How do I CLEAN my DOG'S PAWS when I get home during the LOCKDOWN?

How do I CLEAN my DOG'S PAWS when I get home during the LOCKDOWN?
How do I CLEAN my DOG'S PAWS when I get home during the LOCKDOWN?
How to clean my dog's paws when I get home during confinement?
How to clean my dog's paws when I get home during confinement?

The current exceptional pandemic situation has led governments around the world to take extraordinary confinement measures that also affect pets. In the case of dogs, their walks have been altered.

Although current evidence indicates that they do not contract or transmit the new coronavirus, it is advisable to maintain basic hygiene measures. In this article on our site, we'll explain how to clean our dog's paws when they get home during lockdown.

Can dogs walk during confinement?

Given the current situation, it is easy for caregivers to have doubts about how to clean their dog's paws after walking during confinement, but there are also many questions about this state of alarm and how affects our dogs.

In general, the quarantine has contemplated the need for dogs to go outside at least a couple of times a day, although it limits this walk to the time essential to the evacuation of urine and faeces In addition, veterinarians have been considered essential services. For this reason, although they keep the clinics closed as a preventive measure, they are attending by phone to cases that cannot wait.

If you have questions, you just have to call and they will tell you how to proceed if you need to go to a consultation to guarantee everyone's he alth to the maximum. As the recommendations may vary over time depending on the evolution of the pandemic or differ in the different countries that apply them, consult the official and up-to-date sources of informationof your place of residence.

If your dog needs a lot of physical activity, we encourage you to read this other article on our site on How to tire out a dog?

How to clean my dog's paws when I get home during confinement? - Can dogs walk during confinement?
How to clean my dog's paws when I get home during confinement? - Can dogs walk during confinement?

How to walk a dog during confinement?

Dog walks in this state of alarm cannot be like before. It is not possible to take them loose or allow them to run, not even in the spaces set up especially for them. They are also not allowed to interact, neither they nor us, with other dogs or people. Por lo tanto, las salidas del hogar deben limitarse a unos minutos, los necesarios para que el perro pueda orinar y defecar. El trayecto del paseo tiene que reducirse a los alrededores de la vivienda. No se permite acudir a espacios públicos como playas, campos, jardines o parques.

El perro tiene que ir siempre atado con su correa Como mucho, puedes utilizar una larga para que, en lo posible, tenga mayor freedom of movement. Por supuesto, aunque en el hogar del animal convivan varias personas, solo una puede salir a la calle con el perro y además se recomienda que sea siempre la misma. También es aconsejable que el paseo se realice en las horas de menor afluencia de gente por la calle para minimizar el riesgo de contactos. Como antes de la cuarentena, es obligatorio salir con bolsas para recoger las heces del perro En algunos lugares también se solicita la limpieza de la orina o los restos de las deposiciones con agua y jabón, que podemos llevar en una pequeña botella.

Remember that not complying with the rules dictated by the authorities entailsEconomic Fines of consideration. Back from the walk, in the next section we explain how to clean your dog's legs when you get home during quarantine.

If your dog is accustomed to going without a strap, this other article on what to do is useful if my dog does not want to walk with a strap?

How to clean my dog's paws when I get home during confinement? - How to walk a dog during confinement?
How to clean my dog's paws when I get home during confinement? - How to walk a dog during confinement?

How to disinfect my dog's legs during confinement?

As we have pointed out, dogs are not considered to play any role in the transmission of COVID-19 disease to human beings. There are also no data that indicate that they can be infected with the newSARS-COV-2, suffer from the disease or infect their peers. Even so, to avoid any risk, the veterinary authorities have explained how to clean dogs' paws when they get home during quarantine.

Option 1: Wet Wipe

Disinfecting a dog's paws after a walk with a wipe is very simple. It is important that these are like one of these three options:

  • Dog wipes.
  • Baby wipes without alcohol or perfumes.
  • Small wipes moistened with water and dog shampoo.

To clean your dog, you have to follow these steps:

  1. Have the wipes of your choice ready at the entrance of your home. Thus, when you return from the walk, you can clean your dog at the entrance and prevent possible viruses and bacteria from escaping through the house.
  2. Using the wipe, clean all of your dog's paws one by one, working especially hard on the pads, which are the ones that have come into the most contact with the street. As a preventive measure, it is advisable to use one wipe per paw.
  3. Use another wipe, wipe his nose as well, as dogs often sniff the ground and other dogs' urine.
  4. Finally, with a towel, carefully dry both the paws and the snout of your furry friend.

Do not under any circumstances use irritating products on dogs such as alcohol, much less bleach, even diluted.

Option 2: water and shampoo for dogs

To clean our dog's paws when we get home, we also use water and the usual dog shampoo. In this case, will do the following:

  1. If you decide to disinfect your dog's paws at the entrance of the house, lay out a towel so that the floor does not get wet. If, on the other hand, you prefer to clean it in the bathroom, you can carry it there to prevent it from spreading possible viruses and bacteria on the floor.
  2. Gently rub your dog's paws with water and dog shampoo. Try not to rub too hard so as not to hurt it.
  3. Then, carefully rub his snout as well. Try not to get soap up his nose, as it might bother him or he might be tempted to lick the soap off.
  4. Then, use a little clean water to remove any remaining soap. If you clean your dog in the driveway, you can keep a bucket of warm water handy.
  5. Finally, with a towel, dry each of the parts of your dog that you have cleaned.

To dry your dog, avoid using dryers or other products that would only damage his skin.

Other hygiene measures after the ride

Other hygiene measures to take into account after walks include the proper handwashing of the person who has taken the dog out. In fact, this manual hygiene, with soap and water and following he alth recommendations, must be done both after and before the walk Handwashing was always recommended after handling the dog. Likewise, their belongings and toys should be cleaned frequently.

If your dog is one of those people who doesn't let his paws be touched, we advise you to read this other article on our site on Why doesn't my dog like to have his paws touched?

How to clean my dog's paws when I get home during confinement? - How to disinfect my dog's paws during confinement?
How to clean my dog's paws when I get home during confinement? - How to disinfect my dog's paws during confinement?

Can I walk my dog if I have coronavirus?

The answer is no People who are positive for the new coronavirus, whether they have symptoms or not, have to stay in confinement to avoid spreading to other people. Likewise, those that have not been tested but show symptoms compatible with SARS-CoV-2 also have to stay indoors. Ideally, in their own home they would be isolated from other members of their family, including pets. Therefore, another person would have to take care of the dog, following the recommendations of the he alth authorities and taking into account how to clean the dog's paws when they get home during quarantine, as we have explained in the previous section.

The problem is that many caregivers are home alone or have no one to turn to to take care of their dog. If for this reason of force majeure a person sick with COVID-19 is forced to take him out for a walk, it is essential that he extreme the hygiene measures spread, that he use mask and do not come into contact with other people. At home, the recommendation is to maintain the same precautions as for people, that is, limit contact and wash hands frequently, especially before and after interacting, as essential, with the dog.
