20 nocturnal animals - Examples and characteristics with PHOTOS

20 nocturnal animals - Examples and characteristics with PHOTOS
20 nocturnal animals - Examples and characteristics with PHOTOS
Nocturnal animals
Nocturnal animals

In the world there are millions of different species and types of animals, which together constitute a variety of fauna that makes planet Earth a unique place in the immense universe. Some are so small that the human eye is unable to appreciate them, and others as large and heavy as the elephant or the whale. Each species has its own characteristics and habits, which are fascinating for those who stop to study them a little.

Among the various classifications that can be made of animals is that of dividing them into diurnal and nocturnal. Not all species need sunlight to complete their life cycle, so our site presents this article about 20 nocturnal animals, examples and characteristics

Why are they called nocturnal animals?

The name of nocturnal animals is given to all those species that carry out their activity during the night, whether they start at twilight or wait that the darkness has advanced further to come out of its shelters. These types of animals usually sleep during the day, hidden in places that protect them from possible predators while they rest.

This type of behavior, which may seem strange to humans, accustomed to being active during daylight hours, like millions of other species, responds both to aneed to adapt to the environment , as well as to the physical characteristics of these species.

For example, animals that live in the desert are more likely to be more active at night, since temperatures are so high and water is so scarce, that way they stay cooler and hydrated.

What are the characteristics of nocturnal animals?

Each species has its own peculiarities, but there are some characteristics that nocturnal animals must have in order to survive in the dark. Therefore, below we are going to detail what are the most general characteristics of nocturnal animals.

The vision

is one of the senses that needs to be developed differently to be useful in low-light environments The pupil of all living things It works in order to allow the passage of light rays, so when this is scarce, more "power" is required to absorb any incandescence that shines in the middle of the night.

The eye of nocturnal animals contains guanine, a rod-shaped substance that acts as a light reflector, making the animal's eyes sparkle while taking advantage of even more of the rays of light it can find.

The ear

In addition, the hearing of many of these animals is designed to pick up the slightest sounds of prey trying to sneak up to escape, because the truth is that many of these nocturnal animals are carnivorous, or at least insectivorous.

The sense of smell

If hearing fails, smell won't. In many animals, the sense of smell is the most developed, capable of perceiving changes in the direction of the wind and the novelties it brings, as well as detecting prey, food and water at great distances, as well as detect the scent of possible predators.

Apart from all this, each species has its own “mechanisms” that allow them to complete their life cycle during low light hours, while sheltering from predators and making the most of what each particular habitat has to offer.

Next, we'll tell you a little about some examples of nocturnal animals.

The aye-aye (Daubentonia madagascariensis)

The Daubentonia madagascariensis is a strange-looking creature that looks like something out of a horror story. Unique in its kind, this mammal is a species of ape native to Madagascar, whose large eyes are typical of creatures that prefer the dark.

In Madagascar it is considered an animal of bad omen capable of presaging death, despite the fact that it is only a small mammal that reaches a maximum length of 50 centimeters, and that feeds on worms, larvae and fruits.

The aye-aye has large ears and a very long middle finger, which it uses to discover the hollow trunks of the trees where it lives, and in which the worms that constitute its main diet hide. Currently is in danger of extinction due to the destruction of its habitat, the tropical forest.

Don't miss these other Animals of Madagascar, here.

Nocturnal animals - The aye-aye (Daubentonia madagascariensis)
Nocturnal animals - The aye-aye (Daubentonia madagascariensis)

The bat (Chiroptera)

Perhaps the bat is the nocturnal animal that we most easily relate to the night. This is no coincidence, since none of the species that exist can face daylight, because their eyes are very sensitive.

They usually sleep during the day in caves, mountain crevices, holes and any space that allows them to be away from light. Oddly enough they are actually mammals, the only ones whose front legs form wings, which have been able to spread them all over the world.

There are different types and their diet is varied, among which it is possible to mention insects, fruits, small mammals, other species of bats and even blood. The mechanism they use to hunt and navigate in the dark is called echolocation, it consists of recognizing the distances and the objects that are in it through sound waves that bounce off a space when the bat screeches.

We leave you these articles about the Types of bats that exist and Are bats blind? For more information on the subject.

Nocturnal animals - The bat (Chiroptera)
Nocturnal animals - The bat (Chiroptera)

The Owl (Strigiformes)

This is another common inhabitant of the night, because although it usually nests in wooded areas or areas full of trees, it is even possible to observe it in towns and cities, where it would sleep in abandoned places that can protect it from light.

There are hundreds of species and all are birds of prey that feed on mammals such as mice, small birds, reptiles, insects and fish. To hunt, the owl uses its great agility, its eyes and its good hearing, which allow it to close to prey without making any noise, even in total darkness.

One of the main peculiarities of these birds is that their eyes do not move from place, that is, they are always fixed forward, which the owl's organism compensates for with the agility of turning its head completely.

Don't miss this other post about Nocturnal birds of prey: names and examples, below.

Nocturnal animals - The owl (Strormes)
Nocturnal animals - The owl (Strormes)

The ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta)

This is another species of primate native to Madagascar, characterized by the rings on its tail and its large bright eyes. There are several species with physical variations, but all of them feed on leaves and fruits.

