Australian Dog Breeds - Top 10

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Australian Dog Breeds - Top 10
Australian Dog Breeds - Top 10
Australian Dog Breeds
Australian Dog Breeds

Australia is a fascinating country not only for its culture and people, but also for its natural beauty. The Australian fauna and flora are unique, revealing a huge number of endemic species, many of which identify this country and the continent of Oceania.

When we talk about Australian wildlife, you may immediately think of the famous kangaroos or the peculiar koalas. However, the Australian soil has also given us unique dog breeds due to their appearance and temperament. In this article on our site we invite you to learn about the 10 most famous Australian dog breeds worldwide.

1. Australian Cattle Dog

The Australian Cattle Dog, also known as the Australian Cattle Dog or Australian Cattle Dog, is one of Australia's most recognized dog breeds on an international level. However, we should not confuse it with the Australian Shepherd, which is actually a breed of dog created in the United States of Spanish origin.

The first ancestors of the Australian Cattle Dog were born from crosses between the dingo and the highland blue-blackbird collie But their appearance as we know it today has been the result of the selective crosses of its ancestors with other dog breeds, such as the Dalmatian, the bull terrier and the Australian Kelpie. The result has been a dog of very particular beauty, remarkable intelligence, great courage and endless energy.

Currently, they are not as popular as companion dogs, probably because of the time and dedication that their care requires from their guardians. Being such a energetic and intelligentdog, the Australian Cattle Dog needs to perform a high dose of physical exercise daily and keep his mind always well stimulated, in addition to adapting better to spacious.

Australian Dog Breeds - 1. Australian Cattle Dog
Australian Dog Breeds - 1. Australian Cattle Dog

two. Australian Silky Terrier

The Australian silky terrier or Australian silky terrier is a type of Australian dog created from specimens brought from the United Kingdom. Due to its appearance and behavior, it is estimated that the Yorkshire terrier has been the main breed of English dog used in its creation, having been subjected to selective crosses with the Australian terrier.

Like its ancestors, the silky terrier was originally trained as a hunting dog, especially rats and small rodents. Currently, it has gained popularity as a companion dog, being very affectionate and devoted to its guardians. However, they have a strong personality and can be very suspicious of strange people and dogs. Therefore, early socialization will be key to allowing him to enjoy a he althy social life, and avoid possessive behaviors in relation to his guardians and objects.

Australian dog breeds - 2. Australian Silky Terrier
Australian dog breeds - 2. Australian Silky Terrier

3. Australian Kelpie

According to the FCI classification, the Australian Kelpie is an Australian breed of herding dog. Its appearance as we know it today is the result of several selective crosses using especially English dogsTheir early ancestors were obtained by crossing the collies of northern England with the native dogs of Australia. Some hypotheses affirm that the border collie and the dingoes could also have participated in the creation of this breed.

This is a strong, resistant dog with well-developed muscles, which shows great predisposition to work and training. His head resembles that of a fox, although his eyes are noticeably more almond-shaped and his expressions more tender. In Australia, the kelpie is greatly admired for its virtually inexhaustible energy, ability to learn, and willingness to perform many different roles.

Australian Dog Breeds - 3. Australian Kelpie
Australian Dog Breeds - 3. Australian Kelpie

4. Australian Terrier

As its name suggests, the Australian terrier is an Australian dog belonging to the terrier family. For its creation, various breeds of terrier dogs of English origin have been used, such as the Yorkshire terrier, the cairn terrier and the dandie dinmont terrier.

This is a small dog, with an elongated body, short coats and well-proportioned limbs. Their fur is rough and can show different shades of gray, bluish or brown. Their temperament is lively, courageous and active, making them excellent companion dogs when they are educated and socialized as puppies.

