Care for a sterilized cat

Care for a sterilized cat
Care for a sterilized cat
Care for a spayed cat
Care for a spayed cat

Caring for our pets is a great responsibility, something that should not be taken lightly. It is nice to have a pet, a cat or cat for example, and it is also very nice when it has puppies. However, not all of us can take care of their offspring, and before promoting abandonment it is preferable to sterilize the animal. A supportive option due to the large number of dropouts in the world.

Whatever the reason you have decided to sterilize your cat, you must put into practice a series of care that will help your cat heal fasterand have no complications in your recovery, after the operation performed.

Not all people are responsible and if you are reading this article let us congratulate you, since you are responsible with the care of your pet and you know how to give it its place. In this article on our site you will be able to read the care for a sterilized cat that will allow you to stabilize and help your cat recover.

Care to protect the wound

After performing the operation and when the effects of anesthesia have worn off, your cat will try to remove the stitches of sutures from the operation. This must be avoided at all costs since the veterinarian sutured 3 layers, the peritoneal plane, the subcutaneous fascia and the skin or superficial plane.

For this reason you should prevent the cat from accessing the wound, for example you can place a bandage on the belly, however, it is not recommended as the cat has easy access to the wound and can remove the bandage very easily.

Another method of preventing access to the wound is to use the Elizabethan collar or cone, which is very effective for this purpose. The only drawback is that this device causes stress and depression in the cat, it can even go so far as not to eat.

An option that seems more effective is to use a kind of corset, which must be created by the owner. You must use a cotton polo shirt or t-shirt for this purpose, from which you must cut a rectangle so that it covers the cat, you must open holes for the legs and make cuts on the sides so that there are strips. These strips at the end can be tied on the cat's back and it is a more comfortable option for your pet.

Care for a sterilized cat - Care to protect the wound
Care for a sterilized cat - Care to protect the wound

Care to heal the wound

There are also a series of cares in relation to the healing of the wound, such as, for example, we must heal it three times a day, to contribute to faster healing. To heal the wound, it is necessary to have gauzes and medications such as povidine-iodine and neomycin, depending on what the doctor has prescribed.

An effective process may be to first clean the area with povidine-iodine and then apply an antibiotic such as Neomycin. This is something that you must do on a daily basis and very carefully, as it is vital for your cat to recover as soon as possible.

Care for a sterilized cat - Care to heal the wound
Care for a sterilized cat - Care to heal the wound

Food care

You also have to take into account different nutritional care since your cat will not be in the same conditions as usual. The first thing you should do is place the food in comfortable places, not in high places, preventing the cat from making the effort to jump.

If she doesn't eat, don't force her,You have to wait for her to look for food. If it is the case that he spends a long time without wanting to eat, it is best to call the vet to make sure everything is going well.

During the first few days you can reduce the amount of food and drink by half, at least as long as you see your cat starting to recover. One of the options is to provide the cat with canned food, since these are more hydrated (contain a high percentage of water) and are more appetizing for the recently operated cat.

In addition, the diet of the cat must be controlled since some neutered felines have a tendency to gain weight. Discover on our site how to prevent obesity in cats.

Care for a sterilized cat - Nutritional care
Care for a sterilized cat - Nutritional care

Other care to take into account

If you have other pets in your home or are thinking of adopting a stray cat (for example) you should be careful that they do not bother your recently operated cat, as they can hurt her. It is preferable that there is not much hustle and bustle at home and that we wait to adopt a new pet.

It is also normal that the cat's behavior changes and she becomes more irritable or does not want to be petted. That must be temporary. If you notice a very sudden change in their behavior, do not hesitate to consult the vet, they will help you. If you notice that there is blood in the wound or unusual symptoms such as vomiting or diarrhea, you should consult a specialist immediately.

Care for a sterilized cat - Other care to take into account
Care for a sterilized cat - Other care to take into account

If you have visited this article because you have doubts about sterilization don't hesitate to visit the advantages of sterilizing a cat and find out why so many people decide to do it.

We also encourage you to explore the parachuting cat syndrome or learn why your cat scratches furniture.