The lemur prefers the night to hide from predators, so its bright eyes help it navigate in the dark. Like other hominids, their legs are very similar to human hands: they have a thumb, 5 fingers and nails, all of which help them to take their food.

In addition, the lemur has been associated with legends in which it is considered a ghost, probably motivated by its peculiar appearance and the high-pitched sounds with which it communicates. It is currently endangered.

Is the lemur in danger of extinction? Find out more details in this post on our site.

Nocturnal animals - The ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta)
Nocturnal animals - The ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta)

The Tumbes boa (Boa constrictor longicauda)

We reached the middle of the article with 5 nocturnal animals and, in this case, we find the Tumbes boa. If anything is really scary, it's finding yourself in the middle of the dark with the Tumbes boa, a constrictor snake native to the jungles of Peru and Ecuador This reptile with a strong and muscular body can climb trees, where it hides to sleep.

This boa does not have completely nocturnal habits, since it likes to sunbathe, but hunts its prey only after it has fallen the night. It is capable of ste althily approaching its victims and with rapid movements coiling around their bodies, which it will press with its incredible strength, until they suffocate them before eating them.

This reptile feeds above all on animals of no small size, such as other reptiles (crocodiles) and any mammal found in the jungle that is warm-blooded.

You may be interested in the following post about the care of a boa constrictor.

Nocturnal animals - The Tumbes boa (Boa constrictor longicauda)
Nocturnal animals - The Tumbes boa (Boa constrictor longicauda)

The Barn Owl (Tyto alba)

Like the owl, the owl is a nocturnal bird of prey. There are many types of owls, but the most common is the one with white or light colored plumage, which usually lives in forests but can also be seen in some cities.

Your vision and hearing are your most developed senses, in which lies your ability to find your prey in the middle of the night Its diet is very similar to that of its relative the owl, based on small mammals such as mice, reptiles, bats and even some insects.

Don't miss the Differences between owl and owl, here.

Nocturnal animals - The owl (Tyto alba)
Nocturnal animals - The owl (Tyto alba)

The red fox (Vulpes vulpes)

This species of fox is perhaps the most widespread throughout the world. It can present other colors of fur to adapt to the environment, but red is the most characteristic tone of this species.

It usually prefers mountainous and grassy sites, but the extent of man's land has forced it to live very close to our species, further accentuating its nocturnal habits During the day it hides in caves or burrows that are part of its territory, while at night it goes out to hunt. It feeds mainly on the smallest animals it finds in its ecosystem.

We present the Types of foxes: names and photos in this article on our site.

Nocturnal animals - The red fox (Vulpes vulpes)
Nocturnal animals - The red fox (Vulpes vulpes)

The firefly (Lampyridae)

This is an insect that stays in its lair during the day and comes out at night, when it is possible to see the light emitted by the back of its body, a phenomenon called bioluminescence.

They belong to the coleoptera group and there are more than two thousand speciesall over the world. They are mainly found in America and the Asian continent, where they inhabit swamps, mangroves and jungles with a humid climate. The light emitted by their bodies shines during mating times, as a way of attracting the opposite sex.

Nocturnal animals - The firefly (Lampyridae)
Nocturnal animals - The firefly (Lampyridae)

The clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa)

It is a feline native to the jungles and forests of Asia and some African countries. It receives the name of nebula because of the spots that cover its fur, which actually help it to camouflage itself with the trees.

This feline hunts at night and never on the ground, as it generally lives in trees, where it hunts from apes and birds even rodents, an activity to be carried out with the great ability it has to move between the branches without being in danger.

Nocturnal animals - The clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa)
Nocturnal animals - The clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa)

Andean night monkey (Aotus lemurinus)

The last of the 10 nocturnal animals and their characteristics that we present is a monkey. Specifically, the Andean night monkey, which has its origin in the subtropical zone of Central and South America. It should be noted that it is currently in vulnerable status due to poaching and habitat destruction, as well as its use for scientific studies.

It is similar to owls, other nocturnal animals mentioned, since their eyes glow in the dark That is, they give off a reddish-orange flash that makes them stand out. On the other hand, they also have a prehensile tail and show sexual dimorphism between both sexes.

Nocturnal animals - Andean night monkey (Aotus lemurinus)
Nocturnal animals - Andean night monkey (Aotus lemurinus)

Other nocturnal animals

Now that we have already seen 10 examples of nocturnal animals, we are going to continue mentioning others to get to the 20 nocturnal animals. So here are more names:

  • Iberian Lynx (Lynux pardinus).
  • Black Owl (Strix Ciccaba huhula).
  • Ave huerequeque or Peruvian stone curlew (Burhinus superciliaris).
  • Geckos (suborder Lacertilia).
  • Moths (Tineola bisselliella).
  • Crickets (family Gryllidae).
  • Camel spider (order Solifugae).
  • Raccoons (genus Procyon).
  • Hedgehogs (subfamily Erinaceinae).
  • Cockroaches (order Blattodea).
  • Toads (family Bufonidae).