Australian dog breeds - 4. Australian Terrier
Australian dog breeds - 4. Australian Terrier

5. Short-tailed Australian Shepherd

The Australian short-tailed shepherd is often identified internationally by its original English name: australian s tumpy tail cattle dog. Although they are related to Australian Shepherds, they show notable differences in appearance (starting with their obvious short tail), temperament, and history. Unlike their "relatives", short-tailed Australian Shepherds are dogs native to Australia.

Information about its origins is still imprecise, but it is estimated that its earliest ancestors resulted from crosses between the dingo and the smithfield(a collie-type English sheepdog that exhibited a dense black and white coat, and had a short tail). Later, they were crossed with short-haired collie dogs originating from Scotland and, possibly, also with Australian shepherds brought from England.

Currently, the Short-Tailed Australian Shepherd has already been officially recognized by the Kennel Clubs of Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States. The FCI has also granted him provisional recognition.

Australian dog breeds - 5. Short-tailed Australian Shepherd
Australian dog breeds - 5. Short-tailed Australian Shepherd

6. Australian Dingo

The Australian dingo (Canis lupus dingo) is a very particular species of canid that is considered to be the intermediate point in evolution between the first wild dogs and the current domestic dogs. Actually, dingoes are not native to Australia, but there they have found the optimal conditions for their development and survival. Dingoes are now estimated to have lived on Australian soil for more than 4000 years and have been involved in the creation of many Australian dog breeds. Likewise, it should be noted that its export is prohibited.

Australian Dog Breeds - 6. Australian Dingo
Australian Dog Breeds - 6. Australian Dingo

7. Australian Koolie

The Australian kollie, also known as the coolie, German coolie or an ustralian koolie, is a breed of Australian dog that has not yet been recognizedby the FCI. These furry ones are very popular in rural areas of Oceania, although they are virtually unknown outside of their homeland. Koolies were originally developed as working farm dogs with a powerful herding instinct.

Little is known exactly about its birth and the breeds used to obtain the koolie we know today. But their appearance makes clear the diversity of their roots, revealing certain similarities to kelpies, highland blue-black collies, border collies and Australian shepherds. Their temperament is energetic, attentive and very intelligent, being able to learn many tasks. When they receive adequate physical and cognitive stimulation, they show a balanced and loyal behavior to their family.

Australian dog breeds - 7. Australian Koolie
Australian dog breeds - 7. Australian Koolie

8. Bull arab

The bull arab is a canine breed originating in Australia that has been developed with the aim of obtaining an excellent bulldog, combining intelligence, agility, good temperamentand great physical resistance. In its creation, selective crosses have been made between the bull terrier, the greyhound or English greyhound and the pointer.

Australian dog breeds - 8. Bull arab
Australian dog breeds - 8. Bull arab

9. Tenterfield terrier

The tenterfiel is an admirable example of Australian terrier-type dogs, probably created from miniature fox terriers ("mini foxies"), very popular in Australia during the 19th century. Despite their small size, they are very brave, energetic and resistant dogs that are usually in very good he alth, and can live for more than 18 years with proper care.

The tenterfield remains very popular in Australia for hunting small rodents and has gained ground as a companion dog in recent decades. But before adopting him as a pet, it is essential to take into account his strong personality and hunting instinct, which make his education and early socialization essential.

Australian dog breeds - 9. Tenterfield terrier
Australian dog breeds - 9. Tenterfield terrier

10. jack russell terrier

The jack russel terrier can be considered a dog of shared origin, as it originated in the UK thanks to Reverend John Russell, but has been developed in Australia. As a good example of the terrier family, this furry little guy has a strong personality that highlights his enormous courage and inexhaustible energy. In this way, we cannot say that it is exactly an Australian dog breed in terms of its birth, but it was fully developed and formed here.

Thanks to their well-developed senses, high intelligence and willingness to work, the Jack Russell Terrier usually responds very well to positive training. Today, they are often very successful in tracking activities, such as truffle hunting. They are also excellent companion dogs, very loyal to their guardians and with a very balanced temperament, when they are socialized as puppies.
