+15 Brown Dog Breeds - Names and Photos

+15 Brown Dog Breeds - Names and Photos
+15 Brown Dog Breeds - Names and Photos
Brown Dog Breeds
Brown Dog Breeds

While there are over 400 different dog breeds, many people determine whether or not they like a dog based on its color. The truth is that we should take into account many more aspects when adopting a furry little one, such as his character, but sometimes this reality is not possible. Although due to genetic modification any dog can obtain a brown coat, there are some breeds in which their standard is brown.

If you are simply very curious or you like brown dogs because it is your favorite color, in today's article on our site we give you up to +15 examples of brown dogs and coffees that will take your breath away.

German shepherd

The dog par excellence for many, the German shepherd is one of the brown and brown dog breeds that combines different shades. Although we now associate it with a police dog, originally the German shepherd dog was used to lead and control herds

The German Shepherd standard allows different colors such as solid black, beige, black and tan and light gray or just gray. These tones are combined with the brown tone that characterizes it so much.

You may be interested in taking a look at this post with Name ideas for brown dogs, here.

Brown dog breeds - German Shepherd
Brown dog breeds - German Shepherd

Chow chow

Another of the brown and brown dog breeds is the chow chow. Its origin is located in Mongolia, China, and, currently, it is one of the most popular breeds due to its resemblance to a small and furry bear. In addition, we cannot forget to mention his blue tongue, which for centuries has been the subject of different myths and legends, although it is really a genetic modification.

This brown dog breed has a long, smooth coat and, although this color must be unique within the standard, there are others shades allowed, such as cream, white or black.

If you want to know more about the Chow chow, don't hesitate to consult its complete file here.

Brown dog breeds - Chow chow
Brown dog breeds - Chow chow


Poodles stand out for their intelligence and balanced character, characteristics that have allowed them to become one of the most popular brown dog breeds. They have a long, fine, curly coat that gives them a fun and cheerful look.

On the other hand, although we are talking about brown dogs, it is true that the poodle or poodle can be found in other colors such as white or black. In addition, it should be noted that the complexion of this dog is curious because although at first glance it seems proportionate, in reality is longer than it is tall

Don't miss this article about the Names for male and female Poodle dogs on our site.

Brown dog breeds - Poodle
Brown dog breeds - Poodle


We continue this article on brown dog breeds with the boxer. Some people are scared by their size, musculature and powerful jaw, but the truth is that Boxers are one of the most faithful and sociable breeds that can exist.

From our site we also want to remember that in the old days boxers used to have their tails and ears cut off. This practice is currently prohibited in most countries, but not in others. For this reason, we want to emphasize that it is an act that we completely reject and that we position ourselves against, since it causes them pain.

Discover the Types of boxers that exist below.

Brown dog breeds - Boxer
Brown dog breeds - Boxer


With a most comical and curious aspect, the dachshund is another of the brown breeds. It is the short-legged version of the German shorthaired pointer Like its relative, the dachshund has its origin in Germany, specifically in the city of Westphalia.

One of the most outstanding features of these brown dogs is the position of their tail, which is always upright. In addition, they also have medium and droopy ears.

Brown dog breeds - Dachshund
Brown dog breeds - Dachshund

German Shorthaired Pointer

Following the line of the previous brown dog, next we are going to talk about the German shorthaired pointer. It is a breed of brown dogs that has different types, but all of them have a large and powerful bearing.

They stand out for their great agility and speed which, if we add their olfactory acuity, gives us a dog excellent for hunting. It can be solid brown or brown with small spots, as well as other possible shades of black.

To know the Types of braco dogs that exist, don't hesitate to read this post on our site.

Brown dog breeds - German Shorthaired Pointer
Brown dog breeds - German Shorthaired Pointer


Probably one of the funniest brown dog breeds you'll come across. Its small size and stature give it a most comical aspect It has an affectionate character and is quite social, so it will not give us problems when it comes to putting it together with other people. The dachshund has a short, harsh coat and all of its established colors are variations of dark brown

Visit this complete file on the Dachshund to learn more about this breed of brown dogs.

Brown dog breeds - Dachshund
Brown dog breeds - Dachshund

Shiba Inu

The shiba inu is a brown dog that originates from Japan, Asia. It is a breed of very intelligent dog but at the same time it is very shy, so it can give us some problems and it is usually recommended to tutors who have already had experience with other dogs.

Although we are talking about brown dog breeds in this article, we cannot ignore the peculiar curled tail of the shiba inu. In addition, despite the fact that we normally see it brown, regardless of the degree of color, it is true that we can also find white or cream colored specimens, for example.

Don't miss the Differences between Shiba Inu and Akita Inu below.

Brown dog breeds - Shiba inu
Brown dog breeds - Shiba inu


The Newfoundland dog is popularly known as the "gentle giant" due to its large body size but also its kindness. As we mentioned, he has quite a large body compared to other dogs. In fact, it can measure up to 70 centimeters and weigh between 45 and 100 kilos.

This breed of brown dogs are ideal for children and homes, as they have a great sense of vigilance and are always alert. On the other hand, he is a docile and affectionate dog that will make coexistence easy for us.

Brown dog breeds - Newfoundland
Brown dog breeds - Newfoundland

Labrador retriever

We couldn't finish this article about brown dog breeds without talking about the famous Labrador Retriever. Also known as Labrador retrievers, these brown-brown dogs may vary in color tone: there are lighter and darker ones. There are also other accepted colors such as black or yellow.

Check out this post on Labrador Retriever Colors below.

Brown dog breeds - Labrador retriever
Brown dog breeds - Labrador retriever

Other brown dogs

Now that you have learned about the characteristics of some brown dog breeds, here are some others that may also catch your attention.

  • Great Dane
  • Chesapeake Retriever
  • Leonberger
  • Irish Water Spaniel
  • Scottish Terrier
  • Chihuahua
  • American Pit Bull Terrier