunctivitis: fennel

Fennel is one of the most outstanding natural remedies to combat eye conditions and problems thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties Get not only reduce inflammation, but also fight redness and bacteria in case of bacterial conjunctivitis.

Prepare an infusion with a tablespoon of fennel seeds, strain, let cool, cover a sterile gauze and apply the home remedy to treat canine conjunctivitis.

Home Treatments For Conjunctivitis In Dogs - Home Treatment For Canine Conjunctivitis: Fennel
Home Treatments For Conjunctivitis In Dogs - Home Treatment For Canine Conjunctivitis: Fennel

Warm and cold compresses for canine conjunctivitis

The combination of hot and cold helps fight both eye irritation and inflammation and redness caused by conjunctivitis. Therefore, another home treatment that can be applied to treat this condition is the application of cold and warm compresses. To do this, they should be alternated and left to act on the affected eye for five minutes It should be noted that it is important to use different compresses for each eye if both are affected by conjunctivitis.

Recommendations for treating conjunctivitis in dogs with home remedies

  • Prepare the infusions by heating a liter of water and one or two tablespoons of the chosen plant, no more. You can also reduce the amount keeping this ratio.
  • Do not store the prepared infusion for more than 12 hours, it is best to prepare a new one for each use.
  • Apply home treatments for canine conjunctivitis two to three times a day.
  • You can alternate the remedies, as long as they are 100% natural.
  • Do not let the infusions reach fermentation.
  • If the conjunctivitis worsens with the remedies, it is possible that the animal is allergic to one of them or that you are not applying it properly, so you should stop using it.
  • If conjunctivitis continues after two weeks, go to the vet, since this eye condition does not usually last more than this time.
  • Never use home remedies to replace the treatment imposed by the veterinarian, They should be a complement to promote healing.
