AVIAN INFLUENZA - Symptoms, contagion, treatment and prevention

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AVIAN INFLUENZA - Symptoms, contagion, treatment and prevention
AVIAN INFLUENZA - Symptoms, contagion, treatment and prevention
Avian Influenza - Symptoms and Treatment
Avian Influenza - Symptoms and Treatment

La avian influenza or bird flu is a viral disease that affects different species of birds and can also be found in mammals and even in humans, given the mutability of the virus that causes it. There is an asymptomatic or mild presentation and another extremely serious one that periodically devastates poultry farms in different parts of the world.

In this article on our site we will talk about the symptoms that can help us identify avian flu, as well as the importance of prevention. If you live with farm birds, such as chickens, and you suspect that they could suffer from this disease, keep reading and do not hesitate to call a veterinarian specialized in these animals.

What is avian influenza?

Avian influenza, also known by the name of bird flu, is a disease of viral origin and one of the diseases in birds most common farmyard. It is caused by a type A influenza virus and is capable of infecting poultry such as chickens, turkeys, pheasants, quail, ducks, geese, etc. Although they usually remain asymptomatic, wild birds, especially waterfowl, are the ones that usually transmit avian influenza to domestic birds. And it is that in many specimens the disease is asymptomatic or with a very mild clinical picture, due to strains with low pathogenicity. This type of influenza is called LPAI or low pathogenic avian influenza However, much more virulent strains can also emerge. In this case, we speak of high pathogenicity and become lethal and highly contagious. It is known as HPAI or highly pathogenic avian influenza

The incubation period for bird flu is 21 days.

How is bird flu spread?

The avian influenza virus is transmitted through saliva, feces, and nasal secretions In addition, infection can also occur when establishing contact with contaminated environments, such as chicken coops, feeders, drinkers, poles, etc. Highly pathogenic viruses are able to survive in the environment for a long time, especially if temperatures are low. The incubation period is 21 days, although this is a variable figure. These viruses have been found in mammals, such as pigs, dogs or cats, and also in humans.

Avian Influenza - Symptoms and Treatment - How is avian influenza spread?
Avian Influenza - Symptoms and Treatment - How is avian influenza spread?

Bird flu symptoms

The most common symptoms of mild avian influenza affect the respiratory system. We highlight the following:

  • Cough.
  • Sneezing.
  • Runny nose.
  • Eye discharge.
  • Ruffled plumage.
  • Decrease in egg production.

In the most serious cases, causing high mortality and caused by the strains of high pathogenicity, the birds can showsigns such as the following , which are no longer limited to the respiratory tract:

  • Prostration.
  • Cough and sneeze.
  • Blue color due to lack of oxygen. It's called cyanosis.
  • Congestion and edema, which is the accumulation of fluids, in the head.
  • Hemorrhages.
  • Bloody nasal discharge.
  • Neurological symptoms.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Decreased egg production and some with or without soft shell.
  • All birds that live together usually get sick in a short time.
  • Some specimens die so quickly that they don't even show symptoms. The mortality rate is close to 100% in just 48 hours.
Avian Influenza - Symptoms and Treatment - Avian Flu Symptoms
Avian Influenza - Symptoms and Treatment - Avian Flu Symptoms

How to cure bird flu? - Treatment

If we detect any symptoms compatible with bird flu, it is essential that we go to the vet. This professional is the one who can rule out or confirm the diagnosis by performing the relevant laboratory tests. There is no specific treatment against bird flu Highly pathogenic strains usually kill all the birds that live together.

In poultry farms this disease is notifiable, that is, the authorities must be informed of the cases that have appeared. Unfortunately, diseased birds or birds that have been exposed to infection are culled. The rest go to quarantine for at least 21 days, since it is considered the incubation period of the virus. Accommodations must also be disinfected. In conclusion, instead of wondering how to cure bird flu in chickens, hens or other poultry you live with, focus on preventing it.

Is avian influenza a zoonosis?

Theoretically, avian influenza in humans is possible, since it is a virus susceptible to mutations that, as a consequence, they could affect other animals, including humans. This transmission is what is called zoonosis. At the moment, is an uncommon situation and it is considered rare for a person to become infected.

The World He alth Organization indicates a low risk of avian influenza infection in people, but indicates the need for workers in close contact with potentially infected and highly contaminated birds and environments, such as veterinarians or farmers, wear protective equipment and maintain good hygiene. The precautions are both for sick birds and for handling dead birds. The use of gloves and hand washing with soap and water or with disinfectant gel is recommended. If after contact with birds or their spaces symptoms compatible with avian flu appear, you should go to the doctor to receive medication. In humans it is treated.

How to prevent avian influenza?

There are vaccines against avian influenzaIts objective is to protect birds, reducing the incidence and severity of the disease. Like any other drug, they can only be administered by a veterinarian. On the other hand, it is possible to implement management measures to avoid the disease. For example:

  • Keep in isolation newly arrived birds at home if they are going to live with others.
  • Disinfect your shoes and change your clothes when leaving one coop and before entering the next.
  • Avoid the presence of wild birds.
