Pharyngitis in dogs - Causes, symptoms and treatment

Pharyngitis in dogs - Causes, symptoms and treatment
Pharyngitis in dogs - Causes, symptoms and treatment
Pharyngitis in Dogs - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Pharyngitis in Dogs - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Can dogs get pharyngitis just like us humans? Do you have doubts about whether your dog may be passing this disease? Do you know the symptoms of pharyngitis in dogs? Do you know how to take care of your dog sick with pharyngitis?

Keep reading this article on our site to find out the causes, symptoms and the most appropriate treatments for pharyngitis in dogsRemember that this article is merely informative, always go to your trusted veterinarian and never medicate your dog on your own.

What is pharyngitis?

Let's start at the beginning: the pharynx is the space where the nasal passages join and the back of the mouth. In it are located, as in humans, the tonsils, formed by lymphatic tissue and usually inappreciable. Conditions that affect this space will be pharyngitis. In dogs they can occur at the same time pharyngitis and tonsillitis Although canine pharyngitis seems like a mild condition, a visit to the vet is a must.

Pharyngitis in dogs - Causes, symptoms and treatment - What is pharyngitis?
Pharyngitis in dogs - Causes, symptoms and treatment - What is pharyngitis?

Causes of pharyngitis in dogs

There are different causes that can cause pharyngitis in dogs. Some are associated with mouth infections (a wound can occur from biting a stick, for example), sinus or throat infections respiratory tract, in addition to systemic diseases, such as distemper or parvovirus. These are the ones that would have an infectious, viral or bacterial origin.

Sudden changes in temperature and air currents are factors that predispose to contracting pharyngitis. The widespread custom of allowing the dog to travel by car with its head out the window is also discouraged.

Symptoms of pharyngitis in dogs

The following symptoms are common and characteristic of pharyngitis in dogs, and are derived from the inflammation that occurs:

  • Cough and hoarseness.
  • Nausea that may lead to vomiting.
  • Pain when swallowing, making it easy for them to stop eating.
  • Hypersalivation.
  • Fever, the high temperature contributes to our dog being listless, not wanting to play or move.

We may see the back of the throat reddened and even distinguish the tonsils if they are also swollen. Sometimes it will also be possible to observe a purulent secretion in the back of the throat.

We must take our dog to the vet as soon as possible since, as always, he will be responsible for diagnosing the pathology and prescribing the appropriate treatment for our dog's pharyngitis, once he has examined it.

Pharyngitis in dogs - Causes, symptoms and treatment - Symptoms of pharyngitis in dogs
Pharyngitis in dogs - Causes, symptoms and treatment - Symptoms of pharyngitis in dogs

Treatment of pharyngitis in dogs

As we mentioned at the beginning, canine pharyngitis can be associated with mouth, sinus or respiratory tract infections. If appropriate, the vet will prescribe an appropriate antibiotic treatment to treat the underlying infection. If the infectious cause is not clear, a broad-spectrum antibiotic will be administered. All medications must be prescribed by a veterinarian We should never medicate ourselves. In addition, anti-inflammatories and antitussives may be required, depending on the symptoms.

Apart from following the medical guidelines, we can help our friend feel better by adapting his diet to minimize pain when swallowing, which is what will make it difficult for him to swallow his usual feed. Thus, we can offer you canned wet food in the form of small pieces in sauce, pâté or mousse. In veterinary clinics we will have a variety of tubs that cover the different nutritional needs of convalescent animals. All of them are characterized by their high palatability

Another option is to offer him his feed soaked in warm water or with chicken broth (without s alt or onion), so that it is soften and we can crush it with a fork, forming a kind of porridge.

If you still can't make up your mind to swallow, we can heat up your food a bit in the microwave. The aroma of hot food often whets their appetite. We can also resort to homemade food. A piece of cooked chicken, even pureed, or a slice of turkey or York ham. All these foods can also be used to camouflage the medication or simply to accompany it.

Otherwise, we must keep our dog dry and warm, avoiding walks in the rain, draughts or baths in water cold and, if it gets wet, we have to dry it well. You should soon regain your appetite and energy. If this is not the case or, on the contrary, if we notice worsening, we should return to the vet.
