How do I know if my whose loves me? - Main signals

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How do I know if my whose loves me? - Main signals
How do I know if my whose loves me? - Main signals
How do I know if my whose loves me?
How do I know if my whose loves me?

You may know him as whose or guinea pig, perhaps for you it is a guinea pig and for others a simple guinea pig, the truth is that Cavia porcellus is perhaps the most popular rodent as a pet, as it is cute, affectionate and easy to keep.

Originally from South America, it is a herbivorous mammal that reproduces extremely quickly. Currently, the guinea pig is one of the most domesticated animals. However, it may not be easy to identify when he feels comfortable with you, so on our site we will teach you to detect the small signs so you can learn how to know if your whose loves you

General character of guinea pigs

First of all, you should be aware that this species does not have the same behavior that you would expect from a dog. Guinea pigs are a little more reserved, as well as skittish, so at the slightest noise or sudden movement they will immediately seek shelter.

If you feel that your guinea pig is unfriendly to you and no matter how hard you try to hold him and give him affection, he tries to escape from your hands with a little protesting sound, don't worry! Maybe it's part of his personality. But then, How do you know if your whose loves you? Pay attention to the following signs.

1. He bites your shoes or the balls of your feet

It is one of the most common behaviors that show that your little one loves and appreciates you. When he reaches this level of trust, nibbling on you is a way of showing you his love or asking for food If you recently adopted a guinea pig and notice that he is distant, and no matter how If you try to caress or pamper him, he avoids you, you must change the way you relate to him.

First of all, it is normal for the little animal to be a little fearful, since it is in a completely different environment, where the smells, the environment and the people are new to it. To correct this and help him build trust, you need to leave the cage open, in this way he will begin to explore his new home and get to know the surroundings. You will see that, after a while, your guinea pig will begin to approach you.

How do I know if my whose loves me? - 1. He bites your shoes or the balls of your feet
How do I know if my whose loves me? - 1. He bites your shoes or the balls of your feet

two. He lets himself be fucked

Because the guinea pig is an extremely fearful and nervous animal, if it allows itself to be grabbed by you, it means that it trusts you enough and that it considers you a figure of protection and affection It is very important that you do not rush to try to carry him, because if he does not feel safe he will try to escape and seek refuge away from you.

If you notice that he is reluctant in your presence, don't force him to be close, give him time to adjust. This, obviously, does not mean that you stop paying attention to him, but do it in a discreet way, checking that he has enough food and fresh water. With patience, he will approach you until he lets you pick him up without any problem, showing that your guinea pig loves you.

How do I know if my whose loves me? - 2. He lets himself be fucked
How do I know if my whose loves me? - 2. He lets himself be fucked

3. Eat from your hand

It is normal that at first it is not so easy for your guinea pig to eat from your hand, precisely because of how fearful these mammals are. However, to get your guinea pig to eat from your hand you just need a little patience, so we recommend that you start with the simplest and leave the food in a container, giving you the opportunity to be free to decide when you want to eat. As time goes by, approach with food and try to get it to take it from your hand, you will see that when it feels more comfortable with you the guinea pig will lose its fear and eat without problems.

Keep in mind that they are herbivorous animals, so the presence of fiber in their diet is extremely important, you can also feed them grass and hay, as well as fruits and vegetables, oranges being their favorite fruits.

How do I know if my whose loves me? - 3. Eat from your hand
How do I know if my whose loves me? - 3. Eat from your hand

4. Enjoy your company

How do you know that your guinea pig loves you and enjoys your company? Well, it's simpler than you think. Just pay attention to their behavior. In this sense, if you perceive that your furry friend is trying to be with you, he is always chasing youaround the house, stays with you and allows you to pet him, these are signs that your guinea pig loves you, is very fond of you and enjoys your company.

Another way to know this is to talk to him, because although it is true that he will not answer you, he will pay attention to you and your voice by staring at you. In this way, the more you appreciate your guinea pig, the more his love for you will be noticed.

How do I know if my whose loves me? - 4. Enjoy your company
How do I know if my whose loves me? - 4. Enjoy your company

5. It doesn't bite you

Bitting is normally a guinea pig's form of defense, and is perhaps normal behavior for guinea pigs that are new to a home. However, over time these hard bites turn into little licks or sucks that he makes with his mouth, showing you his love and affection.

Despite this, during the oestrus phase it is normal for him to become a little more surly, so you should not worry if you notice that he bites you constantly during that period. To know more about the behavior of the guinea pig in heat, don't miss the article "How to know if your guinea pig is in heat?"
