How to make a dog vomit? - Expert Recommendations

How to make a dog vomit? - Expert Recommendations
How to make a dog vomit? - Expert Recommendations
How to make a dog vomit?
How to make a dog vomit?

You may never have thought about how to make a dog vomit, but the truth is that it is information that all caregivers should acquire. In fact, it is essential, for example, in case of poisoning. Although the recommendation is to fly to the vet, if the journey is long or we discover the dog just as it is swallowing the poison, it is possible to take measures at home. Inducing vomiting is included among the basic first aid for dogs.

In this article on our site we are going to explain how to make a dog vomit, when to do it and what options are not recommended. In any case, remember to visit the vet.

What to consider before making a dog vomit?

Sometimes as soon as handlers discover or suspect that their dog has ingested something potentially toxic, their first reaction is to look for something to give the dog to make him vomit, but making him vomit is not always the option more successful. In fact, in the case of ingesting corrosive products, it is counterproductive, since we would make it go back up the digestive tract, causing more damage. For this reason, it is important to have the toxic substance identified and, always, in case of doubt, call the veterinarian so that they can indicate the steps to follow. In addition, there are other circumstances in which a dog should not be made to vomitThese are:

  1. If two hours or more have passed since the toxic product was ingested, although the exact time will depend on the substance. There is no point in worrying about how to make your dog vomit because the substance has probably already been assimilated by the body and is in the bloodstream.
  2. The poison ingested is a petroleum derivative, such as gasoline or solvents, or it isa corrosive or irritating product , such as acids, ammonia, quicklime, lye, the contents of car batteries or caustic products.
  3. The dog is unconscious or in a stupor, shows neurological changes, has trouble breathing, cannot swallow or has already vomited.
  4. If he has swallowed a sharp or large object, as it could cause a tear and subsequent internal bleeding
  5. If the product label advises against it.

On the contrary, in general, it is recommended that you know how to make a dog vomit if he has ingested aspirin, paracetamol, ibuprofen, ketoprofunen, plants that are toxic to dogs or methylxanthines

In any case, remember that you have to be clear about how to make a poisoned dog vomit so as not to aggravate the damage. If you are in doubt about whether or how to induce vomiting in a dog, always call your vet before you even try.

How to make a dog vomit with s alt?

Once you are sure that it is pertinent, it is important to know how to make a dog vomit in a safe and effective way, since not all the options that you can find on the Internet are recommended. For example, syrup of ipecac is discouraged due to its potential toxicity. In this and the following sections we will review the most commonly used substances to explain whether or not they serve to induce vomiting in dogs.

First, we'll talk about how to make a dog vomit with s alt. Specifically, has an emetic effect in this species, the oral administration of a saturated solution of water with sodium chloride or the placement of a pinch of s alt as deep as possible possible from the throat. To do this you need:

  • A glass of water.
  • 1-3 tablespoons of s alt.
  • A syringe without a needle (optional).

It's all about mix the water and s alt well until you get a homogeneous solution to administer directly in the mouth or with the help of a syringe This is placed on the side of the mouth, in the hole behind the fang. In about 10 or 15 minutes it should take effectYou will notice that the dog is restless, drooling and it becomes obvious that he is trying to vomit.

The problem with s alt is that it can cause hyponatremia, which is a high concentration of sodium in the blood. That is why some veterinarians advise against this method and, if it is used, it will be necessary to control the dog, regardless of whether or not he has been able to vomit.

How to make a dog vomit? - How to make a dog vomit with s alt?
How to make a dog vomit? - How to make a dog vomit with s alt?

How to make a dog vomit with hydrogen peroxide?

The most recommended option if we wonder how to make a dog vomit at home is to use 3% hydrogen peroxide It is of a product that is usually part of medicine cabinets, given its use as a topical disinfectant, so it is easy for us to have it on hand. In addition, as long as the correct dosage is followed, it is a safe and fast method, although you have to be careful that there is no aspiration of the liquid You need:

  • 3% hydrogen peroxide.
  • A glass.
  • A teaspoon.
  • A syringe without a needle (optional).

The idea is to put a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide in the glass for every 4.5 kg of the dog's weight. It can be offered in the drinker or, if the dog does not accept it, administered with a syringe. If vomiting has not been triggered after one application, the same procedure can be repeated up to two more times at intervals of 15-20 minutes.

How to make a dog vomit with oil?

Olive oil is known for its effects to mobilize intestinal transit, which is why it is sometimes used in dogs with mild signs of constipation to help them evacuate. Mineral oil also has a laxative and lubricating effect. Therefore, are not substances that serve to make your dog vomit. In addition, mineral oil administered by syringe can be aspirated into the lungs. For all these reasons, its use is discouraged.

How to make a dog vomit with milk?

When dogs get older they are no longer able to digest the lactose in milk. This is what means that its consumption can cause digestive disorders, such as diarrhea or discomfort. Undigested lactose remains in the intestine and conserves water with it, since it has the ability to attract liquid. This is what speeds up intestinal transit and causes diarrhea. In this article you will find more information about it: "Can dogs drink milk?".

Milk has the advantage that it is a product that is usually found in homes, making it easy to have on hand in an emergency. But what would be achieved by administering it to the dog would be a laxative effect, not emetic. So is also not an option if you need to make your dog vomit.

In addition, milk and the egg white that is sometimes added to it could increase the absorption of certain toxic substances, as is the case with products with phosphorus. On the other hand, milk can be given, at a rate of 33 ml per 3 kg of weight, when the dog has ingested a corrosive or petroleum-derived cleaning product if the veterinarian cannot be reached immediately. In this case, its function is to dilute the acid or alkali in the stomach.

How to make a dog vomit with your fingers?

Finally, when we realize or suspect that our dog has swallowed a poison, it is normal for us to be scared and that the first thing that comes to mind, especially if we do not have any of the substances that We have indicated to induce vomiting, that is to introduce the fingers as far back as possible in their throat, reproducing the gesture that triggers vomiting in people. However, is not a convenient maneuver, first of all because in that situation we run the risk of receiving a bite and, furthermore, we could hurt the dog, so which is not a method recommended by veterinarians.

In summary, how to make our dog vomit safely? The answer is hydrogen peroxide. But we can do more. We will see it in the next section.

What else can we do?

Now that we know how to make our dog vomit effectively, we can still take a few more steps before taking the dog to the vet. The point is to prevent as much as possible the absorption of the toxic To do this, use:

  • Activated carbon: it is a product with a porous structure, which gives it a tremendous absorption capacity, hence its Useful in case of ingestion of toxins, since it can prevent them from passing into the blood. The dosage depends on the format we have. It is advisable to include it in our medicine cabinet.
  • Laxatives: they work by encouraging intestinal transit, in such a way that they contribute to the elimination of the poison through the faeces. There are different laxatives that our veterinarian can prescribe.
  • Enema: consists of the introduction of liquid through the anus to achieve rapid evacuation of feces. We cannot use those marketed for people, but hot water is used as an enema, 5-10 ml per kg of weight. The problem is that it is applied with a rubber catheter, connected to a syringe, which is lubricated and inserted a few cm into the rectum. We will not always have the materials at home or be able to manage it.

If you have any of these products at home, before using them call the vet and follow their instructions. Then, go to the clinic, since you have to review and assess the dog. If possible, carry the poison ingested or its label.
