Cold water fish

Cold water fish
Cold water fish
Coldwater fish
Coldwater fish

There is a very good option for all those people who like to enjoy the animal world but do not have enough time to dedicate to it: Have an aquarium.

Many people, due to the short time they are at home, cannot afford to have a cat, much less a dog. Fish are animals that hardly cause headaches and also delight us with a beautiful view just watching them swim. They do not require constant attention from their owners, they eat and live quietly in their space. Even so, we must have some basic knowledge to ensure that our new tenants develop correctly in their environment. We must know the main needs required by the cold water fish

What are cold water fish like

Coldwater fish are perfectly kept in room temperature water and withstand (within normality) the oscillations that time produce in its waters. That is the big difference that distinguishes them from tropical water fish, which require strictly regulated water so as not to suffer from deficiencies. For this reason, cold water fish are much easier to maintain and care for.

In general, cold water fish can withstand temperatures ranging between 16 and 24ºC There are some specific species such as the Loach Dojo fish that will withstand maximum up to 3ºC, we will have to inform ourselves in detail about each type. We can affirm that cold water fish are very resistant and that is thanks to the fact that many of them have methods according to their physical characteristics to adapt to extreme situations.

Fish that live in cold waters are very different and diverse thanks to mutations and breeding controls by breeders. We can find a variety of colors and sizes, as well as fin shapes.

Finally we must take these tips into account:

  • Observe that all the fish in the same aquarium eat and swim with each other (they are not isolated), isolation or lack of appetite can warn us of some type of disease or problem.
  • We must always ask the expert about the compatibilities of the different species before releasing them in the same space, failure to do so may result in the death of one or more individuals.
  • Fights between different fish (of the same or different species) when it shouldn't happen can mean the disease of that fish. It would be convenient to isolate it from the rest for its improvement.
  • The scales of a fish reveal its state of he alth, if we see drastic or strange changes we will also isolate it from the group.
Cold water fish - How are cold water fish
Cold water fish - How are cold water fish

Necessities of cold water fish

To start conditioning them we will set the water temperature at about 18ºC, with a pH7In specialized stores we can find a variety of test-type devices to check that the levels of water and its components are correct.

It is very important to have a filter in the aquarium since the renewal of water is very necessary (more than in the case of tropical fish). For aquariums that have this type of fish we recommend the backpack filter since both maintenance and installation are easy to handle and do not interfere with the interior decoration of the Aquarium. Having the filter forces us to change 25% of the water every one or two weeks.

It is advisable to put some 3 or 5 cm of gravel like the one you can buy at the bottom of the tank and preferably choose a artificial decoration since in addition to not needing any change, the fish could eat the natural plants and algae, some of which are not good for their body.

We can also add decorations of all kinds and sizes (as long as the fish has room to swim), we recommend cleaning them in boiled water beforehand to avoid intolerances.

Being cold-water fish, we won't need heaters to keep the water at a specific temperature, but even so, we can place a thermometer to learn more about our fish's day-to-day life.

The Goldfish

The Golfish is a descendant of the crucial carp and hails from East Asia. Contrary to popular belief, the Orange Goldfish is not the only cold-water fish of this species, but comes in a variety of colors and shapes. Because it requires a lot of oxygen, it is recommended that it lives in a fish tank as large as possible and always with at least one partner

They need specific diets and rations that you will easily find in the market. With the basic care mentioned in this small section we can assure you that you will have a lasting and he althy fish since it can live between 6 and 8 years.

Cold water fish - The Goldfish
Cold water fish - The Goldfish

Chinese Neon

Native to the Baiyun Mountains (White Cloud Mountain) in Hong Kong, this small fish commonly called Chinese Neon dazzles with its colors bright and flashy. They measure approximately between 4 and 6 centimeters, they have a showy greenish-brown color with a yellow-pinkish line and yellow and red fins.

They are hardy fish that normally live in groups of 7 or more individuals of the same species. They usually get along well with other fish such as Goldfish so they allow you to have a varied and eye-catching tank.

Its sale is very popular for its easiness of care They accept food of all kinds as long as it is small and require a temperature of between 15 and 20 degrees, ideal for a home. They do not usually have illnesses and problems, which implies a lack of concern.

We must be careful with this species since this type of fish is very used to "jumping" and therefore we must Always keep the tank covered.

