The Pekingese dog gets its name from the capital of China, Beijing, where this breed originates from. It is believed that it comes from the legendary woolly dogs of Tibet and that millennia ago had a practically sacred connotation for the Tang dynasty
Currently it is one of the most popular pets, ideal to live with any type of family as it loves the comfort of home and is attached like few others to a good owner. If you have decided to adopt a dog with these characteristics, you have made an excellent decision, but so that it is carried out with total responsibility, below we will talk about the Pekingese dog carein this AnimalWised article.
The Pekingese dog walk
It is true that the Pekingese is a very calm dog when it has reached its adult stage and also likes to recreate in its comfort, but like any other dog it needs to walk daily.
Daily walks fulfill important functions regarding the care of the Pekingese dog:
- Allows you to practice good hygiene habits and relieve yourself outside the home. Remember that it is essential that dogs can mark during the walk, thus delimiting their territory, something that is part of their natural behavior.
- Helps him maintain adequate socialization, relating to other people and animals, as well as maintaining contact with elements of the environment (noises, smells, substrates…)
- They need to be able to explore their environment, sniffing for information about other dogs, people and events in the place where they live.
- It is necessary for the dog to stay active and vital, walks are even more important as the Pekingese approaches old age.
- It helps them wear down their nails.
Obviously these walks must have a duration and intensity in line with the physical capacities of this breed. Just as when we talk about large and very energetic dogs we recommend that the walks last approximately 20-30 minutes, the Pekingese needs much less time on each walk, these being 15 or 20 minutesat most. We can do several rides a day to keep you active and fit.
Do not forget that you should be very careful when you walk in the hottest seasons. The Pekingese, due to its flattened snout and long coat, is susceptible to heat stroke quite easily, so it is essential to always carry fresh water to be able to offer you.
In the same way, we will have caution when we go on excursions or long walks, carrying a small carrier or bag to shelter him if we observe him very tired. Also because of its flattened snout, it may have difficulty breathing

Pekingese dog feeding
The Pekingese dog is quite small, however, the ideal weight should be about 5 kg. in males and 5, 4 kg. in females. Remember that their bone structure is heavier than in other races and that their body structure is very strong.
To provide your Pekingese with the nutrition it needs but, at the same time, prevent it from gaining excess weight in the future, simply offer two meals a daycorrectly rationed and calculated in the case of adult dogs, since puppy dogs will need to eat more frequently. Likewise, puppies will also need a control of the amount of food.
In terms of nutrient ratio, like all dogs, the Pekingese needs a high concentration of protein along with more moderate proportions of carbohydrates and he althy fats.
A very common option is to go for a good quality feed, as long as it is labeled on the package that it is a food "nutritionally complete". This indication guarantees that our dog will not suffer from nutritional deficiencies.
However, we can also complete its diet by offering from time to time homemade recipes Likewise, if you want to feed your Pekingese with natural foods at home, you should consult your veterinarian to ensure that it receives all the essential nutrients in the correct proportion.
To avoid being overweight and even obese, you can bet on using natural vegetable treats, such as carrots, for example, as well as low-calorie treatsthat you find in the market. In this way, and knowing that the Pekingese is not particularly active, you will ensure that it does not gain weight due to the use of treats.

Pekingese dog coat care
The Pekingese dog's coat is long, abundant and silky, forming a kind of mane around its neck. Keeping it in good condition is important so that the hair does not get tangled and so that our pet continues to have that adorable appearance so characteristic of the Pekingese.
We recommend a daily and gentle brushing, among other reasons because this simple action also strengthens the emotional bond between dog and human and helps to that our pet remains disciplined, in a totally pleasant way. We must pay special attention during the moulting seasons, which are usually in spring and autumn.
Brushing is useful for removing dead hair, cleaning the dog (since we reduce the frequency of bathing) and early detection of parasites, knots and injuries. It can also help us to work on handling to ensure that it is treated without problems at the vet.
The Pekingese dog bath can be done at least every 15 or 20 days, but it is recommended monthly, so as not to damage the natural protective layer of your skin. Before bathing our Pekingese at home we will need to untangle its hair with a "rake" type brush and then we can thoroughly wash the fur. Don't forget to brush it last and dry very well, as well as use a specific shampoo for dogs.
If we decide to take him to a dog groomer, we can also choose to cut his hair, very beneficial in the hottest seasons. Of course, remember that you must take care of the hair around the eyes so that it does not bother and cause injuries.
More Pekingese dog care
Aside from everything mentioned above, you can continue to take care of your Pekingese dog with all kinds of activities and games that allow him to be mentally stimulated. It will depend on it that he is happy and that he does not develop behavior problems.
We can play intelligence games at home or teach him basic obedience commands. All the time we dedicate to our Pekingese dog will help us strengthen our bond with him and will enrich his day to day.