The amount of animals that exist in nature is so impressive that it is difficult to memorize each species. Therefore, if we need a list of animals that start with I, it is normal that you should search for it. For this reason, in this article on our site we share a complete list of animal species and groups whose names begin with this letter, both in Spanish and English.
Meet the impala, the indri and the stick insect, just to name a few of the animals that start with I. Don't miss the next item we bring for you!
Stick insect (Phasmatodea)
The first of the animals that start with I are stick insects or leaf insects, which belong to the order of phasmids, word that derives from Latin and means "ghost". It owes its name to its appearance, which is similar to that of a large stick, as they measure up to 40 cm long.
They have long legs capable of regenerating if mutilated. They live among the bushes and trees. Currently, there are many species of stick insect that exist, such as the sunny stick insect (Sungaya inexpectata).
If you want to know other Animals that regenerate or have more information about Stick Insects: types, characteristics, reproduction and habitat, do not hesitate to consult the following articles.

Rainbow Inca (Coeligena iris)
The next animal with an I is the rainbow Inca (Coeligena iris), a bird that can be found in tropical and subtropical moist forests in Ecuador and Peru. We are talking about a small animal, since it measures 14 cm in length and weighs approximately 8 grams. It is a species of hummingbird, so it has an elongated beak and its coloration is brown with reddish areas.

Iguana (Iguana iguana)
Another animal with the letter I is the iguana (Iguana iguana), which belongs to a large family of reptiles native to Central and South America and the Caribbean. This is one of the animals with the letter I in Spanish and in English, since the name is the same in both languages.
They are characterized by their prominent jowls, a long tail, spines running down their backs, and scaly skin. They weigh a maximum of 17 kilos and inhabit humid areas with abundant vegetation, such as jungles and rivers.
Discover the Types of iguanas that exist, below.

Irara (Eira barbara)
The irara (Eira barbara), also known as the tayra, is a mammal that inhabits forests and areas of abundant vegetation, from Mexico to Argentina. These animals with I in Spanish measure 75 cm long and weigh 5 kilos. It feeds on small birds, eggs, reptiles and rodents, although it also eats fruits and some plants.

Alfalfa Isoca (Colias lesbia)
Another animal that begins with the letter I is the alfalfa isoca (Colias lesbia), an insect known for its striking colors The females have orange or greenish-white tones, while the males are orange. It feeds on legumes, preferring alfalfa, hence its name. They can become a pest if their population is not properly controlled.

Ipequi (Heliornis fulica)
The ipequí (Heliornis fulica), also called punpún, song bird or sun grebe, is a bird that inhabits wetlands since Mexico to Uruguay, although it can also be found in Africa and Asia. Its body is slim, 30 cm long and can weigh up to 130 grams.
The plumage of this animal with the letter I is mostly brown except for the tail, legs, part of the neck and head, which are black. The beak, meanwhile, is long and red.

Short-tailed Indri (Indri indri)
The short-tailed indri (Indri indri) is a mammal with black and white fur and large yellow eyes. It is endemic to the island of Madagascar, on the African continent. The species reaches 70 cm in height and weighs 10 kilos. It lives in rain forests and has nocturnal habits. These animals with I are victims of deforestation and forest fires.

Ipacaá (Aramides ypecaha)
Another animal name that begins with I is that of the ipacaá (Aramides ypecaha), a bird that inhabits areas with woody vegetationand aquatic. It feeds on insects, snails, larvae, fruits and some seeds. The ipacaá is distrustful, so it moves away at the slightest presence of a person. It is common to see it walking or running instead of flying.

Namibian Lovebird (Agapornis roseicollis)
Among the animals with I, we cannot miss the lovebird of Namibia (Agapornis roseicollis), which is a bird with green plumage and a pink head. Although this is its name, it is common to refer to this species simply as lovebirds.
The youngest specimens have a dark gray bill, while the color of their heads is softer. They are very social animals and usually form small groups. They love baths and feed on fruits and leaves from trees.
If you have just adopted one recently or are planning to do so, do not hesitate to consult this article on Lovebird care.

Nothura maculosa
The next animal with an I is the iguana (Nothura maculosa), a small bird that inhabits certain parts of the American continent. It has a rounded body with grayish tones, short legs and a sharp beak.
Unlike other bird species, it is the males who incubate the eggs after the female has laid. When hatched, the chicks can run and move skillfully through the habitat.

