The bellowing of the deer in Spain - Period, duration and video

The bellowing of the deer in Spain - Period, duration and video
The bellowing of the deer in Spain - Period, duration and video
The Deer Bellowing - Season, duration and video
The Deer Bellowing - Season, duration and video

The Iberian deer (Cervus elaphus) is a ruminant animal and probably one of the most emblematic species of our territory. They are very large animals, with males reaching 160 kilograms in weight. Each year, they must gain acceptance from the group of females, under their watchful eyes and that of other prying visitors.

The bellowing can be seen in many parts of Spain and is a spectacular event. In this article on our site we will talk about the mating season of the deer, why it occurs and where and when the bellowing is heard.

What is deer bellowing?

The rut is the heating season for female and male deer. The bellowing period occurs between the first week of September and the first week of October, in deer that live in a Mediterranean climate.

During the rutting season of the red deer, males lose a lot of weight as a result of less food intake, since they spend most of their time in agonistic behaviors or ritualized fights, that is, the males fight each other without reaching a dramatic end, the winner will be more attractive to the females, as it is a sign of having good genetics and strong he alth, therefore that the females will feel attracted and will want to copulate. These behaviors are mediated by sex hormones

Only males show antlers This is not perennial, but falls off at the end of winter and grows back for the next bellow. Growth begins in February and by July it is formed, but it will still be covered with a fine hair that should be shed in August.

The bellowing of the deer - Time, duration and video - What is the bellowing of the deer?
The bellowing of the deer - Time, duration and video - What is the bellowing of the deer?

Why do deer bawl?

Deer form two types of herds during the year: groups of males and groups of females with young individuals of both sexes.

When the deer bawl, they announce the arrival of the mating season, the male deer leave their groups and concentrate in specific areas where the female population is higher. Here they begin their bellows or bellows. This is used to attract the females, provoke them into heat and mark the territory, communicating their domain to other males.

Reproductive cycle of hinds

Female deer are seasonal polyestrous, that is, they are only in heat during a specific time of the year, in this case during the bellowing Although sexual cycles can occur during the winter if there has been no pregnancy. The average duration of heat is 21 days and gestation lasts 8 months, so fawns are born during the months of April and May. Females reach sexual maturity between one and a half and three years of age.

The bellowing of the deer - Season, duration and video - Reproductive cycle of the hinds
The bellowing of the deer - Season, duration and video - Reproductive cycle of the hinds

Where to see the deer bellowing in Spain?

In the past, in Spain, the deer occupied a large part of the peninsular territory, but it was gradually expelled by humans. At the beginning of the 20th century, there were only deer in some areas of Extremadura, Toledo and Sierra Morena although, later, with the change in hunting policy, they were reintroduced in many areas, currently being the most important hunting animal in the country.

For all this, today, the bellowing of the deer can be seen and heard in many parts of the peninsula See the deer running freely, being able to develop all their natural behaviors is something wonderful, so if you have the opportunity, do not hesitate to visit the bellowing areas.

Remember to do it always with organized groups, guided tours of natural parks or other types of organisations. It is not advisable to venture alone, or get too close to the area, as this is the time when deer have the highest testosterone levels and will not hesitate to attack

We show you a list of places you can visit to see the bellowing:

  • Sierra de Hornachuelos
  • Cabañeros National Park
  • Redes Natural Park
  • Sierra Morena
  • Boumort Nature Reserve
  • Doñana national park
  • Monfragüe National Park
  • The Cider Region
  • Sierra de Cazorla
  • Sierra de la Culebra

We advise you to watch this video of the deer bellowing in Spain, specifically in Doñana:

The threats of the Iberian deer

Despite the abundance of Iberian deer in Spain, they are also suffering from threats that could endanger the species:

  1. Introduction of other European subspecies in the territories of the Iberian deer.
  2. Habitat fragmentation and isolation of populations, reducing genetic variability.
  3. Breeding deer in captivity for later reintroduction by artificially selecting the breeders, which could Further reduce genetic variability.
