+25 animals of Yucatan - Names and characteristics with photos

+25 animals of Yucatan - Names and characteristics with photos
+25 animals of Yucatan - Names and characteristics with photos
Animals of Yucatan
Animals of Yucatan

Yucatán is one of the states that make up the Mexican region and is located in the southeast of this country, on the Yucatán Peninsula. The space is mainly dominated by a warm sub-humid climate, although in the strip parallel to the coast, semi-dry conditions and, likewise, warm temperatures predominate. There is a good average annual rainfall, with greater intensity in summer. All these conditions make Yucatan a suitable space for the development of an important animal diversity, where some endemic species even live. We invite you to continue reading this article on our site to learn more about the animals of Yucatan

Endemic animals of Yucatan

There are various species of animals endemic to Yucatan, that is, they are native and can only be found naturally in this region. Here are some examples.

Yucatan Wren (Campylorhynchus yucatanicus)

It is also known as matraca yucateca and is distributed along the northern coast of Yucatán and in the extreme northwest of Campeche. Both states belong to the Yucatan Peninsula. It is a small bird, around 18 centimeters.

The body is a combination of mainly brown, with black and white stripes, although it can also have colors such as white and gray. It generally inhabits coastal scrub and is listed as Near Threatened.

You may be interested in taking a look at the following article on our site with Animals in danger of extinction in Yucatan.

Yucatecan blind eel (Ophisternon infernale)

In this case we have a freshwater fish This animal endemic to Yucatan lives exclusively in the system of underground caves associated with cenotes from the states of Yucatan and Quintana Roo. It looks similar to a worm, its maximum length is around 30 cm, it has no scales and no apparent eyes. It is classified endangered

Peninsular Streakless Snake (Coniophanes meridanus)

This snake belonging to the Colubridae family is endemic to the northern region of the Yucatan Peninsula, with terrestrial and nocturnal habits Lives in thorny and deciduous forests. It is small in size, with the exception of the head that can have colors such as brown and whitish, the rest of the body is of a uniform reddish tone. It is listed as least concern

We leave you the following post about the Types of snakes that exist.

Split-tailed Hummingbird (Doricha eliza)

Also known as Shears or Mexican earwig It is a species of hummingbird that is only found in the north of the Yucatan Peninsula and also in the center of Veracruz. The total population is very small, so it is considered Near Threatened

Inhabits the ecotone between mangroves and deciduous forest, but also in urban areas. It is a rather small bird, not exceeding 2.6 grams, mainly green in color with whitish areas.

You can also find out more about the current Types of hummingbirds in this article.

Yucatan Rusty Butt Tarantula (Brachypelma epicureanum)

This species of spider endemic to the Yucatan Peninsula is a type of tarantula that lives in the region's dry forests, found in burrows under the ground or on logs and rocks Can also be located in urban areas. It is brown with black and measures about 50 millimeters. It is rated least concern

You may be interested in How to feed a tarantula, here.

Yucatan spiny-tailed iguana (C achryx defender)

It is a reptile commonly also called el toloc and is restricted to the north of the region, so it is part of the fauna endemic to Yucatan. It lives in dry forests, preferably in rocky areas that it uses to hide.

It is distinguished by its black, reddish and greenish-brown coloration, arranged in well-differentiated thick stripes. The tail has very peculiar species of spines. You have been classified as vulnerable.

You can't miss this post on our site with the Types of iguanas, here!

Yucatan Hog-nosed Viper (Porthidium yucatanicum)

This is a species of venomous viper that inhabits the Peninsula, being distributed throughout Yucatán, Quintana Roo and northern Campeche. It lives in thorny, tropical and intervened forests, but stays away from urban areas. It does not usually exceed 45 cm, it is robust and brown with black spots. It is rated least concern

In this other article we tell you which are the most poisonous snakes in the world.

Animals of Yucatan - Endemic animals of Yucatan
Animals of Yucatan - Endemic animals of Yucatan

Typical animals of Yucatan

In addition to the endemic fauna of Yucatan, there are other typical animals of the region that, although they are not exclusively native to the area, are emblematic. Let's get to know some of them.

Yucatan black howler monkey (Alouatta pigra)

It is the largest howler monkey species in existence, males weighing around 12 kg and females 6 kg. The fur is black. It is distributed in a wide variety of forests, mangroves, swamps and intervened areas. It is considered in endangered

Don't miss the next article we suggest about the Monkeys in greatest danger of extinction.

Yucatecan mushroom tongue salamander (Bolitoglossa yucatana)

This amphibian is a species of salamander that lives in various types of natural or disturbed forests, near cenotes or caves. Unlike other salamanders, it has quite a tolerance to dry conditions It is brown in color, with variations in hue. It is rated least concern

We leave you the following article with the Types of salamanders on our site.

Yucatecan yellow bat (Rhogeessa aeneus)

This flying mammal is another typical animal of Yucatan with presence also in Belize and Guatemala. There are few studies of the species, but it is known to live in evergreen and deciduous forests. The fur is cinnamon brown and the wings are dark, almost black. It ranks in the category of least concern

Here you can find more information about the Types of bats and their characteristics.

Yucatan deer mouse (Peromyscus yucatanicus)

It is a small rodent that is light brown in color with some darker shades on its back and a white belly. It inhabits different types of forests, with mainly terrestrial habits, although it can climb to a certain height in low trees. It is rated least concern

Toh bird (Eumomota superciliosa)

This beautiful bird is also known as turquoise-browed motmot, clockbird, among other names. It lives in several regions but, mainly, it is a common animal in Yucatan, which develops in open areas, on the edge of the forests. It is medium in size, about 65 g and 34 cm, with bright colors such as green, turquoise and reddish. Rated least concern

Yucatecan Woodpecker (Melanerpes pygmaeus)

It is a species of woodpecker, which lives both in dry forests and dry thickets. It has a beautiful gray coloration on the body, black wings with white patterns, red coloration on the head and yellow at the base of the beak. Rated least concern

Yucatan Squirrel (Sciurus yucatanensis)

It is a kind of tree squirrel, typical of Yucatan and nearby regions. The fur on the body is grayish brown with yellow, and the tail is quite thick with gray and white hairs. It lives in various types of forests and is classified in the category of least concern

Here you can find the Types of squirrels that exist.

Animals of Yucatan - Typical animals of Yucatan
Animals of Yucatan - Typical animals of Yucatan

Other animals of Yucatan

In addition to those mentioned above, there are more common animals of Yucatan, let's get to know some of them.

  • Yucatecan Huico (Aspidoscelis angusticeps).
  • Mangrove vireo (Vireo pallens).
  • Río Grande Leopard Frog (Lithobates brownorum).
  • Yucatan perlite (Polioptila albiventris).
  • Shovelhead Frog (Triprion petasatus).
  • Blood scorpion snake (Stenorrhina freminvillei).
  • Yucatecan Thunder Butterfly (Hamadryas julitta).
  • Yellow-spotted scaly-lizard (Sceloporus chrysostictus).
  • Ocellated turkey (Meleagris ocellata).

We also want to tell you that there are various species of animals, which have a wide range of distribution on the continent, but also can be found in Yucatan, some of them are:

  • White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus).
  • Caribbean Flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber).
  • hawksbill sea turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata).
  • Jaguar (Panthera onca).
  • Puma (Puma concolor).