The American Pit Bull Terrier is an excellent dog: he has an enviable physical constitution, shows off a shiny coat and exudes a sense of extreme fidelity. Currently there are many people who consider the pit bull the best of all dog breeds and, of course, there are plenty of reasons. However, the pit bull is not a dog that adapts to any home and any type of family, as it can go from being a wonderful dog to a dangerous dog, as can happen with any other breed of dog.
On our site we want to avoid the suffering that many pitbulls suffer at the hands of inexperienced owners, for this reason, we are going to offer you the best tips for adopting a pitbull, don't miss them, they are essential for your well-being.
Why is it good to have a pit bull?
Despite being considered a potentially dangerous dog in Spain and other countries, adopting a pit bull is an excellent idea if you are an active person with a lot of energy, as a.p.b.t. they are tireless, intelligent dogs and full of vitality Do you want to know if they fit you? Here's everything you need to know about the breed!
How should a pit bull owner be?
The pit bull is a particularly attached dog, which creates very strong bonds with its caregivers, therefore, it requires an owner by its side who gives it affection, company and understanding, and who also has basic knowledge about the breed and positive canine education.
Below we show you the virtues that the owner of a pit bull dog should have in order to enjoy a happy and balanced pet :
- You must be a loving, affectionate and close person with your dog, who spends time being with him and providing him with the company he needs.
- You must be able to understand it because, as with every race, it has its pros and cons.
- You must love the animal for its unconditional love and companionship, never for the image that the breed may convey.
- Must be able to enjoy the dog as well as the daily exercise it requires.
- You must have time to provide him with a stable and regular routine, as well as quality time so that he feels accompanied.
- You must be aware that you will live with him for approximately 15 years, during which you must meet all the needs that the dog requires, knowing that they do not usually tolerate large changes in routine well.
- You must have the PPP license or be willing to process it, as well as the civil liability insurance required by law.
- Especially if we are talking about an adopted dog that has not had an adequate period of socialization, it may happen that he does not tolerate the presence of other dogs. It will be essential to avoid frustration, try to understand him and respect his space. Likewise, in case of any behavior problem, we will go to a specialist, such as a dog trainer, educator or ethologist.
Do all the "instructions" that we have exposed fit you? If so, do not hesitate, the pitbull may be an ideal companion for you!

The behavior of the pit bull with children
During pregnancy, many families evaluate whether this dog will get along with children, even considering abandoning it. In addition to being prohibited, the abandonment of dogs is a sad practice that directly impacts the welfare and self-esteem of the abandoned dog, causing trauma, fear, sadness and insecurities. In addition, it also encourages the overcrowding of dogs of this breed in shelters, which in most cases will never be adopted.
What we must do as responsible guardians is to prepare the dog for the arrival of the baby and, in addition, it is highly advisable to contact a canine ethologist or educator before the birth and after it in case of observing behaviors abnormal.
We must know that the pit bull is a dog especially affectionateand that, despite being strong and active, he is perfectly aware of his physical strength. He usually gets along very well with small children and babies, whom he will care for and protect, however, as with any other dog, interactions should always be supervised by parents. We must also spend time teaching the little ones in the house how to relate to the dog in a positive way.
What should a pit bull's home be like?
The ideal home for an a.p.b.t. is something to keep in mind. It is a dog with a very high energy level and, despite the bad press it receives, the pit bull is a dog that adapts perfectly to any environment. Although it does not require a very spacious home, it is important that the pitbull enjoy a lot of company throughout the day, since it should not spend more than 6 or 8 hours alone.
The American Pit Bull Terrier needs to enjoy at least three walks a day Although it is a very calm dog, it must first have channeling its energy through physical exercise, included in a clear and defined routine It is essential that you exercise your dog daily to avoid behavioral disorders and we are not just talking about recommended physical exercise for pitbull dogs, but also of mental stimulation.

The strength of the pit bull
The American Pit Bull Terrier is not a particularly large or heavy dog, as males usually weigh about maximum 26 kg., however, it is a dog with extensively developed muscles, very strong and energetic.
During the training phase we must be able to have certain control over the dog, especially when we talk about socialization, since it is of a strong and energetic dog that could easily throw us off balance with a pull, something that could happen with any other dog. In these cases it is very interesting to know some tools and tricks to prevent the dog from pulling on the leash.
Having a lot of strength is not an essential requirement to have a pitbull dog, however, bearing in mind that the law is not on this breed's side, it is highly advisable to be careful and act prudently and responsible whenever we are away from home.
How to be a responsible owner?
Despite the unfair and undeserved fame that this dog breed has, the pit bull is not a dangerous dog, but it is a very powerful dog and it is essential to recognize this before welcoming one of these breeds features.
The behavior problems that a dog can experience (any dog can suffer from them) are directly related to the 5 freedoms of animal welfare, although factors such as genetics , the lived experiences and the education
For all this we must be very responsible when it comes to educating him, paying close attention to working on in-depth socialization, the basic orders of obedience and at the same time having a positive attitude with him If problems still arise, we should assess going to a dog trainer, especially if problems related to fear or aggressiveness appear.
Having a dog, regardless of its breed, implies responsibility towards the animal itself but also towards the environment, other people and other dogs. We must be able to offer him everything he needs before adopting him, from toys, veterinary visits and pipettes to a specialist visit or castration if necessary.