Symptoms of abortion in a female dog

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Symptoms of abortion in a female dog
Symptoms of abortion in a female dog
Symptoms of abortion in a female dog
Symptoms of abortion in a female dog

During the dog's pregnancy, our best friend's body will undergo many changes and chemical reactions to create the ideal conditions for the embryos to develop inside. It will work as a perfect machine so that at the end of those nine weeks of gestation the puppies are born. However, sometimes something happens that causes a miscarriage, causing the dog to lose the babies.

It is important to know the symptoms of abortion in a female dog to prevent her from taking risks, so we tell you about them in this article from our site. In addition, this will help us discover if the animal has fertility problems and prevent a new pregnancy.

Causes of miscarriage

Depending on the time of pregnancy, the abortion can be caused by one reason or another. In the last stage of pregnancy, it is most commonly caused by a hormonal imbalance in the animal's womb.

Bacteria, parasites, or fungi are also responsible for miscarriages. In places where many dogs live, such as kennels or dog parks, there can be a very contagious bacterium called Brucilla that causes unexpected abortions.

Parasites such as Neospora caninum, or fungi that affect the dog's pregnancy can also live in water and food. That is why we must closely monitor what it eats and clean its feeder and drinker well. Blood tests at the vet will be able to detect if our dog has an infection and will be able to treat it in time. Female dogs that have miscarried due to infection, parasites, or fungus should receive veterinary treatment.

Symptoms of miscarriage in a female dog - Causes of miscarriage
Symptoms of miscarriage in a female dog - Causes of miscarriage

Before the fifth week of gestation

Normally, when a bitch miscarries before the fifth week of pregnancy she usually reabsorbs the embryos, so that only there would be little lumps in the belly. Generally, the loss of puppies at this stage usually goes unnoticed and does not cause damage to the mother, even sometimes we do not even find out that she had been pregnant because she had not yet shown any symptoms of pregnancy. When a female dog loses her embryos in the early stages of pregnancy it can be a cause of infertility

However, the death of an embryo does not mean that the pregnancy is interrupted. On many occasions, some fetuses die and others continue to gestate, and finally, some of the puppies of the litter are born.

Symptoms of abortion in a female dog - Before the fifth week of gestation
Symptoms of abortion in a female dog - Before the fifth week of gestation

After the fifth week of gestation

From the fifth week the embryos are almost formed and the symptoms of abortion in a female dog will be visible and painful It will begin to Bleeding heavily Suddenly, and sometimes the bleeding will be greenish-brown in color, indicating that you are expelling the placenta. On many occasions it can also throw out deceased fetuses.

The dog's stomach will contract, causing her to feel pain. Spontaneous abortion from the fifth week will make the dog sick, who will be tired, depressed, without appetite and even with a fever. Sometimes she can also have diarrhea and vomiting

If you start to notice any of these symptoms you should take her quickly to the vetto have her he alth checked. A dog that has suffered an abortion needs a lot of care and affection to recover, so you should stay by her side until she is back to her old self.
