Cystitis in dogs - Causes, symptoms and treatment

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Cystitis in dogs - Causes, symptoms and treatment
Cystitis in dogs - Causes, symptoms and treatment
Cystitis in Dogs - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Cystitis in Dogs - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

canine cystitis is one of the most common conditions among our pets. On many occasions, its symptoms can lead us to think that our dog is having a bad behavior and, therefore, we do not pay enough attention to what is really happening to him.

To prevent this discomfort from getting worse and to start the best treatment as soon as possible, on our site we show you the causes, symptoms and treatment of canine cystitis You will see how, sometimes, inflammation is usually an indication of the appearance of more serious pathologies. Therefore, remember that you should always go to the vet so that he or she can diagnose and prescribe the most appropriate medications.

What is canine cystitis

As it happens with us humans, canine cystitis is called inflammation of the dog's urinary bladder Although many tend to associate this condition with urine infection, the truth is that it is a mistake to treat both terms as synonyms, since infection is one of the causes that can cause cystitis in dogs.

Canine cystitis can be acute or chronic, and can occur in dogs of any age, from puppies to seniors.

Cystitis in dogs - Causes, symptoms and treatment - What is canine cystitis
Cystitis in dogs - Causes, symptoms and treatment - What is canine cystitis

Causes of cystitis in dogs

There are several causes that can develop cystitis in our dog, although the most common is that it is caused by the intrusion of bacteria through of the intestines. The bacteria begin by inhabiting the skin that covers the area of the anus to pass through the urethra until they reach the bladder and begin to colonize it, causing infection and subsequent inflammation. So, in this case we are talking about a urinary tract infection. Veterinarians identify this type of cystitis as rising infection

Studies carried out on dogs with bacterial cystitis reveal that the main bacteria that causes this infection is usually Escherichia coli, although cases of infection by Enterococcus spp and other less common bacteria have also been detected.

Since the urethra of female dogs is shorter than that of males, they are more prone to bacterial cystitis, so it is essential to pay attention to anal hygiene to prevent its appearance.

Although this is the main cause, there are other factors that can cause bladder inflammation in dogs:

  • Bladder stones can lead to infection.
  • Bladder tumors and chemotherapy favor the development of urinary infections.
  • Diabetes facilitates the colonization of bacteria in the urinary tract due to the high level of glucose in your blood.
  • Medications that weaken the dog's immune system, such as cortisone, also help bacteria to cause a bladder infection.
Cystitis in dogs - Causes, symptoms and treatment - Causes of cystitis in dogs
Cystitis in dogs - Causes, symptoms and treatment - Causes of cystitis in dogs

Canine cystitis symptoms

Urine produced by the kidneys is stored in the bladder for later expulsion through the urethra. When the walls of this organ become inflamed, the bladder has much less capacity to store urine and therefore causes the dog to urinate more often but with less quantity, this being the main symptom of canine cystitis. In this way, it is not surprising that we surprise our furry companion urinating inside the home, when he had never done it before. Likewise, it is possible that the increase in urination is accompanied by the presence of blood

In addition to this sign, we find other symptoms that may indicate that our dog has cystitis:

  • Hyperactivity caused by increased urge to urinate.
  • Discomfort or pain when urinating that will show through whining.
  • Effortto be able to urinate and "let go" of the discomfort he feels

If you detect any of these symptoms which, as you can see, could well be mistaken for bad behaviour, don't hesitate to Go to the vet as soon as possibleso you can perform the relevant tests and start the best treatment.

Cystitis in dogs - Causes, symptoms and treatment - Symptoms of canine cystitis
Cystitis in dogs - Causes, symptoms and treatment - Symptoms of canine cystitis

Diagnosis and treatment for cystitis in dogs

When we go to the vet with our dog, the specialist will ask us about each and every one of the symptoms that we have detected, so it is important that you pay close attention to your dog's behavior. Then, the doctor will carry out a urine culture of our dog in order to analyze it, confirm canine cystitis and identify the cause that causes it. Then, you will proceed to a sensitivity test to determine the best treatment. You can also request an x-ray, ultrasound and even an endoscopy to confirm the diagnosis.

Treatment for canine cystitis is always based on the administration of antibiotics that only the veterinarian can prescribe after the sensitivity test. Remember that you should not interrupt the treatment stipulated by the specialist unless he/she requests it.

On the other hand, it is essential that you make sure that your dog drinks the amount of water that he needs, since this fact will considerably favor his recovery.

In case of suffering from bladder stones, tumor or diabetes, the treatment will be aimed at both curing cystitis and assisting the pathology suffered.

Cystitis in dogs - Causes, symptoms and treatment - Diagnosis and treatment for cystitis in dogs
Cystitis in dogs - Causes, symptoms and treatment - Diagnosis and treatment for cystitis in dogs

Can it be prevented?

As with most conditions, prevention is always the best cure. To prevent canine cystitis, it is essential that we keep our dog's vaccination schedule up to date and maintain strict hygiene Especially if our partner is a female, we recommend cleaning the anus and vagina area after defecation and urination always.

On the other hand, dehydration can favor the appearance of a urinary tract infection, so ensure that our dog drinks water is a prevention measure that does not usually fail.
