How to clean my cat's teeth? - Complete guide

How to clean my cat's teeth? - Complete guide
How to clean my cat's teeth? - Complete guide
How to clean my cat's teeth?
How to clean my cat's teeth?

Domestic cats require different care to stay he althy and prevent certain pathologies. Among them we find the oral hygiene, one of the most important care, but at the same time most forgotten, because it will depend on it that the cat's teeth remain he althy, without bacterial plaque or tartar, and will help prevent the loss of pieces, quite common in adult and elderly felines.

It is not always easy to follow a brushing routine, as many times adult cats that have not been brushed can never get to appear frightened and even aggressive in the face of excessive manipulation. However, with patience and following our advice you can achieve it. Do you want to know how to clean your cat's teeth? Find out in this article on our site!

How to take care of my cat's teeth?

As we told you in the introduction, it is essential that guardians learn how to take care of a cat's teeth in order to maintain proper hygiene and prevent tooth loss. We must know that plaque buildup can lead to various pathologies that cause pain, bad breath and infections.

Some of the periodontal diseases in the cat are:

  • Tartar
  • Tooth resorption
  • Gingivitis
  • Periodontitis
  • Stomatitis
  • Pulpitis

To prevent the appearance of these pathologies, it is essential to create a oral cleaning routine, although in the most serious cases it will be necessary to carry out a dental cleaning in a veterinary center, using the appropriate technology, to properly remove tartar from the cat's mouth.

How to clean my cat's teeth? - How to take care of my cat's teeth?
How to clean my cat's teeth? - How to take care of my cat's teeth?

How often to brush my cat's teeth?

The brushing routine will vary depending on the individual and how easy it is to accumulate tartar, which may depend on several factors, such as the cat's diet. However, although the ideal would be to clean the cat's teeth daily, in some cases it may be enough to perform 2 or 3 brushings a week to maintain an adequate hygiene.

The veterinarian is without a doubt the specialist who can best guide us when determining how often to brush a cat's teeth, do not hesitate to ask him any questions that may arise.

Products to clean cats' teeth

Cat Toothpaste

It is very important to note that cat toothpaste is not the same as that used by humans In fact, cleaning a cat's teeth with toothpaste for human use can be very harmful to our feline, even causing possible poisoning in the cat.

In the market, whether in physical animal product stores or online stores, we can buy different types and flavors of toothpaste for cats. Also, on our site you can find some recipes for you to learn how to make homemade toothpaste for cats, very easy and fast.

Cat Toothbrush

Likewise, on the market we will also find different types of toothbrushes for cats, some similar to those for human use and others that only cover the guardian's finger, to make the manipulation of the area easier. simple and comfortable. In any case, we can replace the brush with gauze

How can I clean my cat's teeth without him running away or scratching?

Ideally, the cat should get used to regular brushing from its puppy stage, when it is in full socialization period, in this way, we will get you to accept this process in a positive way. However, when we talk about adult cats, this routine can become somewhat complicated, as fears usually appear that cause the feline to flee and even aggressiveness towards its guardians.

It is highly advisable to create a calm and relaxed environment, in which the cat feels comfortable. We can wrap it like a "tamale", leaving its head uncovered, to prevent it from moving and we can inadvertently hurt it. It is important that during the process we use positive reinforcement so that he associates this experience with pleasant things. We can caress him and give him affectionate words in a soft and high-pitched tone.

How to clean my cat's teeth? - How can I clean my cat's teeth without running away or scratching?
How to clean my cat's teeth? - How can I clean my cat's teeth without running away or scratching?

How to clean my cat's teeth? - Step by Step

Here we explain how to brush a cat's teeth correctly:

  1. Make sure your cat is calm and relaxed.
  2. Gently lift his upper lip and gently begin brushing down the outside of his teeth, making sure to remove debris and built-up dirt.
  3. Use your thumb and index finger to make your cat open his mouth a little, always gently.
  4. Brush the inside of the cat's teeth, following the same technique as the outside.
  5. Once finished, you won't need to rinse, but you should allow the cat to drink water if it wants.

Alternatives to toothbrushing in cats

In some cases, the experience is so unpleasant for the cats and for the guardian, that it is preferable to look for alternatives to brush the cat's teeth. We explain some of them:

  • Cat Dental Toys: These are a complementary option to keep cats' teeth clean. As it is a toy, the interaction is usually positive and not very invasive for them.
  • Cat Mouthwash: It is usually mixed with water, which makes it quite easy to use. However, some cats do not accept it well.
  • Spray toothpaste: as in the previous case, not all cats accept this type of dental hygiene method, since they are often frightened by the sound and method of application.
  • Dental food for cats: some brands, especially those that have a veterinary prescription gamma, have balanced food that helps maintain good dental hygiene. Consult your trusted veterinarian.
  • Mouth cleaning at the vet: generally the feline is usually put to sleep and has a somewhat high price, however, a cleaning is carried out that ensures complete removal of tartar.

Now you know how to clean your cat's teeth and some extra alternatives, what else would you add to the list? Leave us your comments with your doubts and suggestions!
