What to do if my dog bites a toad?

What to do if my dog bites a toad?
What to do if my dog bites a toad?
What to do if my dog bites a toad?
What to do if my dog bites a toad?

If your dog has bitten a toad and you are worried, you have done well to look for information about it. And it is that toad poisoning is one of the most frequent in the case of dogs that live on a large farm or go to the countryside.

This is a veterinary emergency as it could affect the nervous system causing mild episodes of respiratory failure and even lead to the death of your pet.

If you are completely sure that your pet is poisoned, go to a center as soon as possible, but if you have any doubts, continue reading to find out What to do if my dog bites a toad.

The defensive system of the common toad

The toad has secreting glands on its skin that produce a toxic or irritating liquid, behind the eyes they secrete another toxic substance in a gland called the parotid gland and can also produce poison throughout his body.

To be dangerous, the poison must come into contact with mucous membranes, the mouth or the tear ducts, but once it enters the bloodstream it begins to cause circulatory and nervous system disorders.

What to do if my dog bites a toad? - The defensive system of the common toad
What to do if my dog bites a toad? - The defensive system of the common toad

Symptoms of poisoning by toad poisoning

That the toad moves slowly and emits sound noises provokes an obvious interest in our pet, who will try to hunt it or play with it. If you have seen a toad nearby and your pet shows these symptoms, do not waste time, it may be poisoning:

  • Seizures
  • Muscular weakness
  • Tremors
  • Mental confusion
  • Diarrhea
  • Muscle movements
  • Pupil dilation
  • Profuse salivation
  • Dizziness
  • Vomiting

Keep reading this article on What to do if my dog bites a toad to find out what the first aid is and what the vet will do.

What to do if my dog bites a toad? - Symptoms of poisoning by poisoning a toad
What to do if my dog bites a toad? - Symptoms of poisoning by poisoning a toad

First aid

If we believe that our dog has bitten or sucked on a toad, it is very important not to waste time. Open his mouth and wash your dog's tongue to remove any possible toxins that he has not yet swallowed. If you have lemon juice on hand it will be even more effective as it saturates the taste buds and reduces the absorption of poison.

Waste no time and Go to a veterinarian as soon as possible who will treat the symptoms and try to keep your pet as stable as possible. During the transfer try to prevent the dog from moving or being nervous.

Beware of using home remedies or tricks for this problem because it is an intoxication that can become serious, resulting in the death of your animal.

What to do if my dog bites a toad? - First aid
What to do if my dog bites a toad? - First aid

Treatment for poisoning

Once you arrive at the emergency veterinary center the professionals will try to stop the symptoms and offer an electrolyte balance. The main thing is that your dog survives. In the event of seizures, they will use barbiturates or benzodiazepines and will also try to control other symptoms such as salivation and spasticity.

You will also be given intravenous fluids and the necessary medications for that particular case.

Once controlled, the dog will begin to receive oxygen until it reaches physiological constants and will remain under observation until all symptoms subside.
