Caring for a hamster's teeth

Caring for a hamster's teeth
Caring for a hamster's teeth
Caring for a hamster's teeth
Caring for a hamster's teeth

If you are a rodent lover you will know that these types of animals have numerous peculiar characteristics, such as their teeth, which are are in continuous growth throughout the life of the animal.

In the case of the hamster, a small rodent that has earned our affection as a pet, this is one of the few animals that is already born with teeth, therefore, take care of your hygiene and oral he alth. dental will be a priority to be able to keep our little pet in optimal conditions.

The care that this animal requires is simple, but we must also know properly how to take care of a hamster's teeth, in order to avoid any complication that could harm the he alth of our pet.

Feeding the hamster

Prevention is better than cure and one of the main cares for a hamster's teeth is to be able to offer him a balanced and adequate diet to our pet, since in this way we ensure that we provide all the necessary nutrients, without which the hamster could develop an oral pathology.

The hamster is an animal that in freedom feeds mainly on seeds, but we must provide the following food groups:

  • Vegetables: Raw or cooked, they provide water, minerals and vitamins. We must be careful not to give him too many carrots, as they could make him overweight.
  • Wild Herbs: They really enjoy clover and dandelions.
  • Fruit: We can offer you fresh or dried fruit, pears, peaches, apples, grapes, strawberries and cherries. We can also include nuts in your diet.
  • Cereals: Oats, bread, barley and wheat.
  • Proteins: We will provide proteins through insects, meat, fish and eggs.

You must combine these foods bearing in mind that a hamster needs 12-15 grams of food daily.

Caring for the teeth of a hamster - The feeding of the hamster
Caring for the teeth of a hamster - The feeding of the hamster

Hamster Teeth Abnormalities

The most common problems that a hamster can present in its oral cavity are due to different causes such as feeding problems, hormonal imbalance or congenital disorders.

The following problems are the most common:

  • Broken tooth
  • Oral infection
  • Tooth overgrowth

In the event that the hamster has a broken tooth (may be due to calcium deficiency caused by excess sunflower seeds) or an oral infection, the opposite tooth will grow compensatory, which which will carry the same risks as excessive growth of all teeth, which can even lead to death by starvation, which is why it is so important to determine the necessary care for a hamster's teeth.

Caring for the teeth of a hamster - Anomalies in the teeth of the hamster
Caring for the teeth of a hamster - Anomalies in the teeth of the hamster

Hamster teeth care

Let's see what are the care of a hamster's teeth, as simple as important to avoid serious pathologies in our pet:

  • Check your pet's oral cavity at least once a month
  • If your hamster is older, it will require more check-ups since with age these animals are prone to broken teeth
  • In the face of excessive tooth growth, you should go to the vet, he will show you the technique to trim the teeth and later you can do it at home when necessary
  • If your hamster loses its appetite due to a dental problem, you should soften its food with water to avoid a state of malnutrition
  • It is counterproductive for the hamster to sharpen its teeth with unsuitable materials, such as the bars of the cage, you should always have pressed bars, calcium chews, mineral blocks and enough wood at your disposal

Your hamster You should only gnaw its teeth with products specifically designed for rodents and although at first this care may seem excessive or complex, nothing is further from reality, since it is only about acquiring a routine regarding the he alth of your pet.

Caring for the teeth of a hamster - Caring for the teeth of a hamster
Caring for the teeth of a hamster - Caring for the teeth of a hamster

Are you passionate about having a hamster?

If you have found the best pet for you in your hamster, we encourage you to consult various contents that will be very useful to you, such as, for example, hamster care, how to prepare its cage step by step and what foods are prohibited in your diet.

Do you want to know even more about these little rodents? Then you can also check what the different types of hamster are.