Malaysian Flag (Indicator archipelagicus)
Another animal that begins with I is the Malayan indicator (Indicator archipelagicus), a 18 cm long bird found in the lowland forests of Thailand, Malaysia, Borneo and the island of Sumatra. The species protects itself in tree hollows.
This bird is easy to identify due to its brown plumage with greenish streaks. In addition, it has a thick gray beak and the lower part of its body is white.

Impala (Aepyceros melampus)
The impala (Aepyceros melampus) is a mammal that inhabits forests and grasslands near water sources on the African continent. Its fur is reddish on top, while the underside has paler shades. It also has black markings on the hips and tail.
The impala is a herbivorous animal, its diet is based on fruits, plants and leaves. This is another of the animals that begin with the letter I in both Spanish and English because the name is the same.

Iiwi (Drepanis coccinea)
The iiwi (Drepanis coccinea) is a species of bird native to the island of Hawaii This animal that begins with an I is characterized for presenting red plumage with black wings. It has an elongated and curved beak that helps it extract nectar from flowers. It complements its diet with the intake of small arthropods, such as butterflies or centipedes.

Ibex (Capra ibex)
Another of the names of animals that begin with I belongs to the ibex, in English "ibex". It is a mammal that has two large horns that protrude from its head. The ibex lives in the mountainous areas of the Alps, so it has an extraordinary ability to move on very difficult terrain covered with snow.
Discover other Animals with horns: big, long and twisted in the following article on our site.

Sacred Ibis (Threskiornis aethiopicus)
The last animal that begins with the I that we are going to mention in the article is the sacred ibis, which is a carnivorous bird whose Diet consists of amphibians, insects, and larvae. The plumage of the ibis is white, with a black head and legs. In addition, it has an elongated and curved beak that allows it to hunt its prey with ease.
Discover some Animals that are prey in the following post that we suggest.

Animals that start with I in English
When it comes to animals that begin with I in English, it is also possible to find a great variety. Find out what they are!
Indian elephant (Elephas maximus indicus)
Under the name of indian elephant we find a subspecies of the Asian elephant, the Indian elephant. It has an imposing size and a long and muscular trunk. This elephant measures up to 4 meters and is in danger of extinction due to the destruction of its habitat and indiscriminate hunting.
We leave you this post with some curiosities about elephants.
Indochinese tiger (Panthera tigris corbetti)
With the name of indochinese tiger we find a species of tiger that inhabits the Asian continent, specifically in isolated forests or in the mountainous areas, being a very difficult animal to find. The species is in danger of extinction due to habitat destruction and population isolation. Its characteristics are similar to those of other tigers.
To find out other curiosities about the tiger, don't hesitate to read the following article on our site.
Indian star tortoise (Geochelone elegans)
The name of indian star tortoise corresponds to the Indian tortoise, which is found in India and Sri Lanka, where it lives in dry or arid forests. It is characterized by having a shell with spots similar to stars. It has an average size of 30 cm and weighs 3 kilos.
Here we leave you other Curiosities of the turtles.
Irish wolfhound (Canis lupus familiaris)
The irish wolfhound (Canis lupus familiaris) is the breed of Irish wolfhound, measuring 75 cm at the withers. It has a semi-long coat of variable coloration between black, gray, white and red. Both its ears and its eyes are small, while the snout is elongated.
Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus)
The next of the animals that start with I we know it under the name of iberian lynx and we find the Iberian lynx, a mammal carnivore found in the forests and thickets of the Iberian Peninsula. It feeds mainly on rabbits, but also hunts birds, amphibians and small mammals.
We tell you more about the Iberian lynx in danger of extinction, here.
Indian Palm Squirrel (Funambulus palmarum)
Another animal that begins with the letter I in English is the Indian palm squirrel. It is the Indian palm squirrel, which weighs 100 grams and is characterized by three stripes on its back. This squirrel lives in India and Sri Lanka, where it makes small nests out of grass and tree branches.
We leave you with other Types of squirrels in this article on our site.
Indian rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis)
The last animal that begins with I in English is the Indian rhinoceros or Indian rhinoceros. It has only one horn instead of two, unlike other species, which is located on the top of its snout.
This is one of the smallest species of rhinoceros. Its diet is herbivorous and its habits are solitary.