Cold water fish - The Chinese Neon
Cold water fish - The Chinese Neon

Koi Carps

The Koi Carp is a relative of the common carp, although it is native to China it was known throughout the world through Japan and they inhabit every continent except Antarctica.

The meaning of Koi can be translated into Spanish as "affection" and even "love", the cultivation of this type of cold water ornamental carpflourished in China during the King dynasty and in Japan in the Yayoi era. In Asia this type of carp is considered to bring good luck

It is the most popular pond fish thanks to its physical resistance and we can easily find it in any specialized fish store. They can reach 2 meters although they usually grow up to 1.5 meters in large ponds (up to 70 cm in large aquariums). They have different colors, bright and unique in each specimen. Using selective breeding, fantastic specimens are obtained, being valued, in very specific cases, in quantities of up to €100,000.

This is an excellent pet due to its low care complexity, the koi carp lives wonderfully with other specimens of its size, but we must be careful because they feed on other species of smaller fish. In addition to this factor that we must take into account, Koi carp feed on small invertebrates, algae, cold water crustaceans, etc. We can supply you with special "flake food" daily for medium and large sized fish and other more specific supplements so that your diet is varied.

Koi carp life expectancy is estimated to be between 25 and 30 years, but they can live much longer under favorable conditions.

Cold water fish - Koi Carps
Cold water fish - Koi Carps

Bubble Eye Fish

The fish Bubble Eyes is native to China and comes from the Goldfish. They have strangely shaped eyes that give them a unique look. The bubbles are huge sacs filled with liquid where the eyes are located, always looking up. The bags can easily burst when rubbing against other fish or elements in their environment and for this reason it is considered a solitary fish. We shouldn't worry if that happens as they usually grow back over time.

They are usually between 8 and 15 centimeters in size and swim slowly and steadily. It is recommended that it live alone or together with others of the same species so that it does not suffer malnutrition or aggression and that its habitat does not abound in logs and elements with which it can hurt your eyes (if you can arrange natural vegetation). It adapts perfectly to cold waters.

It can be of different colors like blue, red, chocolate, red etc. The food must be provided close to where it is so that it does not go unnoticed. Eats voraciously and easily adapts to different types of food such as basic flake food, porridge, parasites etc. as long as we are careful to leave it within reach.

Cold water fish - Bubble Eye Fish
Cold water fish - Bubble Eye Fish

The Betta Splendens

Betta Splendens is also known as " Siamese Fighter " for its aggressive character and behavior with other fish. Males measure approximately 6 centimeters and females a little less.

This is a tropical water fish but strongly resistant that adapts to all types of water, such as cold water It develops and breeds easily, there are hundreds of colors and combinations in both captivity and the wild.

We recommend that they live in groups of, for example, a male and 3 females or different females, we will never mix two males, as it could lead to a fight to the death. We also recommend leafy plants in the lower part of the aquarium to protect the female from attacks by the male. Their life expectancy is between 2 and 3 years.

For food it will be enough with the commercial compounds that we have at our disposal in any store, we can also add live food such as roe, water fleas etc

Although the Betta is a fairly easy fish to care for, it is important that you inform yourself about the care of the betta fish to know its diet, the type of tank it requires and the mixtures of different fish it can tolerate.

Cold water fish - The Betta Splendens
Cold water fish - The Betta Splendens

The Telescope Fish

The Telescope fish or Demekin is a variety that comes from China. Its main physical characteristic is the eyes that protrude from the head, thus having a unique appearance. The black telescope is also known as Moro Negro for its complete blackish color and velvety appearance. We will find them in all colors and varieties.

These coldwater fish require large and spacious aquariums but (except the Black Moor) they will never be able to live in ponds where they can be subjected to very low temperatures, because they could die. As with the bubble eye fish, we should not have too much pointed or sharp elements in the tank so as not to damage their eyes. The last element to take into account in the environment where it will reside is to make sure that the filters do not create any type of excessive movement in its waters, it could destabilize the fish.

They are omnivorous fish that must eat small amounts of food but at various times of the day. It is recommended to change the food often so that it does not lead to bladder problems. We can supply you with different products that exist in the market, that will be enough.

Bear in mind that their life expectancy is around 5 to 10 years approximately.
