What should I do if I find an abandoned dog?

What should I do if I find an abandoned dog?
What should I do if I find an abandoned dog?
What should I do if I find an abandoned dog?
What should I do if I find an abandoned dog?

The abandonment of domestic animals is a sad and unfortunate phenomenon that occurs in our country, whose main victims are dogs and cats, among Other animals. In the last year alone, more than 138,000 animals were collected, [1] which are added to all those already residing in kennels and shelters. Although Spain has toughened the sanctions to fight against these practices, with fines of up to 30.€000, the truth is that they continue to be produced.

There is no single answer to the question; " What should I do if I find an abandoned dog?", because depending on the situation of the dog, the autonomous community and many other factors, the method of action may vary. Here's how to help an abandoned dog:

How to help an abandoned dog?

The first thing you should understand if you have found an abandoned or lost dog is that it will probably be very scared You must take certain precautions and in Under no circumstances approach him in an invasive way, because if he has had a traumatic experience he may react negatively and unpredictably.

It is important to point out that we can find an abandoned dog on the road or at a gas station, for example, but in other more extreme cases of abandonment we can even witness an abandoned dog at home, without people living over there.

How to approach an abandoned dog?

Next we will explain how to approach an unknown dog correctly. Remember that you should not force him to do anything that he does not want, unless he is in a situation of imminent danger, because the objective will be to gain his trust and prevent him from running away.

  1. Start by approaching the dog from the side, not from the front, while speaking to him in a calm, high-pitched, pleasant voice. You can say a word to him, like "handsome" or "good boy" so that he associates you in a positive way.
  2. Bend down a little, bending your knees some distance away from him, while holding out your open palm so he can get closer to sniff. Avoid making sudden movements, you could scare him.
  3. Do not stare at him or approach him directly, as he may misunderstand your approach.
  4. If you have food try to crumble it and spread it on the floor, in this way you will be able to capture their attention, create a positive atmosphere and make trust you.

The abandoned dog does approach

If the dog has approached you voluntarily, you can take advantage and try to check it for the collar and identification tag, in which the contact numbers that the owner may have recorded could be included. Especially if his coat looks well cared for, chances are he belongs to someone, so you can try taking him to a vet clinic for a chip reading It's It is important to point out that any veterinarian is obliged to carry out this procedure completely free of charge.

If it is an abandoned dog with a chip the same veterinary clinic or you can try to contact the family. It is important to point out that in some cases the chip is not updated, the data of the current owner does not appear or it may even happen that it is not registered. If it is an abandoned dog without a chip you must go to the next section.

The abandoned dog does not approach

If the dog is totally suspicious, carries out aggressive, skittish or abnormal behavior, do not try to pick it up. In the next section we explain where you should call. Do not forget that you must act calmly and patiently at all times.

What should I do if I find an abandoned dog? - How to help an abandoned dog?
What should I do if I find an abandoned dog? - How to help an abandoned dog?

Where to call to pick up an abandoned dog?

Many people tend to contact or go directly to an animal shelter to leave an abandoned dog or cat there, however, this is not the appropriate method of action, because depending on the area in which the animal has been abandoned, it must be delivered to one shelter or another.

If we have found an abandoned dog, we must contact the authorities by telephone, explaining the situation, the exact area in which we have found the dog and any other type of relevant information:

  • Emergencies: 112
  • Civil Guard: 062
  • Urban Guard: 092

I found a dog and I want to keep it, can I?

In some autonomous communities of Spain, such as Catalonia or Madrid, the slaughter of he althy animals is prohibited by law, however, in other communities, slaughter is a common practice in shelters and kennels, which is why many people consider adopting abandoned animals they find.

However, Chapter V "Abandoning and collection centers" of the Animal Protection and Welfare Code - BOE 204 (April 16, 2018) indicates the following:

Article 17

  1. The City Councils will be responsible for collecting abandoned animals.
  2. To this end, the Town Councils will agree on the allocation of the necessary material and human resources or will arrange the performance of said service with the Island Council and the competent Ministry.
  3. In towns or islands where there are legally constituted Animal Protection Entities and they request to take charge of such a service, they may also be authorized, in agreement, with the Public Administrations mentioned in the previous section.

Therefore, as established by law, the City Council or the Protective Associations are responsible for the collection or donation of lost or abandoned dogs by their owners. It also establishes that these administrations must have a 24-hour collection service and veterinary attention.

What should I do if I find an abandoned dog? - I found a dog and I want to keep it, can I?
What should I do if I find an abandoned dog? - I found a dog and I want to keep it, can I?

What should I do if I see someone abandoning an animal?

In Spain abandoning an animal is prohibited by law, as indicated by the Animal Welfare and Protection Code - BOE 204 (April 16 of 2018). In fact, abandonment is considered a very serious offence, which can entail a pen alty of between €2,001 and €30,000 In addition, if it involves the abandonment of a dog potentially dangerous or a recurrence is taking place, the sanction will be increased.

But, how can we know if it is an abandonment case or a loss? Chapter VI on "Abandoned and lost animals. Shelters and transfer of the same", indicates the following:

Article 27. Abandoned and lost animals

  1. An abandoned animal, for the purposes of this Law, will be considered one that does not carry any accreditation that identifies it or is accompanied by any person, without prejudice to the provisions of current legislation on potentially dangerous animals.
  2. A lost animal, for the purposes of this Law, will be considered one that, even carrying its identification, circulates freely without any accompanying person. In this case, this circumstance will be notified to the owner and he will have a period of five days to recover it, previously paying the expenses that have originated its attention and maintenance. Once this period has elapsed without the owner proceeding to remove it, the animal will be considered abandoned. This circumstance will not exempt the owner from the responsibility that may have been incurred by abandoning the animal.
  3. The Municipalities will be responsible for collecting and transporting abandoned and lost animals, and must take care of them for a minimum period of 10 days until they are handed over or, in the last case, slaughtered.
  4. The identified animal may not be slaughtered without the owner's knowledge.

For this reason, if you observe a person abandoning an animal, be it a dog, a cat or any other pet, you should immediately contact the competent authorities, trying to provide also as many details as possible about the case, in order to identify the culprit. You can write down the license plate of the vehicle, the details of the individual and even take a photograph or a video of the events, in order to be able to provide the necessary evidence.

Below we offer you the telephone numbers to report the abandonment of a dog:

  • Emergencies: 112
  • Police: 091
  • Civil Guard: 062
  • Urban Guard: 092
